Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 174: scam

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

The two looked at each other and flew away at the source of the sound.

Song Ningling's consciousness enveloped Baizhang, and within the Baizhang, he saw that Sun Xin was seriously injured, while Lin Suifeng's body beside her broke into two pieces and was dying.

A hundred feet away, in the blink of an eye.

Leng Yuexiao looked around cautiously, Song Ningling's consciousness spread out again, and there was no monk within a hundred feet.

"Who attacked you?" Leng Yuexiao came to Sun Xin.

Sun Xin took the panacea, and then quickly gave Lin Suifeng a panacea.

Song Ning noticed that there was a six-striped path on the pill, and judging from the color and aroma, it should be the precious five-pin pill—Jiangxiu Pill.

"Wang Yi!" Sun Xinbei's teeth clenched and blood oozed out. She looked up at Leng Yuexiao and Song Ning: "I gave you that medicine, but fortunately you didn't eat it."

Leng Yuexiao frowned slightly, and Song Ning was also slightly surprised.

Sun Xin smiled bitterly: "That pill is to harm you, sorry."

Although Song Ning had long known that there was a problem with Sun Xin's panacea, but now Sun Xin spoke out personally, he no longer thought: "I will say after the matter of panacea, is Lin Daoyou still saved?"

At this moment Sun Xin held Lin Suifeng, and a large amount of blood flowed out of Lin Suifeng's mouth, and his vitality was weak.

"Song ... Dao ..."

"Follow the wind, don't talk."

Lin Suifeng was about to open his mouth, and Sun Xin immediately hugged Lin Suifeng tightly and looked like that, just like a Taoist.

Lin Suifeng opened his mouth, blood flowed out, his breath stopped, and there was no vitality.

"Follow the wind!" Sun Xin screamed, tears falling on Lin Suifeng's face.

Although Song Ning and Lin Suifeng didn't have any intersection, after all, it was a kind of understanding. Now that Lin Suifeng is dead, he can't bear it.

"Sun Daoyou, the grief and sorrows change, the top priority is not sorrow, but tell us the whole story." Song Ning said.

Sun Xin whimpered: "It is Wang Yi, Wang Yi promised to give me benefits, let me take those immortals, so that you can lower your cultivation, he can do it for you, but just now he found that you did not take Dan Medicine, so I came to trouble me, I can't argue with him, he actually killed Suifeng, and hurt me. "

Listening to Sun Xin's words, Song Ninggang wanted to step forward to comfort, but was stopped by Leng Yuexiao's voice: "This Sun Xin's speech is half-truth and untrustworthy."

Song Ning stunned and looked around. There were no traces of fighting just around. Sun Xin's words really had a problem.

Sun Xin saw that Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao did not respond, and immediately said: "I had lied to you before, it was my fault, but now I am dead with the wind, and I hate Wang Yi, what I said just now is true . "

Leng Yuexiao said nothing, but Song Ning squatted beside Lin Suifeng: "I and Lin Daoyou used to be in the same door. Now that this happens, I can't do anything. I have a piece of paper on my body, hoping that I can overstep my soul Take your heart a little bit. "

In other words, regardless of Sun Xin's reaction, Song Ning directly posted the 'Revival Talisman' on Lin Suifeng's Yintang. At this time, Sun Xin had got up and stood behind Song Ning.

As soon as this rune paper was attached to Lin Suifeng's Yintang, a ghost image appeared. In the ghost image, Lin Suifeng was still alive. He was walking with Sun Xin. Suddenly, Sun Xin paused. Lin Suifeng asked with a smile, but at this moment, Sun Xin suddenly attacked and cut off Lin Suifeng!

Song Ning's pupils shrank sharply, only to feel a surge of murderous force behind him.

"Song Ning!" Leng Yuexiao's tactics popped up, and an ice wall instantly knotted on Song Ning's back, but the ice wall cracked with a click as soon as the ice wall was knotted, and explored from the cracked ice wall With Sun Xin's hand, the tricks in her hand flicked, as if there were hundreds of sword qi flying out of her fingertips.

Leng Yuexiao successively popped up several tactics, pulling Song Ning to retreat, but at the moment her tactics were just popped out and resisted by another wave of spiritual power. Before her figure quit, she was attacked by two people who appeared suddenly.

Wang Yi, woman in red!

Sun Xin's technique was originally a killing move, powerful enough to seriously injure Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao. Now Leng Yuexiao is being attacked by Wang Yi and the woman in red again. The situation is extremely bad.


Leng Yuexiao fell on Song Ning's body, and Song Ning blinked in front of her, and suddenly exchanged position with the stone at the back ten feet.

At the same time, Sun Xin's hundreds of sword spurs on Leng Yuexiao.


A burst of ice crystals flew, and Leng Yuexiao's ice shield shattered outside. Although the strength of hundreds of sword qi was reduced, it still invaded Leng Yuexiao's body like a gust of wind, and the Luo Luo shattered, and a few appeared on the white skin. Ten wounds, blood oozed out, and the injuries were not light.

However, Leng Yuexiao didn't stop, and when she thought about it, she had to move out.

"The prison of the wind!" The woman in red had already prepared the magic formula, trapping Leng Yuexiao's limbs.

A trace of grief flashed in Wang Yi's eyes, and a palm was shot at Leng Yuexiao: "Although I can't bear it, I can use it even if you are seriously injured."

Lengyue Xiaoling bursts into power and wants to break free, but she can't move at the moment.

Everything just happened at the time of electro-optical stone fire, Song Ning's figure just stood firm, only heard a sound in front of him, Wang Yi's palm broke something, and made a huge noise, but accompanied by the noise, there was Leng Yuexiao Mumbling.

Blood spewed out, and Leng Yuexiao didn't expect the three people to be so attacked. She was dim in front of her, almost fainting, and her body's spiritual power was unstable.

Song Ning shuddered sharply, pointing at the woman in red.

Breaking the air!

Wang Yi turned around and pointed out.

Two extremely fine spiritual forces are transformed into two silk threads. The two silk threads are extremely fast and collide together.

Boom ~

The point-to-point collision caused the face-to-face explosion, and Song Ning was backed up by the wave, and his chest was stuffy.

There was a burst of dust in the bursting center. Song Ning couldn't care about the dust flying, and stepped **** his feet, the rubble shattered into powder, and he rushed forward again.

Wang Yi didn't expect Song Ning's broken fingers to have such power. At the same time he was surprised, he could not help but take a few steps back. The woman in red next to him who controlled Leng Yuexiao flew out of the shock and sighed with blood. Squirting, his eyes were horrified.

"Kill!" Wang Yi swallowed.

Although Leng Yuexiao is out of **** at the moment, Wang Yiyi has exerted a great deal of force just now, coupled with the paralysis of thunder and lightning, she can't move at this moment, and can only watch Wang Yi and Sun Xin attacking Song together. Condensate.

"You are looking for death!" Song Ning looked at Leng Yuexiao who was kneeling on the ground, and took out the Burning Sword from her hands.

Burning the sky!

Wang Yigao smiled. A magic weapon was sacrificed from the storage ring. As soon as this magic weapon appeared, it immediately formed an enchantment and wrapped it around.

Absolutely defensive enchantment.


Burning the sky cut out, the ice flame burned the ground, and the shot fell on the absolute defensive enchantment. However, the enchantment was only trembling, but it did not break. Song Ninghu ’s mouth was numb, and the powerful anti-seismic force made him I couldn't help but take two steps back to make me stand firm.

Song Ning can't see the scene in the enchantment, but can hear Wang Yi's laughter in the enchantment: "Ha ha, ha ha ha, ten breath, ten breath time, you think I turn Xiaoxiao into my plaything, need How much interest? "

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