Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 187: Make a star

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"Several Daoists, may I ask you, in Longyun Guan, there are only five people in this Bai Ting?" Song Ning asked.

Liu Ruyan nodded: "Yes, our Longyun Temple has always been only four people, and Bai Ting is coming, which is only five people."

The doubts in Song Ning's heart are even heavier. These people do not have the previous memories, so they will not understand what is going on in this "real fantasy mode". Fifteen people came here, five monsters, five fairy, five Everyone, but now there is one less person in the fairy, so how to choose in the end, who can survive in the fairy?

In fact, the problem of Song Ning's headache has come. He and Leng Yuexiao are both demons. However, only one person can live in the demo ...

"Song Daoyou, let's go." Liu Ruyan said.

Song Ning nodded. Except Bai Ting, the six of them left for Batu Caves.

On the way, Song Ning asked: "Wang Yi has a defensive magic weapon, ordinary attacks have little effect on him, but Xiao Xiao's Qin Yin is able to hit it hard. He has a ball magic weapon in his hand, which is very powerful, everyone should be careful."

Song Ning told all the people before the battle with Wang Yi in fifteen and ten. Among them, there are those in the late stage of the formation of the Dandan and those in the early stage of the foundation. Naturally, they cannot be taken lightly.

However, when the six of them came outside the Batu Caves, they found that there was no one in the Batu Caves, and Wang Yi disappeared.


In case they were not there, but as they were about to leave, they saw the magic repairer who had fled before.

Leng Yuexiao's spiritual power moved, and before Mo Xiu had time to flee, his legs were blocked by the ice.

"Where is Wang Yi?" Song Ning said.

Moxiu's face was pale: "I, I don't know. I didn't see him when I came back. I really don't know."

Liu Ruyan and others wanted to ask, but they saw that Song Ning just raised his hand, and this magic repair exploded into a blood mist.

"Broken fingers?" Liu Ruyan frowned. Before she saw Song Ning, she discovered that Song Ning was only the initial cultivation base of the foundation, and thought Song Ning was only arrogantly professed to fight Wang Yi. Unilateral abuse, but now seeing Song Ning's hand is a broken finger, she finally understands that Song Ning is not ordinary.

Leng Yuexiao and others didn't expect Song Ning to start directly and looked at Song Ning in confusion.

Song Ning said: "On the same day, this person and another Moxiu intercepted me, helping him to abuse, and committing the same crime."

Several people nodded, without refuting Song Ning.

"Since Wang Yi has escaped, we will temporarily look at Long Yun and wait until that Wang Yi appears, then we will carry out the encirclement and suppression." Liu Ruyan said.

As a result, six people in this line returned to Longyun Temple.

In Longyun's view, it's joyful, and everyone is doing what they should do. Looking at this scene, Song Ning has a strange feeling in his heart.

The woman in red is gone, and Wang Yi is gone. What is going on with these two men?

Well Wang Yida said it was okay, but the woman in red didn't seem to enter this "real fantasy mode" at all.

Under the maple tree.

The red leaves are like fire, falling in twos and threes.

The breeze is like smoke, silky and silky.

The sun sets and the sky glows.

Sitting alone on the bluestone, looking at the colorful clouds, I was sad and sad.

Song Ningdu can't remember how long he has been here because it is too long, and Bai Ting has changed from being young to middle-aged.

The strange thing is that everyone's cultivation practices have not been improved. Even Song Ning, under the red maple tree every day, can't figure it out, and can't figure it out.

He closed his eyes, and the memory in his mind had begun to blur a bit, as if this illusory world was about to replace the real world.

Since this time, he has fully realized the first finger of the broken finger and can display it at will. During this time, he looks at the sunrise and sunset every day. He often flies away from here and wants to look outside. World, but found that it can not fly out.

I've searched all the places around, but I didn't find Wang Yi and the woman in red. They seemed to have disappeared.

In the distance, Leng Yuexiao came.

"Song Ning, what's wrong with you?" Leng Yuexiao asked.

Song Ning slowly shook her head and moved her **** to make room for Leng Yuexiao.

Leng Yuexiao sat on the bluestone and looked down at Song Ning's eyes, watching the beautiful sunset.

"Xiaoxiao, do you like the life here?" Song Ning asked.

Leng Yuexiao is confused: "The life here ... is not true, somehow, I always feel that there is something missing in my life. Recently, this feeling is getting stronger and stronger. There is always a desire to break through this world and leave. The urge here. "

Song Ning is silent. As time goes on, perhaps their memories will be unsealed. If it is really time then ...

At the moment, the old man and the boy are watching outside the paintings of their world. The old man's face is very ugly. He never thought that such a thing would happen.

"Old man, what should I do now? There is something wrong with the real fantasy mode, less than fifteen people, the rules inside ..." Tong Zi asked.

The old man shook his head: "True Fantasy mode, once it is turned on, it cannot be stopped, the rules have changed, and I don't know what will happen, but there is one thing I can be sure of."

"Which point?"

"People in the real fantasy mode will soon recover their memories, by that time ..."

The little boy looked at the picture in front of him and seemed to have seen the scene of their murder.

At that time, even relatives and friends, even old friends, I am afraid that they will not keep their hands. In order to survive, they can only kill others!

In the picture, within that unreal world.

Night fell.

No moon, no stars.

It was dark all over, and only the glimmer from this unknown place could barely see the surroundings.

Song Ning was still sitting on the bluestone, he closed his eyes and meditated.

Leng Yuexiao seemed unable to sleep, came out and sat beside him.

"I always feel that this night sky should not be like this." Leng Yuexiao looked at the night sky, dark and empty.

Song Ning nodded, he waved his hands, and the spiritual power radiated out. These spiritual powers flew into the sky quickly. According to Song Ning's memory, the star map was arranged, imitating the moon.

The night sky was lit up in an instant!

Leng Yuexiao widened her eyes and looked at this different night sky. The gleaming light and the shining crystals made her happy, excited, and excited!

"Song Ning, this, this ..."

"This is the real starry sky, Xiaoxiao, how long will it take for your memory to recover?" Song Ning asked.

Leng Yuexiao frowned, it seemed that there was a memory deep in his mind, but he always missed such an opportunity and couldn't remember it.

"We come from another real world, and now here, it's just illusory, you really want to go back, right?" Song Ning said.

Leng Yuexiao nodded, blankness in her eyes, but what was more intense was desire.

Song Ning looked at Leng Yuexiao's face, her nose sour.

In the past few decades, he has been waiting here. At first, he hoped that there could be a way for everyone to leave safely. Later, he wanted to find Wang Yi first, kill him, and then make plans, but now, Song Ning seems to understand that it is impossible to leave without following the rules of the real fantasy model.

"You want to go back, I will help you ..." Song Ning said lightly.

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