Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 810: Fourth Generation: Rebirth of the Flying Snow Wheel in June

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Song Ning's speed is getting slower and slower, but at this time he is close to the ground in the absolute cold area, but the closer he is to the ground, the more he feels something is wrong.

"How does that seem ..." Song Ning frowned, originally he was descending straight, but at this moment, he suddenly felt as if there was a trace of power calling him, wanting to let him pass, although this is not the first time Came to the absolute cold region, but for the first time approaching the ground, even though your body still feels a bit cold, but still flew in the direction of that force.

Not far ahead, there was a tree, and Song Ning frowned: "Bodhi tree? There is a bodhi tree in this absolutely cold area. Why haven't you heard of this?"

Song Ning looked at the Bodhi Tree, and while he was observing the Bodhi Tree, nine tails suddenly emerged from behind the Bodhi Tree's trunk. Song Ning was shocked and immediately wanted to retreat, and immediately saw a nine The tail fox came out.

"You, you ..." Song Ning was speechless in surprise: "Nine Tail Ice Fox?"

"Song Ning ..." Jiuwei Fox was shocked. He didn't even know how long he had practiced here, whether he had undergone reincarnation. At this moment, if she had seen Song Ning with her own eyes, she might not even know that it was already Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao's fourth marriage.

"Do you know me?" Song Ning surprised.

"I know, I don't know." She said, her body flashing backwards, standing in front of an ice sculpture.

Song Ning's eyes fell on the ice sculpture. For a moment, he even felt like he was carved by the ice sculpture.

"This ice sculpture ... how ... how does it feel so familiar?" Song Ning moved forward slowly, he was surprised to find that the closer he was to the ice sculpture, the higher the temperature of his whole body was, as if it were flames inside the ice sculpture. .

"This ice sculpture ..." Song Ning couldn't help but stretch out his hand, and his fingertips lightly touched the ice sculpture, and found that the ice sculpture did not melt. At the same time, a trace of temperature poured into his fingertips.

Song Ning stepped back and forth: "Why do I think this ice sculpture is familiar? Who is this sculpture?"

"She ... is Leng Yuexiao." This nine-tailed fox is Xiao Ke. Between Xiao Ke's speeches, her body jumped and disappeared above the ice. When she disappeared, she slowly said: "Scorching flames. The ice sculptures can be broken, and there is still snow in June.

Song Ning didn't care about Xiao Ke's words. At this time, his eyes fell tightly on the ice sculpture. In a trance, the ice sculpture seemed to become a person. He seemed to see a woman opening her hands and waiting for her lover. Come hug.

He saw a drop of ice in the corner of the ice sculpture, as if it were teardrops.

"The engraving is so beautiful, is it true that the real person is frozen?" Song Ning suddenly had Weng Ran in his head, thinking of what he said when Xiao Ke left.

"The sky is burning, the ice sculptures can be broken, and there is still snow in June, and life is still there."

I don't care about the second half of the sentence. The first half of the sentence alone shows that this ice sculpture can be broken if it's in the flames.

"If it is just an ice sculpture, what will happen after it is broken? This ice sculpture is wonderful, as if it were a real person. If it is broken, will it be an individual?" Song Ning, after having such a bold idea, even himself I feel like I am talking about dreams.

But after a while, Song Ning hesitated again. If this ice sculpture is a real person, what would be the beauty of the woman inside the ice sculpture?

He is not a prodigal prodigal son, nor is he greedy for beauty, but he always feels that there is a wave of calls for help and calls in the ice sculpture. If he lives in this ice sculpture, then he will not take the ice sculpture back if he is afraid This ice sculpture cannot live forever.

So, Song Ning spread his arms and hugged the ice sculpture directly.

What surprised Song Ning was that there was no ice power in this ice sculpture. He easily picked up the ice sculpture. At this moment, he could even feel that the ice sculpture also hugged him.

Back when the flames were burning, everyone thought Song Ning was crazy.

Fortunately, Song Ning lived alone. He placed the ice sculpture in his yard and watched it every day. He found that the ice sculpture actually started to melt. Although the melting speed was extremely slow, he could find that the ice sculpture after the melting became more and more Like a real person.

"What happens after it melts?" Song Ning thought, a little excited and worried.

That night, Song Ning was lying in bed, unable to sleep at night, and tossing and turning, but when he was tossing and turning, he suddenly heard something moving in the courtyard.

It was quiet at night, there should have been no sound, and no strangers would patronize your yard all the year round. How could there be movement today?

Is it true that the ice sculpture has become a human? !

Song Ning got up in amazement and walked into the yard. However, when he came to the yard, he only found a nine-tailed fox covered with water and extremely embarrassed standing next to the ice sculpture.

The fairy fox exists in the absolute cold region, but it is the ice fox. It crosses the scorching cold line and comes to the scorching sky. The damage it has suffered is many times that of the human monk.

"Nine-tailed fox, why are you ..."

"June blizzard, life still exists! If June blizzard, this ice sculpture can still survive after melting!"

At the end of the conversation, Xiao Ke turned and went away, but at this time she had reached the limit. At the moment of crossing the hot line, her entire body turned into ice crystals and died!

Song Ning did not know that Xiao Ke was risking his life to convey the message, but after hearing this, he was convinced.

The ice sculpture is constantly melting, more and more like a real person, and Song Ning also believes more in Song Ning's words.

"June Feixue, that is ... Absolutely cold area technique, can I also learn?" Song Ning glanced at the ice sculpture in the courtyard.

This ice sculpture is melting more and more. If you look at it from a distance, it looks like a person.

"A woman of such a peerless face, if she really turns into a person, must protect her, June Feixue ... I will go to find the magic method." Song Ning thought, turned away.

It took him half a year to finally find this technique in the absolute cold area, but in order to be able to perform in the burning sun, he could only return to the burning sun to practice.

Time passed a little bit.

Ice sculptures are melting more and more.

One year.

Two years ...

Five years.

ten years!

After decades passed, Song Ning began to become irritable. In June, he snowed. After decades, he still failed to practice. In this scorching sky, once the snow falls, it will be melted immediately.

At this time, the ice sculpture standing in the courtyard of Song Ning can be seen as a real person, but at this moment, she still did not wake up.

She has body temperature, breathing, heartbeat, and even a trace of power fluctuations in her body. But the tears that remained in the corner of her eyes never fell ...

[The author's digression]: 3/5

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