Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 861: Xiaofen reproduction

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The eyes of Xuan Bing's eyes couldn't help twitching. At the moment, most of the people present were convinced by Song Ning's domineering power, and the purification demon blazes in front of her. Even Xuan Bing Tian Nu didn't dare to talk too much, remembering Song Ning's background, Now everyone thinks that Song Ning's speech is dependent on it.

Song Ning narrowed his eyes and looked at these people: "I'm sorry, I want to add one more thing. If war breaks out in this orchid continent one day, no one from outside the country will be allowed to enter our country."

Song Ning suddenly came out with such a sentence, and everyone heard that Youlan Continent might break out at any time, which made people feel terrified. The banquet, now turned into Song Ning a virtual fairy monk ' Bullying the meeting place of hundreds of Jinxian monks.

However, the most happy thing at the moment is Lin Zhendong. He has always advocated that there is no seal for purifying demon inflammation. As long as there is no seal for purifying demon inflammation, then even if any war broke out, everything is easy to handle.

"Song Ning is right. Purifying Yaoyan should not be sealed. Do you think, if Song Ning wants to kill people, do you still need to purify Yaoyan? The existence of purifying Yaoyan is a protection for our entire Orchid Continent. "Lin Zhendong got up and said.

In this way, everyone thinks that this is the case. When Song Ning thought about it, burning Tianjian would be able to directly kill a five-turn golden fairy. Song Ning really wanted to kill people without purifying the monster flame, and this purifying monster flame Existence makes it a guarantee.

However, those who have this kind of thought in their hearts are basically five-to-six-turn or even seven-turn Golden Immortals. As for the Golden Immortals above Seven Turns, they still hope that this purifying demon inflammation will be sealed. Very large, but they may not be able to kill them, but in the face of purifying demon inflammation, they really do not have any confidence.

Purifying Yaoyan is rumored to be a god, but no one knows what it is like. Now, Purifying Yaoyan is placed in front of Song Ning, but no one rushes to touch it, even if Xuan Bingtian female thinks that the speed may be Faster than Song Ning, but he didn't want to purify demon inflammation or attack Song Ning.

She doesn't want to die either.

"I think the master is right, purifying the demon flames is not impossible, and what the master says, we all have to execute." This is actually common.

It was common among the first monks of Luoyu Kingdom before, although he was not the leader, but he did not leave from Luoyu Kingdom. Now it is a kind of loyalty to stand up and speak, and now it is already a five-turn golden fairy. They all rely on Song Ning's elixir.

Since someone was speaking, and the forces of Lin Zhendong's line directly expressed their support for Song Ning, the remaining Jinxian naturally turned to this side, and for a moment, the side of Xuan Bing Tiannv appeared weak.

"Is the banquet ready? If not, I will leave." Song Ning said as she got up.

"Go to the banquet!" Lin Zhendong shouted immediately.

As soon as the voice fell, music suddenly sounded within the entire hall. This sound was extremely soft, and it seemed to be played with Guqin. It was Song Ning's favorite. From the entrance of the main hall, there were a lot of women wearing extremely **** clothes. In Wonderland cultivation, the satin satin on the body is just able to cover the body just now.

They floated into the main hall in two rows, dancing gracefully, and holding a jade plate in their hands. The jade plate was placed on the Baizhang long table, and the movement was soft and eye-catching. In the soft tone, it added a little fragrance. .

This scene was unexpected by Song Ning, but a lot of Jinxian who appeared on the scene seemed to behave as if they had known this for a long time, not too emotionally.

The wine and vegetables were placed on the table, and a woman stood in the middle of every two golden fairies. The woman picked up the jug and poured wine for them, and even the golden fairies hugged the woman beside him, holding the delicate The waist is kneaded in the hands.

The woman beside Song Ning was about to pick up the jug to pour wine, but suddenly a figure emerged from Song Ning's storage ring. The figure was full of shame, and the woman almost screamed and shattered the hip flask in her hand. .

"You can go, master's wine, I will pour it." She is Xiao Burn.

At this time, everyone felt a little strange. This little burning appeared now, which was different from the previous one, and she was slightly swaying at this time, and her whole body suddenly dissipated. She originally wore a dark blue robe, but In the blink of an eye, a half of Luya's body was clear and half-covered, and vaguely, it seemed to be a dress specially changed for Song Ning.

"Song Tao is friendly and blessed, even the sword spirit that burns the sky sword is so loyal to you." A four-turn golden fairy was closer to Song Ning. When he saw this scene, he immediately spoke.

He wanted to please Song Ning, but he didn't expect that he not only pleased Song Ning, but also attracted the cold eyes of Xiao Fen.

Xiao Pun poured wine to Song Ning, and said softly, "This monk, I remember you. Be careful when you speak next time, lest you lose your sentence."

Xiao Fen's voice is very soft and sounds very comfortable, but what he said was so terrified that the four-turn Jinxian was cold and sweaty. Just now he was wrong, and the meaning between the words is not Shouldn't Xiaofen be so faithful?

Song Ning did not care about this matter, only after Xiaofen poured wine, he raised his glass: "Since you are giving face to you today, after listening to Song Mou's words, and willing to help Song Mou to execute, then this glass of wine, I will do it first Now. "

Everyone smiled bitterly in their hearts. Who dare not listen to you, and who dares to oppose you? Isn't your direct blood spatter on the spot against you? The golden fairy, which was divided into two halves, is still there. Song Ning didn't speak, and no one even dared to touch it.

Everyone quickly toasted and had a drink with Song Ning, but then Lin Zhendong shouted: "Who is so blind, do not prepare a chair for Xiao Burning Sword Spirit?"

The golden fairy became aware of it, and they immediately took the chair to the side of Xiaofen, but they just had to move, and they saw that Xiaofen's eyes became cold and his voice became cold.

"If I want to sit, do you need you to prepare a chair for me?"

Everyone was stunned, and then Xiao Hun's cold hum continued: "My master is sitting. Since it is a banquet, I will stand by and serve so that I can be a servant."

The voice fell, and I only heard a bang, usually popping directly from the seat. He picked up the wine glass, picked up the jug and walked towards Song Ning.

Song Ning showed a wry smile, but was amused by this little burnt.

"Common, sit back and drink with peace of mind."

Song Ning said this, it was common to pause, turned back, and said in his mouth: "Yes, Master."

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