Eternal Tranquility

Chapter 273 Finding the Way

Liu Qinghuan asked the little hoofed horned beast to stop and looked at him from a distance without getting closer.

Five more people emerged from the houses behind the man, all looking at him.

Liu Qinghuan was also looking at these people. Six people, four men and two women, all mid- to late-stage foundation-building monks.

"Don't be afraid, fellow Taoist, we don't have any ill intentions." The monk who first appeared said, "We all met temporarily. We all couldn't find a way to enter Tainan, so we got together to discuss."

"Really?" Liu Qinghuan stood still: "Do you have any clues?"

The other party spread his hands: "Not yet, that's why we need to pool our thoughts."

Liu Qinghuan snorted and said, "Me neither. But I'm really sorry, I'm used to walking alone."

Several people on the other side looked at each other, and the man smiled and said, "This is voluntary. If fellow Taoists don't want to wait with me, we won't stop them."

Liu Qinghuan cupped his hands and asked the little horned beast to change direction, but his spiritual consciousness kept paying attention to the movements of those people.

I saw a few people gathering together to whisper, and then a veiled female cultivator flew out and chased after them quickly.

A golden lotus flower instantly appeared in Liu Qinghuan's hand. He stopped and turned to look at her warily.

The female cultivator let out a laugh like a string of silver bells, and her beautiful eyes were as bright as pearls: "Fellow Taoist, this little beast of yours looks very familiar."

Liu Qinghuan was stunned. This woman's face cannot be seen clearly. She is wearing an exquisite and graceful pink palace dress, and her body is even more slender and fit. The clouds hanging high on the temples are decorated with pearls and emeralds, making her look extremely beautiful and elegant.

He could count the number of female cultivators he knew in Sao Feng Continent on one hand. He turned his eyes and asked tentatively: "Lele?"

The female cultivator rolled her eyes, pulled off the feather veil covering her face, and said charmingly: "It's not funny, I recognized it right away!"

Liu Qinghuan's eyes widened. The woman in front of him had a small and perfect oval-seed face, her smart eyes were flowing, her fine eyelashes were lightly fluttering as if butterfly feathers were fluttering, and the corners of her slightly raised mouth had a hint of naughtiness. Her whole person was like A peony flower in bud is beautiful but not enchanting, gorgeous but not vulgar, bright and bright.

But I saw her inserting her waist, pointing at Liu Qinghuan and shouting: "Liu Qinghuan, what kind of appearance are you in? If I hadn't seen your little beast, I wouldn't have known it was you."

Liu Qinghuan now had the appearance of a dark-faced middle-aged man. He wiped his face and asked, "Why are you here? Where is your senior brother?"

The two of them walked side by side, and Lele also summoned her big golden bird to ride on it: "Yan Mutou and I got separated not long after we entered the Sea of ​​Howling Wind. Who knows where he is now. I entered the Great Sea." After going to the Southern Land, I wandered around, and then I met those people yesterday, and I had to get together to discuss it. Ha, if it weren't for boredom, I wouldn't be bothered to get together with them. "

Although her appearance has changed, Lele still loves to talk and laugh and talk non-stop.

The two of them flew aimlessly around the grassland, and Liu Qinghuan found nothing.

"Liu Qinghuan, are you looking for a way into Tainan?"

"Otherwise?" Liu Qinghuan was speechless: "Do you think I'm taking a walk?"

Lele came over mysteriously, with a sly smile on her face: "Why don't you ask me, I know."

Liu Qinghuan looked at her in surprise: "You know?"

"Of course!" Lele shook her head, with an expression like "please come and beg me."

Liu Qinghuan reluctantly held up her hands: "Sister-in-law, could you please tell me how to enter Tainan?"

Lele let out a string of clear and proud laughter, and then whispered: "We are looking for a lake. There is a red mulberry forest beside the lake, and there is a cave inside."


In this land of Tainan, there are red mulberry trees everywhere, and there are many lakes. This area is too big.

"that's all?"


"How big is the lake?"

"'s just as big as an average lake."

"Do you have any specific directions?"

"Just in this area to the northwest."

"Where did you get this news?"

"My father told me." Lele replied, blinking her beautiful eyes.

Well, since it was Zhenjun Penghua who said it, it must be right. At least there is a scope.

But obviously not on the grassland, Liu Qinghuan took Lele, who was as leisurely as shopping, back to the mountains.

With a goal in mind, the two of them moved very quickly. The lakes in the mountains and forests are very conspicuous, like sapphires in a sea of ​​green. Every time they pass a lake next to red mulberry trees, they go down to investigate.

Of course, it was mainly Liu Qinghuan who came to see them. Lele was obviously uninterested and only focused on sightseeing and enjoying the scenery, but his love for watching the fun has not changed at all.

As soon as Liu Qinghuan finished exploring a lake, Lele rushed over and said, "Liu Qinghuan, there's a fight over there!"

Liu Qinghuan looked in the direction she was pointing and saw several people fighting on a rocky beach.

"Come on, let's go take a look."

Liu Qinghuan quickly grabbed her and said, "When others are fighting, if we watch from the sidelines, it will easily cause misunderstandings."

Seeing the little girl pouting unhappily, he quickly said: "Just watch it here, you can still see it anyway."

Lele tilted her head and thought for a while, but finally didn't insist on going there. Even so, she watched it with gusto.

Liu Qinghuan's eyes also fell on the people fighting in the melee. There were three people on each side. Spells and magic weapons flew together, and the fight was very fierce.

One of them was a fire cultivator, and the flames shot out from his hand, igniting the red mulberry trees around the rocky beach.

The battle was gradually coming to an end. The fire monks finally killed three of the other party, and one on their own side also died. The fire monk glanced at Liu Qinghuan and Lele from a distance. Seeing that they were not passing, the two picked up each other's storage bags and quickly disappeared into the horizon.

Lele greeted: "Liu Qinghuan, let's go."

Liu Qinghuan nodded casually, but still looked over there: "Tell me, was there a lake there before?"

"Huh?" Lele looked carefully: "It seems so, but it's dried up."

"Come on, let's go over and take a look."

The two flew over and landed on the rocky beach. The terrain here is lower than the surrounding areas, and it is adjacent to a hill. Those red mulberry trees are still burning, and their range is gradually expanding.

Lele summoned a water dragon to put out the fire, and said grunting: "Really, what if the whole mountain is burned down? These people just left after the fight without knowing the aftermath! Oh, there is a hole there."

There used to be dense weeds growing at the bottom of the hill, but now it was burned by fire and watered, revealing a dark hole.

Liu Qing said with a smile: "It's really hard to find anywhere, it doesn't take any effort to get here. It seems like this is it."

The two of them walked over and saw that the opening of the hole was very small, allowing only a half-crouched person to enter. After entering for a while, it becomes more and more spacious. It's very dry inside and not stuffy.

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