Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 151 Biological Viruses

Destroying a world is what wizards are good at.

From the books collected by Nick, the real spirit of the Four Rings, there are many processes for wizards to conquer the world. Among them is a set of processes about how to destroy different worlds, including the collapse of continental plates, rule traps, virus spread, and cutting off the source of blood. Eli was deeply impressed by the causal replacement and so on.

Since it's going to be destroyed, there's no need to care about it. It's better to be more ruthless. Eli's idea is to develop the virus.

By making the right virus, spreading it first, letting them break out at the right time, creating chaos, that's Eli's basic idea.

As for how to do the virus, Eli also had some ideas.

That is based on a certain virus, and then modify it.

Of course, the biggest problem now is how the virus came from, and where is the place with the most viruses in the entire camp. Coincidentally, it is all in his place.

It is the Ministry of Magic Plants.

As the department for planting magic plants, the Ministry of Magic Plants will have viruses that contaminate plants or viruses that plants are often infected with every few years, just like the kind of bugs that happened more than ten years ago.

After the general department solves it, they will keep a part of it for preservation, not for research, but for convenience if they encounter the same good solution in the future.

Therefore, Eli soon found Rona.

"Ronna, go and help me find all the viruses in the Magic Plant Department." Eli sat on the chair and said calmly.

"My lord, this is not allowed!" Rona exclaimed: "All viruses are very dangerous, and some viruses are completely resolved by accident. If they are accidentally released, it will cause great damage to the camp. , unless you have the badge of the battalion commander, minister, otherwise it will not work." Rona said hastily.

"Is that so?" Eli nodded, motioning for Rona to leave.

After Rona left, he quickly went to Kratos.

"My lord, I need your order, I need the virus inventory of the Ministry of Magic Plants." Eli lost.

"Okay." Kratos directly agreed. Now is an extraordinary period. Besides relying on others, there are more people who are already taking action. The work of Eli and the others is also very important, so he will do his best to satisfy.

Soon, Eli, with Kratos' order, returned to the department again.

Rona, who knew that Kratos had agreed, was surprised and couldn't believe it.

"Let's go, our time is also very tight." Eli glanced at Rhona.

"Good minister." Rona nodded, puzzled.

Soon, Eli was led to a building.

It looks like a pitch-black tower, and the body of the tower is covered with various plants, but when Eli walks inside, he finds that there is actually a staircase extending downward.

"My lord, all the dangerous things in the camp are kept here." Rona introduced.


Rona lit the element lamps on the side, and the dim lights lit up one by one, illuminating the path of the stairs for Eli. After looking at the bottom of the tower, which was estimated to be tens of meters deep, Eli walked down.

A few minutes later, the two arrived at the bottom of the tower.

At the bottom is a huge space, and there are several doors inside. Two warlocks are guarding the door. They are all zero-ring warlocks with firm eyes.

After showing Kratos' token, the two guards opened one of the stone gates.

"My lord, I won't go in here." Rona glanced inside, his throat moved slightly.

Eli also looked in. It was a small room with only one shelf. There were several bottles and cans on the shelf. Inside were mostly dark or green substances. One of the bottles seemed to contain According to the leak, the surrounding area is covered with green mold spots, as well as cobwebs and so on.

"Are there only ten kinds?" Eli glanced at the bottle above and walked in, while Rona stood outside the door in fear.

Eli took out a rectangular box, opened it, and under the control of mental power, the ten bottles slowly flew up one by one into the box, and the box closed again.

This goal has been accomplished.

With the box in hand, Eli walked out the gate.

"Let's go." After greeting Rona, Eli left first.

On the other hand, Rona looked at Eli with trepidation, his heart was already in his throat, my God, what is the minister doing to take away so many viruses?

Do you want to destroy the camp?


A month passed in the blink of an eye.

in the lab.

On the large clean white table, ten mediums were lined up, and all of them were viruses brought up by Eli from the bottom of the tower.

Eli sat in protection and observed ten viruses in turn. After a month of cultivation, he needed to make a preliminary choice.

"This dependence on the environment is too weak, and it is estimated that it will not be able to expand the scope too much."

"This doesn't work either. The contagion is too rubbish. It can destroy a small town at most."

"It's okay, but the outbreak period is too short, it's not suitable."


"It's about the same."

Eli observed them one by one, numbering each one, and finally, number one, number five, and number six stood out.

However, the strength of these viruses in Eli is far from enough. Eli took a deep breath and decided to add some other things to these viruses.

The operation started again, and the laboratory was completely sterilized at this time, and Eli continued to ensure that the contents inside would not be leaked out, otherwise the secret realm would be in trouble.


Another month later.

"No. 1's fecundity is too strong, it needs to be properly weakened, and the pollution is not enough."

"No. 5 seems to have an appeal to apprentices. Is it so awesome? It needs to be studied."

"Number 6 pulled it. I made a wrong choice at the beginning, but it will detonate when it encounters a strong spiritual power during the incubation period. It's not bad. Maybe I can use it to detonate it remotely when the time comes, so I don't need to enter the battlefield in person."

The research work is getting more and more pressing. On the other hand, Eli doesn't know if it's an illusion, but the environment around the camp has become a little tense.

Kratos went out for a trip and brought back a lot of people, and all the resources in the camp were being tightened up. Even the Magic Plant Department began to harvest ahead of schedule, and the Potion Department was suddenly asked to work overtime.

Under Kratos' will, the low-level rhythm of the camp suddenly accelerated, but there were only camp personnel, and the outsiders didn't feel anything, and lived normally.

In their eyes, this is just a camp, a place where everyone gathers and communicates. It belongs to the Shadow Monitor Warlock Academy. Whether the battalion commander is Kratos has nothing to do with them. Maybe Kratos will lose his backer one day. The camp may It has nothing to do with him.

Lai felt that this might also be one of the reasons why Kratos wanted to form a force.

A college is a college, and you are yourself, and only your own is the most reliable.

Eli expressed his support. If it succeeds, it will be very different for Eli. If it fails, the problem is actually not that big. At that time, it will be a big deal to change its face and join other forces. These are small problems.

But after all, no one wants to fail, so he focused more on the virus.


Another half month passed.

In the laboratory, Eli looked at the only remaining No. 1 virus with a smile on his lips.

It worked.

In the past three months, I have only rested for a few days, but the effect is remarkable.

This virus is a fungal virus with a long incubation period, but it can explode at any time as long as there is a lot of mental power. The most interesting thing is that it is also infectious to apprentices, and it is a truly powerful virus.

The only pity is that its lifespan is very short, but it is also good to avoid its large-scale spread at that time.

"Almost." Looking at the virus, Eli nodded.

With this, it is much easier to cause damage. Instead of causing small-scale damage one by one, it is better to have a big one. Although this virus is ineffective against the first ring, even the zero ring is already very ruthless virus.

"Hey, I'm still too kind and shortened my life on purpose, or else... tsk tsk tsk!" Eli shook his head. As far as warlocks are concerned, I don't know how long it will take to develop countermeasures. When they can solve it on their own , It is estimated that the war is almost over.

At this time, the time of three months is getting closer and closer.

Eli also started to collect supplies. The wizard relics processing department directly packed away the things, and the magic plant department also took away items worth thousands of magic stones, and replaced them with various needed resources.

By the time everything was over, half a month had passed.


"It's almost time, you should leave too."

"The time for the start of the war has also been determined, which is one and a half months later, so if you want to arrange it in advance, you should leave quickly." Kratos looked at the three of them seriously.

"Hmm." Rawls nodded, showing a confident smile.

He has made a big deal in the past three months, and if you don't believe it, he still can't handle Eli.

"We're about to leave now." Evna and Eli had naturally made the best preparations.

"When the time comes to contact me with the token, I still have something to do here, so I won't keep you guys."

After simple instructions, Eli left with the map of the Shadow Monitor Lizard Warlock Academy. He returned home directly, made sure everything was taken away, and left.

On the way, Eli met Alice.

"My lord, do you want to leave?" Alice looked curiously at Eli who was ready to go, and asked curiously.

"Yeah." Eli nodded. This girl has known him for many years and has been growing up in the camp. Unfortunately, she didn't know that the camp was almost gone.

"Alice, if possible, I suggest going out more recently." Eli suggested, this is already the limit of what he can say.

"Let's go for a walk? Did something happen?" Alice frowned, not understanding the meaning, and was just about to ask, but found that Eli had already walked outside along the main road.

"Baffling!" Alice blinked.

But it seems that going out to play recently is also very good. It just so happens that she feels that the camp is a bit stuffy recently, which gives her the feeling of oppression before the storm.

very strange.

Now that Eli said, let's go for a walk.

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