Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 195 Joint cleanup, eight second-ring limits

big trouble?

Everyone looked at each other and looked at Kratos, wondering what happened.

Eli also frowned, with some doubts.

"Well, the latest news I just received today is that Hessota is now free, and is going to deal with the south of the west coast, and we are among them!" Kratos sighed.

"Heiso Tower?" Many councilors were shocked, that is a force with the third ring, if the third ring really comes, even all of them can't beat it!

"Of course, it is impossible for Hessota's third ring to make a move!" Kratos stretched out his hand, motioning for everyone to calm down, and continued: "This time they don't intend to make a direct move, but the combination of the five forces will Let's clean it up, then deal with the House of the Undead, and finally unite all forces to deal with the Tower of Blood." Kratos said calmly.

hiss! ! !

Hearing this, the others gasped.

The purpose of this plan is undoubtedly to deal with the Bloodline Tower, and they are just stumbling blocks on the road that need to be cleared, and they have been subject to unwarranted disasters.

"Then, my lord, how did you know about this plan?" Someone asked.

"You don't need to know this, but the alliance they formed has already started to act, and many small forces have been wiped out along the way." Kratos sighed.

The entire council fell silent for a moment.

Eli frowned, if this is the case, then it will be troublesome!

Although the White Tower is developing well, but a hundred years ago, any of those forces was a big power in the south of the west coast, which is comparable to the White Tower. No wonder everyone was silent.

Because in their view, this was a hopeless battle.

But when it comes to running, where can they go? The entire southern part of the west coast is this big, and cultivation can’t be done by oneself alone. If there is no force to continuously provide resources for promotion, it may be a disaster.

"There is another bad news. They have come out in full force this time. They have already reached a distance of several hundred kilometers north of the White Tower. It is estimated that they will be here in two days." Kratos said another bad news.

"It's over!"

Some councilors gritted their teeth and closed their eyes.

"Do you want to leave here?" Rawls also frowned and asked Kratos.

"I can't run away. They are casting a net downward. This time they want to search for all the southern forces. There is no force to avoid, unless you leave the west coast directly by boat, but the Endless Sea is a more dangerous place." Kratos thought for a while, then shook his head and refused.

"Heman, what do you think?" After speaking, Kratos looked at Eli, and found that he had actually taken out the dice at this time.

It's like playing.

Everyone frowned when they saw this scene, Laurent was even more disgusted, what time was it, Kratos didn't respond, and looked forward to Eli's answer.

"How many are there?" Eli asked, playing with the dice

"At present, judging from the remaining warlocks of other forces, it seems that there are eight or nine second-level limit, and then there are a large number of second-level wizards, and there are first-level and apprentices."

"However, most of the general second ring will beheaded first, and the rest will come later, so we should first face a beheading team composed of five or six or seven or eight second ring limits." Kuito Si's tone became more and more serious.

The White Tower currently has four second-ring limits, namely Kratos, Laurent, Rawls, and Herman.

At this time, he is already old, and his combat power is equivalent to that of the late stage of the second ring. Of course, if he breaks out desperately, he may be able to fight to the limit, and then Rawls and Laurent will each have one. Even if Herman can fight two, there are still three or four. Well, what do they do to stop it.

"Is there any way?" Kratos asked, he understood Herman's strength.

"Five or six? Seven or eight?"

Everyone stared at Eli, only to see that he had thrown the dice. Staring at the dice, everyone was puzzled. Rawls looked at the dice and Eli.

"Pretending to be a ghost!" Laurent said, casting a glance at Eli.

Although his voice was low, everyone else heard it, and they were a little surprised that Laurent and Herman actually contradicted each other. It was at this time, so internal fighting would not break out, and the situation would be even worse.

At this point the dice also stopped.


As soon as the dice stopped, Eli moved too. He put away the dice, then raised his head:

"It's enough to prepare for defense normally, and I will do it when the time comes!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

The White Tower is already one of the forces in his hands, and it provides him with a lot of resources every year. If it is destroyed like this, it would be too hasty, and the fate dice has already given a very positive answer.


Seeing the back of Eli leaving, everyone was dumbfounded.

Rawls gasped, it was such a familiar feeling.

The corner of Laurent's mouth twitched. Anyway, he is also at the limit of the second ring. Eli doesn't take him seriously at all. Why don't you be so crazy!

Others were also a little dissatisfied. They were not from the previous class, and they hadn't seen how Eli saved the White Tower. They just thought he was putting on airs with his past achievements.

"Hey, this Blacksota joint force is not comparable to the Ten Thousand Blood Alliance that has been around for more than a hundred years. Herman is a bit arrogant."

"Indeed, this honorary title only happened when the White Tower was still weak."

"Times have changed, but he is still stuck in the past."

Some councilors were talking about it, but Laurent slapped the table directly: "It's crazy!!"

The crowd is passionate.

"Uh." Suddenly, someone spoke at this time, and everyone looked over to see Rawls, and he said with an embarrassed face: "Although I don't want to say it, but according to my understanding of Herman.

He's not crazy, it's just that he never puts you in his eyes. "

Everyone: ...

"Indeed." Rose thoughtfully added.

Everyone was silent for a moment, what the hell.

Kratos covered his face. Rawls and Ross are undoubtedly on Herman's side, but the others may not necessarily come. He is old and many things are not convenient.

"Hmph!" The corner of Laurent's mouth twitched, as if he wanted to say something, but he held back, turned and left.

This force is hopeless.

Looks like there's another way out.

The others looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Since the chat is over, let's go and prepare to defend." Kratos sighed and dismissed the meeting.


A day passed in the blink of an eye.

The action of the alliance forces under Heisuo Tower did not hide, so it spread throughout the entire White Tower that day, which made everyone suddenly fall into panic.

Many warlocks feel that there is no hope at all, and many warlocks run away directly, and some directly choose to lie flat and give up resistance. The White Tower strictly prohibits such behavior.

Of course, the White Tower officials also took measures. Kratos summoned most of the warlocks in the sphere of influence that day, and built a line of defense overnight to block the enemy's attack.

As for most of the high-level officials, they were also summoned and joined the defense line.

Escaping will only lead to faster death, but if you are in a group, then there is still a glimmer of hope for survival. The only thing that surprised everyone is that two people did not come.

Hermann and Laurent.

Laurent didn't know where to go after yesterday, while Herman was still leisurely staying in the Black Tower. According to people, he was still patrolling in the Black Tower as usual this morning, which made everyone There was silence.

What the hell.

Everyone is nervous to meet the strong enemy, you go to work as usual?

This also made many people feel a little disappointed with Eli, thinking that the former honorary councilor was just afraid, and used his work as a prevarication. This reason was still believed by many people.

A day flies by in the blink of an eye.

The people of the Hessota coalition forces are also getting closer, which makes the atmosphere even more tense.

According to the spies, the decapitation team has already set off, directly dispatching eight second-ring limits, a bunch of second-rings for cover, and a first-ring. The arrival of this news made everyone feel a little desperate.

How could they resist it.

In the Black Tower Prison, Master Yi, who had finished his day's work, locked the gate tower, and then quickly flew towards the front line.

After absorbing this wave, the mental power should reach 200.

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