Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 200 Obstacles to advance to the third level, reactions from all parties

The new calendar is 3510 years.

In the southern part of the West Coast, the White Tower defeated the Warlocks of the Black Sotar Alliance.

Once the news came out, the entire south of Hessota and some forces in the middle were shocked.


"It's okay, big win."

The next day, Eli who received the news in the black tower nodded.

He has done that. If the White Tower can't defeat them, then the White Tower can simply be disbanded. Of course, defeating the alliance is nothing. For Eli, there is more to think about.

For example, how should the White Tower develop in the future, the changes brought about by the reaction of the Black Tower, etc., and what should Eli do!

"The most important thing is the reaction of Hessota. They have three rings, and this is not something I can deal with." He fell into thought.

He can be said to be truly invincible in the second ring now, even if it is another race, Eli doesn't think he will lose, but he is not proud, because there is still a third ring!

The third ring and the second ring are different.

Eli's mind came up with the third ring from Nick and other collected information. Its powerful foundation and the second ring are two dimensions, and there is no comparison.

There are two reasons for this. One is that the fusion of magic power and spiritual power will be carried out when advancing to the third ring. It can be said that it is another kind of substance. Pure quality and finesse have been greatly improved.

Another reason is that advancing to the third-ring wizard will also achieve a preliminary understanding of nature, or in other words, communication. Once this barrier is broken, it will be improved even more than the first one.

If the wizard used the magic power in his body to fight before, then he can communicate with the outside world and directly mobilize the huge elemental power from the outside world. The difference in the number may directly reach several times, dozens of times. Terrible gap.

Warlocks are similar, they can also mobilize more power from nature, and the essential power of blood is much stronger.

So what Eli is most worried about now is that the third ring of the Black Tower is coming straight to the White Tower, so he will definitely run away. After all, if the White Tower is gone, it will be gone. Now he has three forces. It is hard to lose one, but It is also acceptable.

"However, Hesso Tower is restrained by the Bloodline Tower. It should not be a big problem, and it is unlikely to run here." Eli thought, and then threw the fate dice.

The three rings of Blackshort will come within ten years.

two o'clock.

"Two points, it's okay. It seems unlikely." Eli's heart relaxed a little, but he couldn't relax too much. After all, the stronger the ability to predict, the more inaccurate the prediction will be.

"So..." Eli pursed his lips, and decided to go to the wizard camp to avoid it in a few days.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

The distance to the third ring is getting closer and closer, so Eli has to be careful.

Speaking of advancing to the third ring, in fact, he has been preparing for this matter for a long time.

Although there is no promotion information for a warlock, Eli does not intend to advance through the method of a warlock, but insists on taking the path of a wizard, which cannot be changed.

To advance to the third ring, not only the materials needed, but also various aids from the witch formation, as well as a large number of soul crystals, and secondly, a precious third ring potion.

Soul Melting Potion.

The effect is that it can provide protection and lubrication when the magic power and spiritual power are fused, and it can also prevent the soul from being damaged when it fails. After all, advancing is a very dangerous thing.

Backed by the three forces, he has already prepared most of the resources. Only there is a problem with the soul melting potion, and there are still three kinds of magic plants that have not been found.

They are Fear Beech, Human Face Flower, and Water Elemental Fruit!

The first two are magic plants of the second ring, and the latter is the magic plant of the third ring, and it is also a very precious part of the third ring.

Fear beech and human face flower have been looking for, and as far as Eli knows, fear beech is available in Lilith Warlock Academy, and this academy is one of the few alliances he defeated, so this should be easy to get .

Regarding the human face flower, the iris flower force also has some clues and is looking for it.

Only the last fruit of the water element has no clue at all, because it is a kind of magical plant in the water, which grows in the sea, and Eli can only send people to the endless sea to find it.

No one knows how long it will take.

"Take it easy." Thinking of these difficulties, Eli shook his head.

As long as it is not extinct on the west coast, as for the search later, take your time.

He couldn't find it in a year or two, and he couldn't find it in ten or twenty years. He didn't believe that he couldn't find it in a hundred or two hundred years.

He has a lot of time.

After staying for a few more days, he will leave here temporarily, and he also has his own ideas about how to deal with his power in the future, which needs to be further implemented, and of course it depends on the specific implementation of specific changes.

He is watching.


Just as Eli was thinking, the news of the White Tower's victory came within a day.

Many small forces that have not yet been wiped out were shocked. No one expected that the White Tower would win. You must know that the alliance composed of five major southern forces actually collapsed in front of the White Tower.

For a while, their feelings about the White Tower were extremely complicated.

No one thought that this silently developing force in the south would be so terrifying.

As for how they were defeated, everyone only knew that Baita alone defeated the joint forces of several second rings, and then the coalition forces defeated by others.

As for who this person is?

The name is not widely spread, but it is only known that it is a sorcerer in charge of the famous black tower of the White Tower, and saved the White Tower a hundred years ago, which is not far from the third ring.

With this matter, many remaining small forces chose to directly join the White Tower. After all, everyone can see that the White Tower will definitely be the dominant force in the south in the future. The home of the dead made up of the dead.


more distant middle.

black tower.

"It's like this again!" A man sat on a chair, watching the news from above, frowning.

"It shouldn't be!" Cross stood up, and his body passed by the mirror beside him, reflecting his appearance, a firm face, high cheekbones, and a pair of dark eyes.

He is the tower master of Heisuo Tower, the warlock of the early stage of the third ring, Cross.

He just received the news today that the Warlock Alliance in the south of the west coast actually collapsed in front of the White Tower, which made him very confused and completely incomprehensible.

"The warlock from a hundred years ago, it seems to be called Kratos, is actually so strong." He frowned and thought, he can defeat so many warlocks of the same level by himself, it seems that this is a genius.

At that time he underestimated this person.

But what to do with the White Tower after that? Otherwise, just kill it.

bang bang bang!

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Rocks said.

The black-gold door wrapped in animal skin slowly opened, and a second-ring warlock walked in.

"My lord, something serious happened." Warlock said directly as soon as he entered.

Rocks asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

The second ring warlock immediately reported: "My lord, since Natasha, the original tower owner of the Bloodline Tower, was attacked by us, although they concealed the news, we know how seriously she was injured, and she is no longer an opponent of my lord, so We have been able to suppress them for decades, but just now, we received news that Vivica, the deputy tower master of the Bloodline Tower, has advanced to the third ring!"


There was an exclamation, Lockes opened his mouth wide, then frowned and asked, "Are you sure it's true?"



Rocks gasped. They had completely suppressed the Bloodline Tower, and even Natasha, the old guy, was on the verge of dying. It's really fucked up that Vivica popped up all of a sudden.

"Then what should we do, my lord!" The second-ring warlock also sighed.

Lockes closed his eyes, opened them after more than ten seconds, and said in a deep voice, "It's not a big problem."

"Natasha is just holding on, her time is running out, and I should be able to advance in a few decades, and the deputy tower master Mo Sen has also reached the limit and is ready to advance.

Once we are all successful, the Bloodline Tower will also perish. Now we will fully assist Mo Sen to advance, and we will shrink our forces first. "Lockes thought, Vivica's advancement represented too many things.

"Okay." The second-ring warlock nodded and asked, "Then the south?"

"Leave them alone, a white tower can't overthrow the sky, they have no way to prepare for promotion, it's not worth mentioning, and don't they still have the power of the house of the dead, and the power of the iris flower wizard that has been spreading in the dark recently? Bai It won't be easy for Tata!" Rocks shook his head, and now he has no time to deal with them.

"Then I understand." Warlock nodded and turned to leave.

"Oh, there is one more thing!" Rocks suddenly said again.

The warlock turned his head, puzzled.

Lockes looked serious and said: "The White Tower has seriously damaged our interests, we must express it."


"Wanted Kratos!"

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