Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 22 Bachelor Lemon and Investments

At this time, the music also reached the last paragraph.

Eli took Rias's arm and performed the last part of the dance.

"Well, it's not bad."

As soon as he lowered his head, Eli could see Rias's big purple eyes, his cheeks were slightly flushed, and he said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Hmm... not bad!" Rias's heart beat faster due to the intense dance, and she looked at Eli in front of her, as if dreaming in the clouds.


She never imagined that Eli, a guy who usually either works in the library or at home, can be so good at aristocratic dancing.

But after the wonder comes bitterness.

It doesn't matter if you study well, how can you dance so well.

Can you save some face for me, X﹏X.

At the time of melancholy, the music finally ended.

In the next second, intense applause sounded at the banquet, and Alex, Alize and others also walked over.

"The movements are beautiful and smooth!" Alize praised, such a beautiful dance, the last time I saw such a beautiful dance was at the banquet with my father, but last time it was the top dancer in the empire.

"Your performance is so wonderful." Alex also did not hesitate to praise himself, and looked at Klein who was only a few meters away, and raised his head:

"Klein, what do you think!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Klein's mouth twitched, and he nodded stubbornly, but he didn't look at Eli as disgusted as before.

Excellent people deserve respect.

"No regrets, no regrets." Looking at Eli who was standing with Alex, Rias and many other descendants of great nobles, David felt a little heartbroken, but he comforted himself immediately:

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, no matter what, it's just a few noble children, not the real nobles who inherit the title."

After some self-comfort, David didn't feel so heartbroken...Damn it, it hurts so much! It hurts so much!

And because of this dance, the distance between Eli and Alex and other nobles seems to have been shortened a lot, and they talked about some things happily together.

During the conversation, Eli also found that several people treated people they knew well with good words, which broke his inherent influence on the descendants of the great nobles in his impression.

Among them, Eli also introduced Herman to several people, which made Herman secretly happy.

Time passed quickly.

The orchestra also left slowly, and everyone was taken to the room, changed their clothes, and prepared to hunt.

Eli's clothes are relatively casual, and hunting is usually just for fun, so he didn't bring other clothes.

After changing their clothes, they followed Rias to the back of the castle.

Here is a large grassland, followed by a large forest. This is the territory of the Gremory family. For the convenience of hunting, the Gremory family has released a lot of wild animals here.

But when the crowd arrives, Eli sees someone he didn't expect.

"Teacher!" Eli blinked.

Not far away, Kurt (a student of Lemon) in gray clothes followed Bachelor Lemon, and Bachelor Lemon followed a man in gorgeous clothes, and there were several people behind the man.

"Father!" On the other side, a figure had already run over, it was Rias.

Well, Eli knows who the man in the front is, it should be Count Gremory.

The earl walked in the front, wearing expensive silk clothes, his eyes looked bright, his body looked strong, exuding a strong vitality.

Besides the count, the Count Gremory has another identity.

He is also a great knight.


"You guys know that I'm going to donate some money, but I'm not sure who will get the money now."

Earl Gremory was walking on the road, chatting with six people from the Imperial Library, Imperial Monastery, and Imperial Knight Academy behind him.

In the cold winter of last year, he stored a large amount of grain in advance. After selling it, he collected a large amount of money, so he planned to strengthen his external contacts and donate a sum of money.

Originally, he was going to donate it to the library, after all, his daughter is currently in the library.

But the Imperial Monastery and the Imperial Knights Academy got the news from nowhere, and they also found it, which put him in a dilemma, because his other son was in the Imperial Monastery, and the Knights Academy also had a lot of connections with him. relation.

"My lord, donate it to us. The Knight Academy trains countless excellent soldiers every year. It is really short of money. If you give us this money, maybe we can train a few more knights today. You are also from the Knight Academy, so you will understand." The one from the Imperial Knight Academy was an old man, and behind him was a red-haired young man.

"Don't listen to him, my lord, your son is still studying in our college. He is very good. If everything goes well, he might even become a student of the principal." There is an old woman in the monastery, behind him is A gentle-looking man.

The Imperial Knight Academy began to play the emotional card, and the monastery began to capture the earl's son.

Earl Gremory was actually very tangled, thinking about their reasons, and then looked at Bachelor Lemon who hadn't spoken in the end.

Looking at the earl's eyes, Clement also secretly complained.

All three of them had more or less contact with the earl, and he was also sent out for public relations.

But he is a researcher who has been doing research all year round, and he comes from the library. He has nothing, and he has no right to promise anything, but he knows that this money is very important to the library.

The efficiency of the library is very poor, relying on the empire's subsidies all the year round, and this winter the empire has no money, so the library is almost out of money now, and they dare not tell the people below, which is why he came.

Therefore, after a few seconds, he said in an uncertain tone: "My lord, I can try my best to apply for the title of honorary scholar with the curator."

It's over!

Kurt covered his head behind Maester Lymon.

Teacher, you are facing an earl, and it is an earl who is developing well. Does he lack the title of honorary scholar? And what do you mean by trying your best?

Don't be so honest, you scolded Herman so hard!

"Hmm!" The Earl's expression didn't change much.

To him, the title of an honorary scholar is really nothing.

In fact, among the three conditions, the monastery is not bad, and the other two are very average, but he is also from the Knight Academy, so the library has to go to the back row.

"Hey, what a hassle!" The count was also a little annoyed.

Everyone walked all the way, the old man and the woman kept persuading the earl, but the honest Bachelor Lemon walked behind, trying to say something without saving face.

Kurt looked desperate.

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