Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 23 Merlin

The familiar feeling and the dazzling brilliance that still made him unable to see anything. After everything was calm, Ethan swept around for the first time, and at the same time his right hand was already on the hilt of the sword.

There is no heavy siege - this is the first time, I remember the first two shuttles, and every time I opened my eyes, I was surrounded by a group of people. In the dark world, a group of Rogues also used bows and arrows, and if the situation was wrong, they would shoot him. The posture of becoming a hornet's nest has left a huge 'shadow' on him.

The landing site chosen by this shuttle magic circle seems to be quite unreliable every time - but thinking in another direction, throwing it in the safe area every time seems to be quite reliable.

"Don't be nervous, mages from other planes."

Just as he relaxed a little, a voice came from behind him.

The shocked Ethan immediately turned around and looked at the unremarkable steep mountain wall. The voice came from here, but there was no one in front of him.

"This is... illusion?"

Concentrating his mental power and strengthening his senses, Ethan noticed a sense of incongruity. He can't release his mental power yet, so he can detect more things. Now he can only detect something wrong. To find out what's wrong, he needs other additional means.

However, the other party didn't seem to hide his plans. With a wave of turbulence like water, the originally steep and bare mountain wall actually disappeared, revealing a not narrow passage.

At the same time, a white-bearded old man dressed like the mage in the impression walked out with a long cane and a blond boy.

"Hello, guests from other worlds."

The old mage spoke very slowly, and his soft voice seemed to indicate that he had no malicious intentions, but simply showed his hospitality—if it weren't for his bottomless magic fluctuations like the sea, he would cast it without hiding. out of this precondition.

"Please don't get me wrong. As a mage, you should know that sometimes you have to do this to have a good conversation."

The old mage quickly put away his terrifying magic fluctuations, and still spoke in that amiable tone.

"Furthermore, in order to break through the blockade of the huge energy, I communicated with you for the first time, and I used a little too much force."

It was only then that Ethan realized that he could hear the other party's words not because he could understand it, but because the other party used mental power to communicate with him.

"I wiped it!"

Although he knows that he is still weak, but every time he is linked to him by a powerful mage like visiting the back garden, he is still very unhappy-it seems that he has to build something to prevent these mages from linking without saying hello. own spirit.

"Well, young man, you should be angry about it, but I hope you will give me a chance to make amends."

The old mage in front of him seemed to be a good person with excellent moral qualities. He apologized immediately and was willing to offer compensation.

"For example, help you make a talisman that can defend against mental attacks? How about?"

Ethan was stunned: "Can you read my thoughts?"

"Oh, no! I just think that what you want most at this time is this kind of thing." The old mage showed his wisdom without concealment, and his eyes that were full of kindness and kindness also showed a little edge.

Ethan thought about it and decided to ignore the compensation first. The old mage seemed to take making such an amulet as a very simple matter. It can be seen that he is very confident in his ability to make magic equipment, and now Ethan is not in a hurry. The need for such a defensive item - in fact, with the improvement of one's own mental power, as long as it does not encounter an existence that absolutely crushes oneself, the other party cannot use mental power to invade successfully at will.

As for the success of the invasion without his own awareness, it proves that the strength gap between the two is huge and amazing, and the other party can easily erase himself from this world.

"So, what should I call you?"

Seeing that Ethan showed a willingness to communicate, the old master nodded happily: "My name is Merlin, you can just call me by my name."


Ethan frowned. It wasn't that he didn't know who Merlin was. He was called Merlin, and he was also a powerful mage. His identity was already obvious. He was just thinking in his head which Merlin was this? As a famous legendary magician in the West, he has appeared in many works, and even in more works, although he did not appear directly, he indirectly mentioned the magician.

"Not a bad guy with white hair...a possibility can be ruled out."

"The long staff in my hand doesn't look like a metal mechanical product, and one can be ruled out."

After scratching his head, he found that there are countless works that he knows, and it is impossible to eliminate them one by one.

And his reaction made Merlin on the opposite side curious.

"Young man, have you heard of my name or have you seen me from other planes?"

Ethan was a little surprised by Merlin's question, but he quickly figured it out - from the very beginning, Merlin broke the fact that he was from other planes, which shows that this great magician is a multiverse concept. You know something, maybe even more than you know.

"Wait..." Ethan suddenly thought of a possibility: "My teleportation array will send me here, isn't it your fault?"

Merlin was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "I didn't expect you to think of it so quickly. I didn't hide it on purpose. In fact, even if you didn't notice it, I would mention it later."

Ethan's face darkened. The last time he was caught by Gu Yi was because when he was traveling into the Marvel universe, he was intercepted by the supreme mage who guarded the earth from being invaded by other planes. At that time, he knew some powerful things. Its existence can interfere with its own transmission.

I didn't expect to meet another one so soon. In this case, I wouldn't dare to use the magic circle to travel between planes in the future. Who knows, will I run into a guy who just kills him without saying a word?

"Or, can I teach you how to better control that huge energy, so as not to make it so conspicuous as the moon in the dark night sky, to avoid being noticed by other mages the next time you teleport?"

Merlin was quick to make offers that Ethan couldn't refuse, and that's exactly what he desperately wanted to solve.

"I really want to solve this problem." Ethan nodded and admitted this, but he didn't want to be led by Merlin's nose: "Then, you who brought me here on purpose, want some more What? Your Excellency the great Mage Merlin."

Merlin deliberately intercepted him and changed the teleportation location to be in front of him. He must have an intention. If it was suspected at the beginning that this famous mage was a guardian of the plane like the ancient one, when he proposed benefits again and again, it was denied by Ethan.

"This thing has something to do with me."

He wondered if he had anything worth conspiring in the eyes of this legendary superpower? The only thing that catches the eye is the ability to travel between planes, right? However, it was revealed in the previous words that Merlin didn't seem to be interested in this ability - otherwise, why would he offer to help Ethan better master the energy of time and space?

"Let's talk somewhere else, are we going to stand here all the time?"

"It really should be a different place."

"Come with me, then, young man."

Merlin greeted him, turned around and walked back first, while Ethan followed him into the path hidden by magic. When he passed through the position of the mountain wall no matter what, Ethan felt that he had passed through a very powerful magical wall. It felt almost like passing through a water curtain, but was washed away by the magic power. Not only will there be no drenched embarrassment, but there is even a little benefit: the spirit that was consumed by the shuttle before seems to have recovered a little.

The road was not long, but after walking for a while, the originally narrow passage suddenly opened up. Under the leadership of Merlin, Ethan came to a very beautiful valley.

All kinds of flowers and trees fill every inch of space in the valley, and countless blooming flowers fill the valley with floral fragrance. The spirit was shocked again, and Ethan immediately noticed the extraordinaryness of these flowers and plants.

"Wonderland on Earth!"

Merlin seemed to be waiting for this compliment on purpose.

"This is where I live."

The only man-made thing in the valley is an ordinary-looking house, which looks like an ordinary three-story building from the outside. But when Ethan stepped inside, the huge space made him understand that the cabin was definitely not as simple as his appearance.

Several people did not stop, and led Merlin into a room - this was a reception room, and Ethan also saw that some fruits had been placed on the table.

"Please sit down!"

Merlin sat down first, and waited until Ethan sat down opposite him before continuing.

"I originally wanted to communicate with you for a while, and then tell you my purpose, but it seems that you don't like this method, so I don't need to continue to hide it." Merlin just wanted to speak to the blond boy beside him. Suddenly remembered something: "Oh, sorry, I may have to offend before that."

Merlin tapped his finger on his forehead: "There won't be any side effects, just feel a little numbness in the head, or a slight headache."

Before he finished speaking, the finger that touched his forehead slowly pointed to Ethan. A stream of light first flowed from Merlin's forehead to his finger, and then jumped into Ethan's head with the old mage's movements.

His body froze, and Ethan, who was just about to get up, stopped abruptly. He had already realized what magic Merlin had used just now—he 'packed up a part of the language knowledge in his mind' and 'transmitted' it to With Ethan, he has mastered another foreign language in the shortest time.

"Hello, my name is Arthur." Under Merlin's gesture, the blond boy stood up and introduced himself very formally in the language Ethan had just 'learned'.

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