Purpose? Ethan really has no special purpose. During this time, he has gradually sorted out the information. The appearance of Hippolyta and Antiop in front of him are relatively familiar, so this world is very likely to be the movie version of the world of Wonder Woman... ...or the world of the DC Cinematic Universe.

"First Marvel, then DC?"

Ethan didn't know if this space-time energy was intentional, and this time also made him very uncomfortable.

"Diana is still a little kid, not to mention Batman Superman. I don't know how long it will be until the start of Wonder Woman's plot. I can't keep up with it at all."

As the number of times of using space-time energy increased, Ethan became more and more familiar with space-time energy. Now he has been able to restrain the energy in his body from dissipating quickly, and can keep it in the magic circle in his hand for a longer time. Give yourself more time to feel familiar with and master these energies.

Even taking it will make him stay in these planes for a longer time. But even so, the stay did not exceed a month. The most fundamental point is that the total amount of space-time energy absorbed is always not very high. No matter how careful you are to control it to prevent it from dissipating, there will always be a day when it will be slowly consumed.

Unless Ethan can completely control himself, and can generate this energy by himself. Or study what is consumed by space-time energy, and find out the corresponding replacement method.

A lot of problems need to be solved by Ethan, and he really has no special intentions for Paradise Island.

"If possible, I'd like to live near here for a while, and when my magic power recovers, I will use magic to teleport away." Ethan was afraid of Hippolyta's rejection, so he left a retreat: "Of course, we won't go deep into this place. An island, just find a place near this coast where you can stay."

Ethan later also said that if Hippolyta is not willing, they will not force it, and they will leave Paradise Island on their own as long as they provide a boat.

"There are restrictions set by the gods around Paradise Island, and I'd love to know how you got through them."

This was something Hippolyta had never been able to figure out, and it was what she cared about the most. If the prohibition of the gods is broken so easily, doesn't that mean Paradise Island is no longer safe?


Ethan certainly understood why Hippolyta asked this. She was worried that Paradise Island would no longer be a hidden place. The Amazon queen, who had always been wary of Ares, was afraid that if she lost the protection of the enchantment, the god of war would kill him directly. Come to the island.

"Actually, my teleportation magic is a kind of teleportation that breaks through the plane barrier, so whether there is an enchantment near your island will not affect my magic at all."

This is a fact. When breaking through the plane barrier, it doesn't matter whether you have any additional enchantment protection in this place. To put it simply, the barrier on Paradise Island is just a means of protection against the 'internal enemy', and has no effect on the outsider Ethan.

Hippolyta's pupils contracted slightly, and she couldn't help but glanced at Antiop beside her, and found that the other party had a similar expression to her own.

So the Amazon Queen quickly made a decision: "If what you say is true, then you can live temporarily around here, but you are absolutely not allowed to go deep inside the island. I will send someone to monitor you." , Hippolyta asked again: "How long will you stay here?"

"It shouldn't be more than a month." The time and space energy in his body can last for about a month if there is no accident.

Hippolyta nodded: "Remember your promise, don't go deep into the interior of Paradise Island." Then he took Diana and led the Amazon warriors away from the beach.

"Why do I think this lady's attitude has changed a bit?"

Arthur, who had not spoken all the time, felt that the change of things was a bit unexpected. He was ready to carry Ethan and ran to the sea. Unexpectedly, the woman who didn't seem to be very talkative suddenly agreed to let them stay.

"I think so."

Ethan touched his chin, there was no beard growing on the smooth chin, and he didn't know if it was the natural constitution of this body, or it was a change due to cultivation.

"I always feel that her attitude suddenly changed after I showed that I could travel through the barrier of the plane."

His feeling was not wrong. Just after Hippolyta and Antiop took Diana back to their residence, Hippolyta and Antiop discussed Ethan and Arthur alone.

"Can the words of those two young people be believed?"

"I don't know, but if it's true, maybe..."

Maybe something, Hippolyta didn't go on, but Antiop was very familiar with the queen's thoughts, and he guessed what she was thinking.

"You want to arrange a way back for Diana?"

Hippolyta did not speak, acquiescing to Antiope's guess. After seeing her reaction, Antiop was angry at first, then understood, and finally shook his head helplessly.

"Are you trying so hard just to make Diana a homeless vagabond?"

She didn't agree with Hippolyta's idea. She always felt that instead of running away, it was better to make Diana herself stronger, strong enough to defeat the biggest threat to Paradise Island, so that Paradise Island would not be destroyed, and Diana would not have to leave her hometown. Run to other planes to spend the rest of your life.

As a nation created by the gods, the Amazons of Paradise Island have a very long history and have records of many hidden things. As the queen, Hippolyta maintained a romantic relationship with Zeus for a period of time, and gave birth to Diana, who was of Olympus blood.

Hippolyta has long known about the multiverse from Zeus, so when Ethan revealed that she could break through the barriers of the plane to teleport, she thought that this was the best way out for Diana.

It's just that she never really made up her mind, so she left Ethan like that and let him live on the edge of Paradise Island. She didn't want to get in touch and didn't want to just miss this opportunity. The contradictory mentality made her make this kind of decision similar to 'how to choose according to God's will'.

"They will leave after a while..." Antiop looked at Hippolyta's tangled face, angry and depressed, but he couldn't scold the queen, so he could only do his duty. Reminder: "If you really want to arrange a way back for Diana, you should prepare in advance, at least to determine the specific situation of this young man first."

"I know...I'll think about it..."

Seeing the queen like this, Antiope felt an evil spirit jumping straight to the top of her head. Every time when Diana was involved, the queen would become indecisive and always make some decisions that made her extremely depressed.

In order to avoid being mad at herself, Antiop went straight away - she wanted to continue training Diana according to her plan. As a result, she turned around and couldn't find the girl.

"Could it be..."

With a guess in his heart, Antiop immediately rushed towards the sea.

At the same time, Ethan and Arthur have found a slightly higher cliff and are going to build a wooden house on it for living.

They will live here for a month, and Ethan doesn't want to just sleep in the wild. What's more, there are many wild animals on Paradise Island.

Considering that we only live for a month, this wooden house does not need to be built too gorgeously, it can be roughly sheltered from the wind and rain. To put it bluntly, it is a large wooden shed.

Unexpectedly, just when I started to do it, a shadow suddenly appeared in the woods, waving at Ethan happily: "Hello, magician!"

Then he greeted Arthur on the side: "Are you also a magician?"

"No, I'm a knight." Arthur introduced himself to Diana very formally: "Arthur Pendragon, from Britain. You can call me Arthur, the beautiful Miss Diana."

Diana smiled very happily. This was the first time someone had spoken to her and introduced herself so formally, so she returned the salute according to traditional etiquette: "Hello, Arthur. I'm Diana from Paradise Island." Looking forward to Ethan.

At this time, Diana was essentially a child with too much energy. At the same time, like countless bear children, she liked the recognition of adults very much. Like Arthur, who formally introduced herself and saluted, let her have herself. grown-up feeling.

Now, she wanted to find the same feeling in Ethan again, but unfortunately Ethan just waved calmly: "Ethan, from a place I don't know what to call it."

Diana showed a slightly dissatisfied expression, but then threw it aside and began to pay attention to what Ethan and Arthur were busy with: "Are you building a house? Don't you have one that you can change with a swish? The magic of a house?"

Ethan paused, leaned on the wood in his hand, and then made a spell-casting movement: "You mean I waved my hand like this, and then a house appeared here out of thin air?"

"Mmmm!" The bear child's eyes began to light up.

"Of course." Ethan nodded: "Actually, not only can I do it, you can too."

Diana was surprised, she didn't expect that she still has the talent to become a magician? Immediately asked what to do. Arthur, who didn't notice at all, was covering his face with a speechless expression.

"Just go back to your room, turn off the light and lie down on the bed."

Diana was just a little younger, not an idiot, she immediately understood that Ethan was teasing herself, so she glared at him fiercely.

Ethan didn't care either. If it was the future Wonder Woman, he might also pay attention to his image and think about making a good impression, but in front of him was a bear child that didn't grow.

As for the vision of sustainable development... He can't stay for more than ten or twenty years, so he doesn't care about keeping a good image and so on. Besides, if he is too close to Diana now, it will definitely irritate the Queen, right?

Even if the lady queen is not mentioned, the one who is hiding in the woods will jump out and cut himself into pieces.

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