A few days later, above the vast sea.

A ship flying the flag of the Kamui Pirates sails at a constant speed in the calm waters.

on the deck.

With today's newspaper in hand, Kronos lay on a lounge chair, reading the paper while enjoying the cool sea breeze.

The purpose of reading the newspaper is not to like it, but to simply pass the time.

It was just the content of today's newspaper that surprised Kronos.

Because after many days, the Kamui Pirates were mentioned in the newspaper once!

Of course, it's not just the Kamui Pirates mentioned above.

And Kronos' "Old Acquaintances", Monkey D. Luffy's Straw Hat Pirates!

And those pirates who belonged to one of the members of the "Evil Generation".

Due to the existence of Kronos, and the destruction of the Kid Pirates.

The list of personnel of this "Evil Generation" has ushered in a shuffle.

The original eleven people have become thirteen people!

Among them, the Kamui Pirates have four members on the list of the most evil!

And Kronos, with a reward of 330 million Berry, is the first person to reach the top of the "Evil Generation"!

other members on the list.

They are the five Satoru who offered a reward of 210 million Berry.

A reward of 115 million for Berry's succession to the country! 120

And Konan with a bounty of 113 million Berry!

"Captain! A large pirate ship was found to the northwest!"

Located on the lookout on the main pole of the ship.

Carent, who was on duty, shouted at Kronos on deck.

And Kronos heard the news.

He couldn't help but slowly put down the newspaper and looked up slightly towards the northwest of the ship.

"Pirate ship?"

Whispering softly, a smile suddenly appeared on Kronos' face.

"It came out just fine.

"My ship is still missing a navigator!"

At the same time, it is located to the northwest of the Kamui Pirates.

In that large pirate ship.

Hundreds of pirates gathered on the deck for a grand banquet.

At the time of the climax of the banquet.

A thin pirate walked quickly to the center of the banquet.

He came to a man in a red captain's suit and said in a deep voice.

"Captain! There is a pirate ship in the southeast, heading straight for us!"

"Looking at their racks, it seems that the comers are not good!"


Hear this report.

The captain in red, who was still happily drinking wine, immediately frowned!

"Pirate ship? Is it coming towards us?"

The thin man nodded and said with great certainty.


This time, it wasn't just the captain in the red captain's suit who fell silent.

Even all around, those pirates who are having a good time.

They gradually quieted down and looked at their captain.

"How many are they?" the captain asked.

The emaciated man pondered for a moment, then said.

"The ship is not large, and the number of people is not expected to exceed one hundred. 35

Hear this.

The captain slammed down his glass immediately.


Looking at the surrounding crew members who were drinking, the captain said in a high-pitched voice.

"Brothers come to live! Copy the guys for me!

"We'll come back and drink when we kill them!

As soon as the captain said this, the pirates below all shouted in unison as if they were bloodied.

"Copy Guy!!""

During the shouting, the pirates have already begun to show their weapons.

It is also this time.

A woman with a western sword hanging from her waist, with long golden hair and a good-looking face slowly came to the captain's side.

He opened his mouth with some hesitation.

"Bunir! This thing doesn't seem right."

Listening to the blond woman's words, the captain named Bunir also smiled calmly.

"It is normal for pirates to meet and fight each other.

"There's nothing wrong with it!

"Also, you should call me Captain, Illya!"

Hearing the words, the blond woman named Illya was slightly stunned.

Then some spoke again.

"Okay! Captain!"

"However, that's not what I want to say."

"The other party dares to go straight to us..."

Before Illya could finish speaking, Bunir waved his hand with a smile.

"Ilya, you don't understand!"

"You have to know that you are not on a merchant ship now.

"This is a pirate ship, you are a pirate now! 35

"Fighting among pirates is normal!

"You can rest easy!"

"You don't have to take action in this battle, just treat it as a gain of knowledge! 99

"When the battle is over, the banquet to celebrate your participation continues!


After that, Bunir turned around with a big smile and left the center of the banquet.

On the other hand, Ilya stood there and said nothing.

In the end, she sighed helplessly and said nothing more.

Soon after.

Under the leadership of Bunir, hundreds of pirates armed with weapons gathered at the side of the ship.

Looking at the Kamui Pirates that came straight towards them.

Bunir took a look at the telescope for a while.

His brows furrowed tightly.

"Are these guys serious? 35

In their sight, the ship was coming towards them.

Compared with their ships, they are pitifully small.

It could even be said that Bunir's ships were three times larger than theirs!

And, found through the telescope Bunnier.

There are only a few people on the deck of the other party's ship!

Just when Bunir was wondering.

Beside him, the thin man suddenly spoke in a hoarse voice.

"That....that flag! I...I like, know them!! 35

Hearing this, Bunir was stunned for a moment.

Subconsciously turned his head to look and asked.

"You know them? How many are they?"

The thin man swallowed hard and stammered.

"On...wanted list...they seem to be only ten people.

I heard that there were only ten people on the other side.

Bunil laughed instantly.

This is really an old birthday star hanged, too long!

"Humph! Only ten people dare to challenge us? 35

"What do you take us for? There are hundreds of us!

"Helmsman! Pull the boat over for me!

Bunnier shouted loudly.

What he didn't notice, however.

The emaciated man who had spoken before had already turned pale at this moment, with a look of fear on his face!

The first one is here.

I'm very sorry, but today I have a temporary trip, and the planned third shift cannot be completed.

The two chapters that were not updated as scheduled are owed first, and the author will fill them up in these two days.

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