EVE: Start a Space Station

Chapter 152: Scarlet War (6)

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In less than ten minutes of battle, as the vanguard, the Kewei First Fleet has lost more than 90%, and the Kewei Second Fleet also quickly lost more than 10% after taking over the frontal battle. The Kewei Third Fleet, which was supported by long-range firepower, was bombarded with the 1400 howitzer Mark Rui, and now the battle damage has exceeded 65%.

The fleet of Hacom Stamay is not easy, the current battle damage is more than 60%, and the survivors are all wounded. Many warships have few weapons because of long-term high-intensity overload shooting Damage has occurred, and the firepower of the entire fleet is now severely reduced.

Looking at the fleet with more than 65% battle damage, the corner of Carnegie Koch's mouth twitched for a while. Although he thought that the intensity of the battle would be high, he never thought it would turn out like this!

If this continues, his fleet will definitely be wiped out.

After all, the firepower of both sides has dropped very seriously now. One's own firepower can no longer instantly kill the opponent's warships, and the opponent's warships can use wound tactics. Now the Kewei Army's fleet is on the verge of collapse!

Carnegie Koch grabbed the communicator to connect with Doyle Gustav, and the other party yelled at him as soon as he connected.

"Dor Gustav, Lao Tzu's fleet is almost finished, aren't you in place yet?"

"If you don't enter the arena again, our Kewei army will be wiped out!"

"Your actions are too slow. If the fleet of my Kewei Army is destroyed by New Eden, you will never have a good life in the future!"


Doyle Gustav frowned as he watched Carnegie Coke who was hissing hard.

It's only been more than ten minutes, and Carnegie Coke, who was so confident that he could solve the battle before they arrived, has now become like this.

In just ten minutes, what kind of blow did this guy suffer? !

Quickly clear away the distracting thoughts, now is not the time to think about these things, keeping this New Eden Fleet is the right thing to do!

Doyle Gustav looked at Carnegie Koch expressionlessly and said:

"Send me all three of your fleets and hold the enemy back. You only need to delay for another three minutes, and we will be there in no time!"

Carnegie Koch looked at the First Fleet, which was about to be wiped out, and the Second and Third Fleets, which suffered more and more casualties, his eyes were red.

These three fleets are the capital of his life!

Seeing the New Eden Fleet ruthlessly harvesting his own fleet and warships on the battlefield, Carnegie Coke gritted his teeth. Now that he has paid such heavy casualties, if he does not keep this New Eden Fleet, then he will Really lost everything!

As long as the New Eden Fleet can be kept, the lost warships will naturally be replenished.

"Three minutes, just three minutes!"

After hanging up the communication, he immediately ordered the fleet not to attack frantically, but to adopt defensive tactics, not seeking to kill the enemy, as long as it can entangle the opponent.

Also under this tactic, the loss of the Kewei Army has also slowed down a lot.

In the face of the unreasonable firepower of Hakom Stamay's Markri fleet, it is only slowed down. According to this situation, within half an hour, the entire Kewei Army fleet will be wiped out. .

Now it is not the Kewei Army that is entangled with Hakom Stamai's fleet, but Hakom Stamai's fleet is entangled with them, trying to annihilate the Kewei Army in one fell swoop!

And compared to the confrontation with the New Eden battleship, the people of the Kewei Legion are more afraid of the dozen or so Delamere-class frigates that have survived.

Because these dozens of Delamere-class frigates specifically selected the pilots of the Kewei Army who had become space capsules, and relied on their high mobility to hunt and kill these Kewei Army space capsules on the battlefield.

And because the battlefield was blocked by the light and heavy interceptors of his own legion, the space capsule could not jump to a safe position at all. He could only watch the frigate of New Eden rushing towards him, and then after a few shells, the Lost consciousness.

For a while, the internal combat channel of the Kewei Army was filled with scolding and angry voices against his comrades who were driving light and heavy interceptor ships.

Seeing that the Kewei Army was able to run to the safety of the space capsule, which was no more than the number of hands, Carnegie Koch realized that this New Eden had never attacked his own interceptor from the beginning, and even took the initiative to attack it. Approaching this own fleet, I originally thought that these New Eden fleets wanted to fight to the death.

It now appears that this was intentional!

Now the fleets of both sides are fighting together, so this interceptor not only stopped the fleet of New Eden, but also stopped his own fleet!

His own interceptors turned this battlefield into a huge Colosseum, a Colosseum that never dies!

And looking back from the start of the war to the present, the goal of this New Eden fleet has always been clear, and that is the pilots of his Kewei Army!

As long as the battleship is destroyed, few space capsules can come back safely!

Knowing all this, Carnegie Cork has no desire to fight any more. Now whoever likes to fight this battle, anyway, he can't bear it anymore. If they continue to fight, they will win. The Kewei Army It is also in name only!

For an interstellar force, warships are easy to get, but pilots are hard to find!

"The interceptors withdrew from the force field! The third squadron of the second fleet stepped forward to withstand this New Eden offensive, and the third fleet provided long-range fire cover, and the other fleets retreated!"

Now only the third squadron of the second fleet has a relatively complete organizational system, and only they can resist New Eden's offensive.

A strong man breaks his wrist~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as most of the drivers can be withdrawn, then all this is worth it.

The soldiers of the Kewei Legion, who were fighting with a sigh of relief, breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Carnegie Coker's order, and then activated the ECM pulse wave transmitter as a battleship in the front row, wanting to Interfering with the locking system of the New Eden fleet to evacuate, but how could Harkom Stamai let him get what he wanted.

Hakom Stamai looked at the Kwei army that was preparing to retreat, with a smile on his face.

"Yo, have you finally reacted?"

Looking at the drivers of the Kewei Army who had evacuated the force field, their smiles gradually subsided, and their faces turned to reveal a vicious expression.

"But it's only now that I realize it, isn't it too late?"

As soon as the words fell, the bows of all the surviving Markree-class battleships pointed at the large force of the Kewei Army, and the high-energy response began to gather in the center of the bow. The beam of energy light covered a huge area within 500 kilometers ahead, completely covering the first and second fleets of the Kewei Legion!

The space capsule exploded quickly without any defensive ability under this beam of energy light, and the covered warships were also having a hard time. The severely injured warship was destroyed after a few seconds of hard resistance, and only the original state was relatively intact. Only then did the battleship resist the attack of dozens of small fan-shaped doomsday weapons, but it was also damaged to varying degrees.

Carnegie Kok in the command room of the Scarlet Fortress stared blankly at the golden energy beam covering a huge area. After the attack was over, he looked at the wreckage of the space capsule everywhere, and couldn't help but slumped on the chair weakly.

"The Kewei Army, it's over..."

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