EVE: Start a Space Station

Chapter 273: Battle of Betales (1)


Xue Wei III entered the ancient ruins and hadn't come out yet, and because of the special nature of the ancient ruins, he couldn't get in touch.

Therefore, in the face of the attacks of the two camps, Lao Qian can only personally command them.

Michael Black looked at the projection of the military fortress hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, and couldn't help touching his already thinning hair.

"Dreadnought mixed fleet?"

"It's not easy!"

Outside the military fortress, huge warships were moored quietly.

And these dreadnought ships are surrounded by more than a dozen battleships and other special ships.

What Michael Black brought this time was only the vanguard, three fleets of exorcist-class heavy assault cruisers, and the dreadnought fleet was still on the way.

So looking at the fearless mixed fleet of the Betales Federation, it suddenly felt a little tricky.

"Commander, do you want me to find out the reality of the other party first?"

A fleet commander took the initiative to stand up and ask for a fight.

Although this dreadnought mixed fleet is powerful, its mobility on the battlefield is not strong because of the battle module of the dreadnought ship.

So even if you can't beat it, you can get away quickly, as long as you don't go deep into the range of the dreadnought.

"Okay, just take your fleet to swim outside the range of the dreadnought, and don't go deep!"

Michael Black ordered immediately.

After all, it's not a problem to procrastinate like this. If Frederick McGee breaks through the line of defense first and gets the ancient ruins, it will be a big problem.


Afterwards, an exorcist-class main fleet slowly approached the Betales military fortress in a tactical formation.

Looking at the fleet of justice and order, Lao Qian couldn't help shaking his head.

"It's been so many years, why is this little guy still like this, without any progress."

Michael Black was also highly expected by Lao Qian back then, and he was also a proud student of Lao Qian. He was called "Double Wall" together with Frederick McKee in Imperial University.

Compared with Frederick McGee's decisive and aggressive, Michael Black's style of play is more stable.

And this kind of stability also made Michael Black's grasp of the battlefield situation very terrifying.


Although prudence rarely makes mistakes, it also means that once the opponent seizes the opportunity, the price will be even heavier.

Therefore, in Michael Blake's fight with Frederick McGee, the two commanded in two styles, but most of them could only draw a tie.

Although the commanding styles are different, they are all taught by the same master, and the tricks cannot be broken!

Lao Qian stood in the combat command room, looking at the approaching enemy, with the usual smile on his face.

But the order was issued in an orderly manner:

"Order the first mixed fleet to stand still and not take the initiative to attack, and wait for the enemy fleet to enter the attack range of 10,000 kilometers."

During this period of battle between justice and order and the freedom camp, Lao Qian has already figured out the basic data of the main battleships of the two camps.

The laser cannons equipped by the War Demon-class heavy assault cruisers of the free camp are more powerful, but they also decay quickly. The best attack range is 2,000 to 3,000 kilometers, and the longest range is 5,000 kilometers.

The Justice and Order Exorcist class has a longer range, but its power is weaker. The best range is 5,000 to 8,000 kilometers, and the limit attack distance is 10,000 kilometers.

The Hell's Angel-class battleship currently fully installed by the Betales Federation is equipped with a super pulse laser cannon, which can change the attack distance by replacing the radio frequency crystal.

As long as the crystals are replaced flexibly, the range will not be inferior to that of the Exorcist class, and the melee power will not be weaker than that of the War Demon class.

More importantly, the heavy defense brought by the hull of the Hell's Angel-class battleship is not comparable to that of a cruiser!

Regardless of long-range attacks or melee combat, the Hells Angels are fearless.

The Exorcist-class heavy assault cruiser fleet soon arrived one hundred thousand kilometers away from the Betales military fortress.

No matter how close this distance is, it is within the attack range of this iron wall military fortress.

But the Betales Federation fleet just watched them quietly, motionless.

Michael Black was not surprised by this, nor did he think of provoking the Betales Federation's fleet to leave the defense range of the military fortress.

Because he knew that his old money could not make such a low-level mistake. Back then, his family was hijacked by pirates, and he only asked to let them go.

Even with the approval of Xuewei III, Lao Qian still personally transported the ships loaded with him in order to recover the first star of Betales and prevent thousands of warship pilots in space and hundreds of thousands of ground troops from sacrificing in vain. A small and old spaceship was destroyed.

And that was also the second time this flower of the empire shed tears after the collapse of the empire...

So for this person, provocation and seduction are ridiculous little tricks, and normal temptation is better.

"The fleet is formed into a group, act separately, conduct fire detection, don't love to fight!"

These battleships of the Betales Federation, except for the relevant data of the Hells Angels, but this dreadnought Michael Black has never seen it.

Therefore, it is still necessary to carry out firepower reconnaissance to test this dreadnought, otherwise it will suffer a big loss later if it is caught off guard.

The fleet of justice and order is getting closer and closer, and Lao Qian's smile is getting brighter and brighter, and there is a little bit of coldness in his eyes.

At 90,000 kilometers, the military fortress began to use defensive weapons to attack, and the fleet began to suffer losses, but not seriously.

At 50,000 kilometers, the engines of the Betales Fleet started slowly, and the bows of the ships began to face.

At 30,000 kilometers, the Divine Revelation-class dreadnought began to use the fire control system to lock on the target, but the muzzle did not fire.

At 20,000 kilometers, the Exorcist-class fleet began to slow down and circle around.

Because this distance is already very dangerous for them, if they get closer, they will not be able to carry out effective tactical maneuvers in the face of the attack of the dreadnought, unless they continue to get closer.

"Go ahead and launch an attack directly after entering the attack distance!"

Michael Black gave the order blankly.

Afterwards, the Exorcist-class fleet gritted its teeth and activated the propellers. The speed of the fleet soared, and soon entered a range of 10,000 kilometers, and then took the lead in attacking with the range advantage of the Exorcist-class.

Seeing the attacking fleet of justice and order, Lao Qian smiled faintly.

"Order, close the net!"

Then ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dozens of various light and heavy interceptor ships of the Bertales Federation jumped out from the stealth state of the subspace.

Under the shared positioning of the command ship's combat probes, it rushed directly into the fleet of justice and order, and the fleet was shrouded in jump interference force fields and deceleration force fields one by one.

Then a Xiujin class with only 30 ships quickly found its target, and several stagnant beams were set on it in an instant, and then the Hell's Angel-class battleship and the Divine Revelation-class dreadnought began to attack.

As long as the battleship of justice and order is slowed down, a divinity-class dreadnought will open fire on it, and every attack can beat an exorcist-class to the point where assault damage control must be activated to save its life.

It then explodes into fireworks instantly after the Assault damage control effect ends.

Michael Black couldn't help twitching slightly as he looked at the corners of his mouth.

"Flagship gun..."

-----Off Topic-----

emmm, I'm sorry to say anything, I'll kneel down first.

I was wrong! !

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