EVE: Start a Space Station

Chapter 284: Red light 1 flash

During the emergency rest of the Betales Federation, it was not easy for Justice and Order.

When the super-flagship team of the Black Banner Legion came to the Betales star field, Adrian Black Banner immediately ordered to start an attack on the justice and order.

After all, the main purpose of their coming to the Betales star field is to destroy the fleet of justice and order, and open up a new situation for the stalemate in the entire southern star field.

As for the ancient ruins in the Betales Federation, Adrien Black Banner is actually not worried, because after he wiped out the justice and order fleet, it will be time to plan again.

Even if the Betales Federation has obtained this ancient relic, he doesn't have to worry, he will have a means to make them spit out this ancient relic.

So, Michael Black was out of luck.

This battle has not been over for a long time, and he is still studying how to break through the Betales Federation Fortress in the next step. This super flagship team rode on his face.

Only three hours after receiving the front-line information, the three transportation galaxies between the Dazzling Wood Constellation and the Dazzling Light Constellation fell one after another. All the hard-built military fortresses were completely demolished, and only a few warships escaped. return.

The last message from all the fortresses was: "Black Banner Legion, super flagship team!"

And this news was also confirmed by the people who returned from the collapse, which made people restless like ants on a hot pot.

Although he has not dispatched several flagships now because he is attacking the Xuanmu Fortress of the Betales Federation, and all the dreadnought fleets are relatively complete, but facing the super flagship team of the famous Black Flag Legion in the southern star field, relying on this in his hands The six dreadnought fleets have no chance of winning!

"Made, don't talk about Wude!"

Michael Black couldn't help cursing in the face of the free camp's direct rush to the flagship team, but he also reported the news to the command of justice and order and asked for emergency support.

But it was too late.

After taking control of the front line, Adrian Black Flag did not choose to fight steadily, but continued to move forward.

Facing the dimensionality reduction attack of the super-flagship fleet, the fleet of justice and order was completely defeated. Even the two dreadnought fleets that were going to intercept were wiped out in less than half an hour. Hundreds of dreadnoughts The driver was captured as a prisoner of war.

The Justice and Order Command also sent an order to Michael Black, and when he saw the order, he couldn't help but curse.

"Fuck tm's defense, what do I use to guard now!"

And now that the Angel Fifth Fleet is really confronting the Devil Third Fleet in the Cantallon star field, it is simply impossible to send the super flagship fleet.

And sending dreadnought fleets from other civilizations would be death, and it would be impossible to effectively stop the Black Banner Legion. Apart from sending the super-flagship fleet, Meyer Black couldn't think of any other way to save the battle.

In fact, the same is true.

The Command of Justice and Order ordered Michael Black to fall into the Xuanmu Constellation, just to buy enough time for the front line of the Kemp star field to prepare for the defense against the super flagship team of the Black Banner Legion.

As for the newly opened battlefield of the Betales star field, they have already given up on it.

No way, who made the civilization of the justice and order of the entire southern star field not have a super flagship team!

Of course, in the past, the Angel civilization also supported a force that could fight against the Black Banner Legion, but it was wiped out by the Black Banner Legion on the frontal battlefield in a battle for ancient relics two years ago.

This also led to the fact that the Angel civilization now has no affiliated civilization that can fight against the Black Banner Legion.

The cost of creating a qualified subordinate who can fight against the Black Banner Legion is really too high, so big that even the angelic civilization dare not do it lightly.

Therefore, due to the existence of the Black Banner Legion in the past two years, justice and order have been suppressed by the free camp, which also made Angel civilization begin to consider re-creating a "Black Flag Legion" of justice and order.

But that's another story.

At present, Michael Black is unwilling to accept this order from the headquarters, and he must carry out the order.

They had to do something, otherwise they would just retreat, and waiting for their fate would not be any better than dying on the battlefield.

What's more, they also concealed the news of the ancient ruins. With all kinds of mistakes added up, they will have to peel off their skins if they don't die!

After taking a deep breath, Michael Black showed a fierce gaze and issued a combat order.

"All the fleets gather and retreat to the Xuanmu galaxy. If we want to fight, we will fight a big one!"


The intelligence of Michael Black's shrinking troops did not hide from Black Flag's pervasive reconnaissance, and Adrien quickly learned of this information.

Seeing that the entire fleet of justice and order had begun to retreat to the Xuanju galaxy, Adriatic Heiqi couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Are you trying to fight me?"

With the advantage of numbers, there is indeed a chance to defeat the super-flagship fleet, which is dozens of times larger than its own dreadnought fleet or small aircraft carrier fleet.

As for the regular fleet to besiege the super-flagship team, it is like moths to the flames, useless, as many as they come will die.

At least after the birth of the super-flagship team with Titan as the core, there has never been a conventional fleet defeating a super-flagship team by virtue of its numerical superiority.

So now that Michael Black is gathering his fleet in an attempt to snipe his super-flagship fleet, this is simply wishful thinking.

At that time, you only need to pay attention to its dreadnought fleet. As long as its dreadnought fleet is cleared first, the remaining conventional fleet will have no resistance.

Justice and order no longer have a foothold in the Betales star field.

As for now, Adrien Blackflag wouldn't give Michael Black a chance to complete the assembly.

"Abandon the demolition of the interstellar space station of justice and order along the way, and go to the Xuanju galaxy with all our strength, and defeat them before they complete their assembly!

I don't hope that at this time tomorrow, the banner of justice will still be seen in the Betales star field! "

When the voice just fell ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, what responded to him was a fanatical shout like a howling mountain wind on the fleet channel.

"Victory! Victory!"

"Victory! Victory!"


Half an hour later, when the fleet of justice and order was slowly gathering, a reconnaissance ship appeared tens of thousands of kilometers behind its assembled fleet.

Afterwards, a round of bright inducements suddenly lit up in everyone's horrified eyes, one after another interstellar behemoths crushed the starry sky, and the wave-like red energy presented a moving curve under the ripples in space.

Before the fleet of justice and order could react, twenty fan-shaped doomsdays covered the assembled fleet. Whether it was a frigate or a dreadnought, all of them were shattered into pieces under the devastating doomsday.

The red light flashed, and the enemy was terrified!


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