EVE: Start a Space Station

Chapter 460: Desperate interception

On the border of the eastern star field, several super-flagship teams lined up in the starry sky, densely packed like stars.

Then, I saw a shuttle coming quickly and directly boarded a Titan.

Adrien Black Flag looked at the surrounding fleet after entering Titan, and the panic in his heart eased a little, but it didn't disappear.

A commander of the super-flagship team looked at Adrian Black Flag who had returned early, and asked puzzledly, "Prince, are we going to start early?"

They were transferred from the main fleet of the demon civilization to Adrian Black Banner. The Black Banner Legion they are facing has ten super flagship teams, and it is also the main fleet with first-class combat power in the demon civilization, equipped with the latest warship weapons .

And they came out in full force this time, after Adrian Black Banner confirmed that New Eden had withdrawn from the eastern star field, he brought the fleet to prepare to take the eastern star field.

Originally, Adrian Black Banner planned to support the Eastern Business Federation as a pioneer to unify the Eastern Star Territory, and then he took the initiative to emptied Hutt Rupert's rights, and the doves occupied the magpie's nest.

But now...

Adrian Black Banner shuddered, and immediately gave the fleet an order to withdraw to the central star field.

The captains of each fleet were very puzzled by this.

"Prince, now we only need to close the door, we can occupy the entire eastern star field, why retreat?"

"Yes, Prince!"

They are all arrogant soldiers dispatched from the front line of the demon civilization. Although they will obey the orders of Adrian Black Banner, they are not convinced by this invincible little boy.

And now that the huge military exploits that can bring the eastern star field into the territory of the demon civilization are close at hand, how willing they are to let him retreat now!

Adrien Heiqi looked at the crowd with solemn eyes.

"The Sky Snake Group has a super flagship team."

"We have ten of them, and they are all the latest models of Fury Titans from the demon civilization!"

"The Titan doomsday weapon of the Sky Snake Group uses focused energy collection, and this kind of doomsday weapon technology I have only seen in one faction, and it is the most commonly used doomsday weapon method!"

"Which force?"

Someone frowned and asked.

Although this focused doomsday weapon is powerful, it has a very high energy demand on the battleship, and it will generate huge capacitive wave interference when it is activated, which is easy to affect friendly forces. Therefore, although demon civilization and angel civilization have related technologies, but Never arrayed, but a doomsday weapon using another technology.

In addition, this focused doomsday weapon has extremely high requirements for warships, so ordinary forces do not have the ability to study it. Now the doomsday weapons used by various forces are mostly based on the energy corrosion of demon civilization or the high-frequency energy concentration of angel civilization. host.

Although these two doomsday technologies are not as large as the focused one, they also have their own advantages, and the energy requirements for the battleship are much smaller.

And this is also the research direction of the doomsday miniaturization technology of the two civilizations.

Adrien Heiqi looked at the crowd and said word by word: "New Eden!"

As soon as the three words came out, everyone's expressions became serious.

Although the last battle between the dozens of super-flagship teams on the border of the central star field was deliberately downplayed by the two sides as a small frictional conflict, how could they not know that it was their own side being tortured by blood!

Five frontier defense groups, as well as the queen's personal guard army, a total of thirty-five super-flagship teams fought against the twenty-four super-flagship teams in New Eden, but they were defeated abruptly under such a superior force. directly captured.

In the end, if it wasn't for the other party's scruples and didn't want to expand this matter, otherwise the myth of demon civilization would surely fall into the dust!

No one refuted Adrian Black Flag's guess. After all, Adrian Black Flag has been dealing with New Eden for the longest time, and he still faces the New Eden fleet every time, so it is impossible to get it wrong.

Seeing everyone's dignified expressions, Adrien Heiqi continued to speak:

"Whether the Sky Snake Group is the handiwork of New Eden or not, we will know when the war in the eastern star field is over. If not, it will not affect our acquisition of the eastern star field, and at most it will be delayed for a while."

There is still a word that I didn't say, that is, if it is true, then just pretend that nothing happened, and just stop getting involved.

"The prince is wise!"

Afterwards, the Black Banner Legion quickly turned the bow and returned to the central star field.

Hutt Rupert didn't know about the withdrawal of the Black Banner Legion, and neither did Stone Man.

Cormac Vaga is doing all he can to wipe out the defenders of the Kelsen star field, while Hurt Rupert is mobilizing fleets from other star fields to support them, and Stone Man is mobilizing interception fleets to intercept at various traffic points.

Hurt Rupert was not stupid either. After ordering the garrison fleet to return to Star City for defense, under the air defense of a large number of anti-ballistic missiles, the bomb completely lost its effect.

After several projections, the bombs were all intercepted.

As for the electromagnetic interference bomb, the Eastern Commercial Complex has long been prepared, and it no longer works.

So I can only watch the waterway of Star City being quickly repaired and dredged. According to this situation, it can be completed in a few hours at most.

At that time, the super flagship team trapped in the star city will also quickly attack to support the Kelsen star field, which will put the first shadow serpent fleet, which has entered a fierce battle, into a desperate situation!

So after seeing that the stealth bombing fleet was no longer effective, Shi Man immediately asked the three officials who led the black hidden special service fleet to return, and quickly led the main fleet and the intercepting fleet to storm the Erli star field and the Jones star field. The interceptor ships delay the actions of the enemy's super-flagship fleet, while the main fleet storms various facilities in its star field without casualties, and uses trapezoidal fighters to hold back the enemy's vital forces as much as possible.

Facing the tactics of the Sky Snake Group, Hutt Rupert had to order the fleet to clean up these crazy guys first, otherwise not only the super flagship team would not be able to go to support, but even the local facilities would be scorched. That's even more worth the loss.

The three officials strictly carried out Shi Man's orders. The interception fleet was divided into dozens of groups and all of them were equipped with stealth equipment. The next group of interceptor ships rushed out of the subspace to replenish the interceptor force field, but the price was to be directly destroyed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the main fleet composed of Avenger-class battleships directly faced off on the front line of the border. The space station, spaceship, and industrial fleet of the Eastern Commercial Federation launched an attack, tearing up its front line of defense in a short period of time.

Facing the Sky Snake Fleet, the garrison fleet of the Eastern Commercial Federation was no match at all. As a last resort, Hutt Rupert dispatched the regular fleet of the super-flagship fleet and several dreadnought fleets to intercept this group of mad dog-like guys.

Facing the main fleet of the Eastern Commercial Federation, the Sky Snake Fleet no longer insisted, but chose a fleet as a formation, divided into more than a dozen groups to wreak havoc on the border.

In order not to cause problems on the front line, Hutt Rupert had to grit his teeth and continue to send more fleets to encircle and suppress.

Facing the blockade front line of the Eastern Business Federation, they surrounded the Sky Serpent Fleet, and the space for the Sky Serpent Fleet was quickly compressed, and it was only a matter of time before they lost.

But, they also got a precious 24 hours for Cormac Vaga!


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