EVE: Start a Space Station

Chapter 580: Armageddon - Revelation

Star Calendar At the beginning of 2023, because the demon civilization fleet ambushed Weibull Elena and brazenly invaded the territory of Xin Yindian, Xin Yindian used this as an excuse to start a war against the demon civilization and the free camp!

At the same time as the declaration of war was issued, the fleet assembled by New Yindian in the two star fields of the central star field also took the lead in launching an offensive against the defense line of the free camp.

Because the main battlefield of the two camps is on the central defense line, there are not many defensive fleets on the southern defense line that Xin Yindian attacked. With only a little resistance encountered, Xin Yindian completed the breakthrough to the defense line of the free camp.

After quickly completing the occupation of the defense line, Xinyindian's continuous fleet set off from the southern star field and the eastern star field, all the way to attack the homeland of the demon civilization.


On the central front, the free camp is advancing to the fortress. After receiving the news that New Yindian joined the war and was attacking the city all the way to the demon civilization, Adrien Heiqi suddenly smashed the water glass on the table to pieces.

"What are those idiots on the southern front doing? A whole hundred group armies were defeated without holding on for a day. Are they all pig brains?!"

Adrien Black Banner had already considered New Yindian's participation in the battle before the battle, so even if the central front was in desperate need of troops, he only pulled out the fleet from the rear and the northern defense line.

Not only did the fleet on the southern defense line not be transferred, but a lot was added to prevent Xin Yindian's participation in the war from destroying his plan.

That's more than a hundred army groups!

"Prince Adrian Black Banner, the commander of the southern front has already died on the battlefield, and this time Xinyindian's participation in the battle has exceeded our expectations. It is not the commander of the southern front."

Rapp, who was beside Adriatic Black Flag, looked at the information sent, looked at it carefully, and then spoke.

"In the last war, Xinyindian's fleet only had one hundred army groups.

No matter how fast Xinyindian expands his army, the fleet will not exceed 300 army groups, right? "

Adrien Black Flag was still very angry, clenching his fists.

"A total of one hundred and twenty-five army groups, plus the solid fortress defense line, even if Xinyindian is five times larger than mine, it should be able to last for more than a month, right?

However, the entire line was defeated in less than a day, and less than half of the 125 army groups withdrew.

A total of 125 group armies, 625 super-flagship teams, and hundreds of thousands of warships!

Even with hundreds of thousands of pigs, it is impossible to last for less than a day, right?

These trash! "

Adrien Black Banner became more and more angry as he talked, wishing he could pull out the commander of the southern front who had been killed in the battle from the ground and make up for a few more rounds of doom!

For Adrian Black Flag, Rapp would not have any awe, and directly threw the battle report on his face.

"Look for yourself. The first time Xinyindian participated in the battle, the fleet reached 1,000 army groups. They directly used superior forces to attack the entire line. The entire defense line was Xinyindian's main attack direction, which made it impossible for the various fortresses to cooperate with each other. .

In the face of this kind of force, the southern defense line is a joke! "

Because the southern front is not only to guard against Xinyindian, but also to defend against the direction of justice and order, the front stretches for a full twelve star fields.

In Adrian Black Flag's plan, as long as one of the star domains is attacked, the other star domains can use complete high-speed navigation to support each other, so strictly speaking, the garrison fleet between each star domain is only ten Army Group.

The Emma Empire, which was responsible for the main attack task of tearing apart the defense line, had no intention of fighting with them, and directly ordered Void Murong, who was the first to arrive at the predetermined attack position, to lead the Imperial Crusaders to launch a full-line attack on the twelve star fields.

No more, no less, each star field allocates a fleet of 100 group armies, directly crushing them to death.

With superior forces, any joint defense line has become a joke, and even the reserve line of defense that was originally regarded as a strategic depth has been turned into a front line.

"A thousand group armies, how is this possible? How did Xin Yindian conjure up so many fleets?"

Adrian Blackflag was in disbelief.

Rapp shook his head and continued: "More than a thousand, there are still a steady stream of fleets entering the central star field from the southern star field and the eastern star field. Now the southern front has at least 1,800 army groups in New Yindian. And there are still fleets coming in."

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Can Xin Yindian still conjure up so many fleets?"

This New Yindian is known as the overlord of the southern star field and the eastern star field despite its large territory.

But the combined resources of these two large star fields are not as fertile as the fifty star fields in the central star field!

Even if Angel Civilization and Justice and Order invested a lot of resources in order to win over New Yindian, where did this battleship come from?

Even if Xin Yindian's industrial capability is really strong, what about the pilot of this battleship?

For a qualified pilot to go from selection to training to actual combat, even his demon civilization needs at least a whole year!

If it weren't for the support of a huge population, Adrien Black Banner would not have been able to complete the military expansion in such a short period of time.

But where did the population of Xin Yindian come from? When he was still fighting with him in the southern star field, his population was only that small!

It's impossible for everyone in Xinyindian to be a born warship pilot, right?

At this moment, Adrian Heiqi's head was a little clouded.

He has exhausted the details of the demon civilization for more than a thousand years, and during this period of time, he has only expanded his army to more than 3,800 group armies.

Now Xin Yindian has expanded his army to at least half of the demon civilization in such a short time, he really doesn't understand.

This is completely a fantasy!

Seeing the expression of Adrian Black Flag, Rapp directly picked up the tea on the table and splashed it on his face.

"Adrey Heiqi, I have done so much with you, not to see you go crazy here, don't forget what you promised me back then!"

Feeling the warm tea on his face, Adrien Heiqi also calmed down.

After regaining his composure, Adrien Heiqi thought of his purpose of launching a coup d'état, controlling the demon civilization and the free camp, and his shock at the huge fleet of New Yindian subsided.

"Rapp, I have dispatched 500 demonic main force groups to you, no matter what method you use, I must stop Xin Yindian's fleet from advancing, and buy time for my side to destroy angelic civilization and justice and order!

Give me at least half a year to fight for it! "

Whether the demon civilization and the free camp will be destroyed, neither Adrian Black Flag nor Rapp cares. Even if the fleet of New Yindian has invaded the demon center Star City, the two of them will not blink their eyelids, because Now they just want to destroy the angelic civilization and justice order, and let all the enemies be buried with Sarah Jones!

If it weren't for the fact that the main battlefield in the central part needed supplies from the rear, and because they were afraid that Xin Yindian would invade the territory of the free camp and cause chaos in the free camp fleet and would not obey the command, Adrien Black Banner would not have sent the fleet back to help.

Rapp nodded silently, then walked out without looking back, and paused when he reached the door and said: "Adrey Black Flag, I will wait for you with the Queen below!"

Hearing this, Adrian Heiqi also showed a gentle smile.

"Then see you later!"

They all know that they are not good people, let alone a qualified leader.

Because they knew very well that all they did was to avenge a girl.

One for love, one for faith, nothing more.

Even if countless lives and civilizations are sacrificed for this, they will not hesitate.

They also know that after this war is over, regardless of victory or defeat, there will be no place for them in the entire universe, and there is only one dead end.

That's why Rapp said such a nonsensical remark before leaving. He planned to die on the southern front.

Seeing Rapp's leaving figure, Adrien Heiqi also slowly retracted the gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, and gave an order to the herald outside the door.

"Order the fleet to increase the attack batches, and be sure to tear apart the enemy's defenses in the shortest possible time!"



On the other hand, Weibull Elena, who returned to the Holy City of Angels, was no less shocked than Adrien Black Flag.

She was also very shocked by Xin Yindian's direct dispatch of so many fleets this time.

On the other side, Peter Yugudis, who also checked the battle report, was much stronger than Adrien Black Flag.

"Queen, how could there be so many fleets in Xinyindian!

Could it be that those civilizations whose interests are always neutral also took refuge in New Yindian? "

At this moment, Peter Yugudis seemed a little hissed and exhausted at this moment.

For this position, his civilization is now in name only. If it weren't for the angel civilization backing him, he would be worse than a beggar on the side of the road now!

This finally squeezed Wang Yan away, and his wife finally became the only candidate.

Now Xin Yindian gave him a slap and told him with his strength that they didn't care about the position of Queen of Angels at all, because Xin Yindian itself had this strength!

This result is no less than giving him a pocket bag on the spot, which will hurt him infinitely.

What he got after paying a huge price, but others can get it at his fingertips, which made his mentality unbalanced.

Although after knowing that Xin Yindian was the Yan army, Weibull Elena guessed that Xin Yindian had the hole card that could decide the war, but she thought that it might be more advanced equipment or warships, but she did not expect this to be the case. From the very beginning, Xin Yindian taught her a good lesson with hard power.

This is not only Xin Yindian trying to end the war, but also showing her muscles!

But after all, she is the queen of angels, and her mentality is not generally strong, and she recovered in just a moment.

After seeing Peter Yugudis who was hissing hard, Weibull Elena shook her head involuntarily, and told the guards on the side: "Peter Yugudis needs to take a good rest. , take him down to rest."

Afterwards, Peter Yugudis, who had a sluggish face, also reacted instantly after hearing this, refused the guard's support, took a deep breath and recovered his mentality.

"Queen, I lost my composure."

Seeing Peter Yugudis regaining his senses, Weibull Elena nodded.

"Now Xin Yindian has been cut off from justice and order, you should feel lucky now and not be so out of balance, because this is not only for me but also for me, this is the best result."

"I see."

Peter Yugudis bowed his head and cupped his hands to admit his mistake.

Afterwards, Weibull Elena looked at the current battlefield star map in the central star field, combined with the current mobilization of the enemy fleet, and couldn't help but fell into thought, tapping her fingers lightly.

After a while, Weibull Elena suddenly pointed to a star field.

"No, Adrien Black Banner is not planning to deal with New Yindian, but is planning to use the Tamar star field as a barrier to block New Yindian outside the mainland and stick to it.

Their next strategic goal is still the central front, and it is still us! "

After reacting, Weibull Elena immediately gave orders to Peter Yugudis and other leaders of the forces.

"Put the reserve team up too. All the troops on the front line will enter the highest level of combat readiness after their shifts. The enemy will make a big move on the front line!"

Weibull Elena's speculation was very accurate. Just three hours later, the demons gathered thousands of army groups and launched a large-scale attack on the central defense line.

Because they had been prepared for a long time, facing this surprise attack, Angel seemed calm and unhurried.

Relying on the defense of the fortress cluster, it quickly repelled several attacks from the demon side.

After knowing that the raid failed, Adrien Black Banner was not angry, but carried out another deployment of troops.

The two sides launched offensive and defensive battles on the front line again and again. The angel side stuck to the fortress defense line, and the demon side had to carry out various tentative attacks, hoping to open a breakthrough.

The two sides fought fiercely like this.

On the other side, after Rapp led the fleet to the southern defense line, he made an incredible decision.

That is to shrink the entire southern defense line, and move all the population and materials of each star field to the rear as much as possible, so as to fortify the wall and clear the field.

"Commander, wouldn't this mean giving up the existing twenty-three star fields?"

A commander of a native civilization is very puzzled by this order. His civilization is here!

Isn't this going to hand over his civilization to New Yindian?

Rapp looked at the star map and replied without raising his head: "Now we are in front of nearly 2,000 army groups in Xinyindian, and there will be continuous reinforcements in the future. Only our more than 500 army groups want to defend so many Star field, die?

Now shrink the fleet to the Tamar star field and stick to it, we can still hold on to the victory of the central front, or we will all die! "

"But my civilization is here!"

"You have this time to argue, why not save some energy and buy more time for your civilization to evacuate, or you will know the consequences when Xin Yindian invades."

Looking at Rapp, the commander gritted his teeth suddenly, and headed to the front with his fleet.

How many people their civilization can evacuate depends entirely on how long they can hold out on the front line, so they will definitely fight New Yindian desperately, and Rapp has no doubts about this.

Rapp looked at the star map, frowned slightly, and then asked the demon civilization to transport the military fortress to the mainland, while recruiting the surrounding civilizations.

He wants to build this Tamar star field into an impenetrable line of defense!

This is the only way he can think of to persist for half a year under Xin Yindian's offensive!

PS: Seeing this, I believe everyone can see that this book is coming to an end. I plan to finish it this month, and I don’t plan to open a new map or anything. I don’t think it’s necessary. I hope everyone Can be prepared.

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