EVE: Starting with a Space Station

Chapter 30 Declaration of War (Additional chapter for the reward of Walking with You to the End of t

As the escort team of the Black Flag Consortium, they certainly have some strength. The moment Lao Liu’s channel alarmed, Ted and others deployed a battle formation.

"Lao Liu, what's going on!"

Ted said as he quickly pulled the battleship out of the way.

Then, without waiting for Lao Liu to answer, he saw that in this huge transport ship, destroyers flew out of its rear hatch like a swarm of bees, and surrounded Lao Liu who had no time to pull away.

"Damn it, boss, I can't leave!" Lao Liu looked at the combat information feedback of his combat brain with horror. In just a moment, his thrusters were forced to shut down because of the opponent's jump frequency disturbance, and the power room could not speed up because of the stagnation beam interference.


I thought it was a routine autumn wind action, but I didn't expect that someone would dare to fight with them in the Black Flag's base camp!

Just for a few million star coins, this New Eden Heavy Industry that I had never heard of dared to fight. Is it worth it?

"Damn, how come these four ships are troop transports!"

Ted knew that he had hit a wall today. Looking at the destroyers that were still coming out of the transport ship, his face turned pale.

How could there be no escort team for transporting so many warships?

He thought of the strange-looking battleship fleet that had just left through orbital jump, and was suddenly shocked.

Could it be the escort team of these four transport ships!

He had just looked at the fleet carefully. There were dense missile launchers hanging around the hull, and there were six thick heavy missiles on the battleship. He felt cold in his heart.

"Wait." Ted hurriedly shouted in the public channel

It was a pity that it was too late.

Under the command of Aura, a promotion-class destroyer used a light ion rapid cannon to tear apart Lao Liu's razor-class frigate. As the main frigate launched by Xingchen Heavy Industry, the razor-class, could not even last more than 10 seconds in front of this promotion-class destroyer before it was destroyed.

Seeing the destruction of the sixth, Ted knew that he could not suppress the situation, so he called for support and began to organize the battle.

"Second, third, fourth, prepare for air defense. These destroyers are equipped with mixed guns. Don't let them get close!"

Looking at the eight black gun muzzles on the flat destroyer, his face was not good.


The three of them immediately turned on the air defense mode. They were all driving the Fengchao-class cruisers of Xingchen Heavy Industry. They were professional air defense cruisers equipped with five Gauss close defense guns, five light missile launchers, and drone platforms. They were excellent air defense cruisers.

But how could Aura let them feel at ease with air defense?

Only 50 Argus-class destroyers released the light drones from their drone platforms. Each ship could control 5 Earth Elf I light drones. A total of 250 drones rushed into the Black Flag fleet like a swarm of bees, and all kinds of anti-aircraft firepower began to pour on the drones.

Even if the damage of this light drone is low, under the concentrated fire of 250 drones, their small fleet, which is only a cruiser at most, can't withstand it.

"Don't worry about these drones, give priority to clearing the destroyers close to them!!!" Ted yelled in the command channel. He was a little greedy, but he was not a fool!

He has learned the swarm interference tactics of drones attracting firepower and covering the attack or evacuation of warships!

As expected, there were more than a dozen promotion-class destroyers mixed in with the drones. Under the powerful power of the 5MN micro-jump thruster, they quickly came to the side of the three anti-aircraft cruisers, and then used ion cannons to tear their hulls fiercely.

"Damn, kill these guys first, the firepower is too strong!" Lao San and others looked at the shields of their ships falling like water, and their faces were horrified.

Why is the firepower of this destroyer so high? It feels comparable to the firepower of his cruiser!

As the Accelerator approached, Scrambler forced its micro-jump propulsion to shut down, preventing it from leaving the battlefield, and the large army behind it rushed forward.

The Black Flag Guard, which was already outnumbered, became even more difficult to support after the three anti-aircraft firepower were entangled. Ted's escort team, which was mainly composed of Razor-class frigates, was directly defeated under this powerful offensive and fled in embarrassment.

Some even ran to the crowd waiting to jump around, intending to use these onlookers as cover to make these evil stars give up chasing them.

But how could Aura let these guys go? He chased after them decisively.

"Damn it, why hasn't the support arrived yet!"

Ted watched the warships of his fleet being caught up and destroyed one by one, and his teeth were broken with heartache.

The onlookers looked at the Black Flag members fleeing around them and the Accelerator of New Eden who were biting and biting, especially the stray bullets hitting them from time to time, and they couldn't help cursing.


Seeing a Booster-class ship chasing a Razor-class ship towards the White Flame Mercenary Group's fleet not far away, the team members couldn't help but ask nervously in the channel.

"Stay where you are, don't move without my order!" White Flame opened the combat terminal and zoomed in on the battle scene between the two warships.

After the two warships chased in their fleet for a few minutes, the Razor class was caught up after it crashed into Bai Yan's vehicle due to an operational error. Bai Yan also observed closely, watching the eight rapid cannons of the promotion class spewing flames, and destroyed it in less than 10 seconds.

Then the space capsule was captured and towed back to the battlefield regardless of the Bai Yan fleet.

Bai Yan looked at the destroyer returning to the battlefield, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Complete body"

In less than 5 minutes, as Ted failed to escape, the warship was destroyed and the space capsule was captured, the battle came to an end.

The fleet of 36 people in Ted's team was completely destroyed, and all the space capsules were captured and lined up next to the jump track, which was very spectacular.

"Let us go, this conflict will stop here, I promise that Black Flag will not cause you trouble in the future." Ted no longer said with arrogance and humility just now.

Now his life is in the hands of others, and he has no choice but to bow his head.

"Are you threatening me with the Black Flag Consortium?" Even at this time, he still wanted to threaten him with the Black Flag Consortium. Aura smiled contemptuously: "Do you think I'm afraid?"

Ted's pupils shrank, and he roared with a ferocious face: "This is the Black Flag Galaxy, the territory of the Black Flag, you can't do this"

Aura snapped his fingers, and under the one-to-one service of the promotion level, all 36 space capsules were destroyed.

Aura didn't collect the spoils, and commanded the destroyer to quickly return to the ship maintenance warehouse of the Bowhead Whale. He was not stupid enough to use this destroyer to fight against the Black Flag's large army.

When the remaining warships came back, the four Bowhead Whales slowly began to accelerate on the jump track. Before leaving, Aura sent a message to everyone through the public channel: "In view of the Black Flag Consortium's innocent looting and insulting our behavior, New Eden declares war on the Black Flag Consortium, and it will not stop until death!!!"

The people around looked at the 36 cold corpses beside the jump track, shuddered, and secretly complained.

Openly slaughtering people in this way on their territory, no matter how right you are, they will not let you go!

This should be the opposite!

This is the first time I have received a reward, thank you very much (ω`)

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