EVE: Starting with a Space Station

Chapter 9 Demolition Team (I)

The next day, Shi Man got up early.

He sold the poisonous lizard in his hand, collected 3.3 billion star coins, bought a large skill injector, upgraded all the scanning skills to level 4, and upgraded the skills of the covert action device.

After that, he equipped an Astro-class frigate equipped with the Sisterhood Combat Probe. With the ship slot and the middle slot both increasing the scanning intensity, the combat probe's strength reached 53 points of scanning intensity.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

Shi Man then drove the ship to find a high-security wormhole and plunged into it.

The danger in the wormhole is much more dangerous than in the main world.

Because the local channel in the wormhole does not display the number of people, you never know how many big men are waiting for you somewhere inside, so Shi Man separated the probe scanning interface and the directional scan as soon as he entered, saved the entrance coordinates first, and then launched the Sisterhood Combat Probe, and then became invisible.

Temporarily turn off the combat anomalies, space signals, etc. in the probe, leaving only the ship and building options.

The former is because it is not needed temporarily, and the latter two can scan out player buildings or ships in the wormhole to infer whether there are players and player buildings in this hole, whether it is still in production, etc.

A 32AU combat needle with the maximum range was scanned out, and the scanning results were obtained in a short while.

Unfortunately, there was nothing

Shi Man was not disappointed. After all, there were so many wormholes, and it was impossible for each to have player buildings.

Retract the combat probe and replace it with a scanning probe.

Because the functions of the two probes are different, the combat probe is aimed at finding players and player buildings in PVP, while the scanning probe is used to scan space signals and find wild deaths or wormholes.

The advantage of the sisterhood extension probe launcher brought by Shi Man is that it can switch between the two probes freely. If it is a scanning probe launcher, it can only carry scanning probes and cannot carry combat probes.

Correspondingly, the sisterhood extension probe launcher occupies a large amount of CPU for the ship.

In order to bring the Sisterhood Extended Probe Launcher, Shi Man's Astro's low slots were equipped with a full 4 T2 coordination processors, and the ship's plug was also equipped with a small processor overclocking component to increase the ship's CPU, and then it was installed on the ship.

Therefore, after sacrificing so many low slots, Shi Man's Astro also lost its combat effectiveness, but it brought a higher scanning intensity.

Open the star map to first find the point where you just entered the hole, and then narrow the probe range to scan the exit, so as to avoid unnecessary time waste.

Shi Man's goal is very clear, that is, to find a hole. He didn't even look at other data relics, and just passed by them, so his efficiency is very high.

But unfortunately, he didn't find a suitable wormhole in the morning.

All the wormholes found were those of Yonglian Gaoan that were being produced by people.

A morning of scanning made Shi Man yawn, and he spread the probe a little tiredly.

He looked at the time, it was already 10:50, and there were still 10 minutes to start the daily routine maintenance.

The morning passed by like this, but no suitable target was found.

"It's uncomfortable!" Shi Man supported his hands. His bones were aching after sitting for a whole morning.

At this time, the combat probe fed back the scanning results.

I saw an iron wall, two Atanos, and a bunch of mother planet buildings on it.

Shi Man's eyes lit up, and he cleared all the feedback except the iron wall with a pause, and then shrunk the probe to continue scanning. After the second needle, the location of the iron wall was scanned out.

He jumped to 100km away from the iron wall in stealth mode. He saw the three words "low energy" on the huge iron wall, and Shi Man jumped up excitedly.

"Found it!"

Seeing that there was less than 2 minutes left before the server was shut down, Shi Man quickly made a point and jumped to deep space to log off safely.

After going offline, Shi Man hurriedly contacted Derk Ellis: "Old De, come online on time after maintenance, and find the target!"

Derk Ellis, who was cooking, saw his phone vibrate, put down the fish in his hand, wiped his hands, opened QQ and looked at the message in a small group called the demolition team, and his face suddenly showed joy.

Derk Ellis: "Barbarian, is the efficiency so fast?"

Shi Man: "Found it before maintenance, in a level 4 wormhole, an iron wall, two Atanos, and some control towers."

Big stuff!

Derk Ellis asked while cooking with a spatula: "So many buildings, can we eat them all?"

Shi Man knew that his worries were not unreasonable. After all, those who could build iron walls in wormholes were all powerful legions.

But the brave will die of overeating, and the timid will die of starvation.

Besides, he has no choice now!

Shi Man bit the energy bar fiercely, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"I just saw that the iron wall is already in a low energy state. As long as there is no one defending it, we can demolish it in an hour." Shi Man looked at the tasteless energy bar with disdain and continued, "Besides, there is no fuel left. How can there be anyone defending it? We are sure to win!"

"So lucky?" Delke Ellis looked at the message, swallowed a few mouthfuls of rice, and sent a voice message in surprise: "Which legion is it from? Have you seen it?"

Which legion is it from?

Shi Man thought about it. He was just looking to see if it was running at low energy, and didn't pay attention to which legion it was from.

However, it must not be a legion with blue legion reputation, after all, this building just now did not show reputation.

"I don't know, but what is certain is that it's okay to demolish this building. It has no reputation."

"Well, that's fine. I'll go online after the maintenance."

"Well." Shi Man listened to some barely audible words in the voice and asked: "What are you doing now, why can't you speak clearly?"

Delke Ellis didn't say much, but took a photo and sent it over.

Looking at the braised fish and egg drop soup in the photo, Shi Man's tears immediately flowed from the corners of his mouth, and looking at the energy bar in his hand, he felt exhausted.

This energy bar is synthetic, and one bar can provide enough energy for an adult man for a day. It can be said to be the cheapest and most easily available food in the interstellar.

But cheap things don’t have good quality. In addition to the energy, this thing tastes like rubber without any taste, hard to chew and tasteless.

Shi Man also remembered that this guy used to be a soldier for 5 years, worked in field artillery for 2 years, and served as a cook for 3 years. He was a good cook.

When the two of them were bragging together before, this guy often said: "Do you want me to give you a thumbs up?!"

But speaking of it, this guy still needs a meal!

Before Shi Man crossed over, he was going to Guangdong to meet this guy, take Dirk Ellis to take him, who had never been to the seaside, to experience sea fishing, and treat him to a meal!

Unfortunately, Shi Man was busy looking for a job after graduation, and he was also busy starting a business, so this matter was delayed.

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