A fragmented crystal is 100 yuan, and a cracked crystal is 2500 yuan, which is a big profit! !

Quack, Lu Kai took this synthetic split moon crystal and observed it carefully, and found how dim the light of this cracked crystal was, as dim as the broken crystal that was picked up by throwing money at the temple in the square.

It is inferred from the light that the power of this cracked crystal is only about 3/25, which is the sum of the energy of the three crushed crystals.

Oh, when the energy of the split crystal is used up, it can be used as 5 yuan. In this way, I made 2 yuan for synthesizing a split crystal!

Maybe I can exchange a bunch of shattered moon crystal white stones to combine crack crystal white stones.


Forget it, this one consumes about 30 psionic energy, and I don't know if I earn 100 yuan after working hard all day.

Lu Kai stopped synthesizing, it was already evening, and after drinking [Reiki Sparkling Water], he was not hungry at all, and he didn’t urinate, so he had to hold back a little. Sprinkle again tomorrow.

Read a book now.

Lu Kai picked up the most expensive "Hand of Psionic Energy". This book came with a slate. How to activate the slate?

A prompt popped up in Lu Kai's mind: new hardware was found, and the detection started.

【Psionic Learning Machine】, input psionics to activate.

Risk, micro.

ha? 【Psionic Learning Machine】?

Enter psionics.

The gemstones inlaid in the four corners of the slate light up in sequence, and then an old man appears in the center of the slate.

The old man said: The psionic fluctuation has been bound. The highest peak of psionic power is 72, and the fluidity of psionic input is proficient. It is recommended to start learning from Chapter 3.

Lu Kai showed a surprised expression: Wow, this slate can also detect the upper limit of psionic energy, not bad. 6500 yuan is really worth it.

Old Man: Did you learn from the suggested chapters? whether

Options appeared in front of the old slate.

Lu Kai reached out and said yes, but passed through.

Lu Kai had an idea, and the spiritual energy poured out from his fingers and clicked on it.

Old man: The class starts now. Open the book, starting with Chapter 3, 47 pages.

Oh, it really is operated with psionic power.

Lu Kai opened the book and it was written: In the first two chapters, we learned how to make the psionic energy flow and gather, and in the third chapter we learned the advanced application of psionic energy - psionic separation.

The clasped hands cover the psionic energy, but the psychic energy flows in the hands, so that the hands are separated and the psionic energy is connected and flowed.

Increase the distance until your hands are evenly spread out to maintain fluid communication.

Lu Kai followed the operation written in the book, and the initial and separation were easy to complete, but if the separation interval exceeded 20, the psychic power of both hands could not be connected and disconnected.

The Old Man Appears: Psionic separation takes a lot of practice. Now, repeat the first step and cover this light ball with psionic energy.

The old man disappeared, and a ball of light appeared in the center of the slate.

Lu Kai folded his hands together to cover it, his spiritual energy poured out, and his hands were separated. This time, the separation was easily over 40 centimeters. At approximately 55 centimeters, the psychic disconnects.

The Old Man Appears: Repeat the process, this time covering two spheres of light.

Two light balls appeared, and Lu Kai followed step by step. This time the separation exceeded 80 centimeters. The light ball was the link point of psionic energy.

Lu Kai continued to practice, from one light ball link to 5 light ball links, and finally reached the level of both hands and the flow remained constant.

Then he ran out of psychic energy and lay on the ground gasping for breath.

Old man: That's it for today's class. Next time when the psionic energy is restored to full value, start the class and end the get out of class.

The old man disappeared, and the slate's gems dimmed.

Lu Kai picked up the book and flipped through the contents behind.

The fifth chapter is the extension of one-handed psionic power, turning psionic power into a whip,

The sixth chapter is the extension of the psionic power with both hands, and then the extension of the psionic power without using the hands, and the psionic power can be extended to any part of the body.

The seventh chapter is the materialization of psionic energy, so that the ethereal psionic energy can grasp the real thing.

The road opens and closes the book,

Feelings: It's worth the money.

Then I felt a little sleepy for a while. Today, my psionic energy was exhausted and full again, and I felt a little tired.

The road is open to see the sky, it is more than 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the sky is still very bright, and I squint for a while, it is too wasteful to light up the lights now.

Lu Kai woke up in his sleep.

Lu Kai found that it was dark, and the darkness was surging around, and it was spreading substantively.

Lu Kai hurried to look for the light, to turn on the light to drive out the darkness.

But it was dark all around, Lu Kai groped for a while, and the surroundings were empty. The room in the house was only 10 square meters, and there was no room for a bed and a workbench. Where is this...! ?

I was eaten by darkness?

The surrounding darkness made a creaking sound, as if some creature was grinding its teeth and approaching...

Lu Kai hurriedly searched for the things on his body, and only found the moon crystal in his clothes pocket. There were 2 cracked crystals (one of which had only 300 energy) and 21 broken crystals.

Moon crystal is the driving source of the lamp, so it should be no problem to use it directly, right?

Lu Kai picked up the piece that only had 300 points of energy, clenched it tightly, and injected it with spiritual energy! !

The crack crystal emits a bright light, and the light illuminates the surroundings.

Ouch~~~ There was something about the size of a husky that was hit by the light, it started to smoke, and then jumped into the darkness!

what is that…………

Lu Kai held the glowing fissure and saw himself surrounded by a group of strange dogs...

These dogs have long, thin heads, a nose, four eyes, and a mouth with fangs. If so, it's a bit of a strange dog, but this dog's mouth has a nose on it, like this dog is in During the manufacturing process, someone grabbed the nose and kissed it and twisted it all over.

Then the dog had four legs, and its body was thin and bony. From the protruding ribs, one could see that there was a pitch-black asphalt membrane underneath.

Lu Kai was surrounded by 7 or 8 dogs. The dogs were afraid of the light and did not dare to approach.

After the crack crystal in Lu Kai's hand was injected with spiritual energy, it was burning and glowing. Lu Kai felt like holding a lit incandescent light bulb, and the hot palms were bubbling and smoking.

When the road was too hot to bear, when the left hand changed to the right, a dog rushed over!

Lu Kai quickly flashed by.

Seeing this, the surrounding dogs rushed over in a swarm.

The original dog didn't pounce. After landing, he stabilized his body and opened his mouth wide to bite the road.

Lu Kai directly stuffed the luminous crack crystal into the dog's mouth, and the dog exploded.

The inside of the dog feels like it's poking into the silicone, with weight and stickiness, and then burns straight up.

The burning speed was very fast, and the dog's body directly swelled into a ball, and then exploded.

The explosion blasted out a pile of burning goo that stuck to the pounced dog.

These fluttering dogs just slammed into the street, rolling on the ground, trying to rub off the mucus.

Lu Kai's hand was burned by the cracked crystal, and suddenly remembered the special training on the psionic hand he did before going to bed, so he wrapped it with psionic energy. I did not expect that the psychic energy came into contact with the moon spar, and the moon spar directly burned even more. .

This kind of burning is not the kind of burning with the heat of flames, but a violent reaction of psychic energy. This can't be done, so Lu Kai took off his clothes, tied up his cuffs, put the crack crystals in, and turned into a meteor hammer. Lu Kai picked up his clothes and hit the dog's head directly on the ground with the meteor hammer.

The dog's head was smashed by a luminous crack, the case shattered, and the inside was directly burned by light.

These dogs have no skin...that's a shell that can be destroyed with psionic power.

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