Even Cthulhu Can't Stop Me From Picking Up Trash

Chapter 17 The murloc urn ran away with long legs!

Murlocs, fish monsters, there are four common fish people, herring people, grass carp people, silver carp people, bighead carp people.

The closed end is the fifth of the four murlocs. These five murlocs belong to the order Cyprinidae, the family Cyprinidae.

The four murlocs can share a water area:

Silver carp people: In the upper layers of the water, they feed on phytoplankton such as diatoms and green algae produced by floating corpses.

Bighead carp: Inhabit the middle and upper layers of the water, feeding on zooplankton such as water fleas.

Herring: Live in the middle and lower layers of the waters, and mainly feed on benthic animals such as carrion snails and leeches.

Grass carp: They live in the middle and lower layers of the waters and on the shores with many aquatic plants. They mainly feed on aquatic plants and parasitic reeds.

The murloc liver is the primary psionic organ used in medicine and potions, as well as underwater breathing potions.

Koi murlocs, whose psionic organs are fish scales, are excellent carriers of water-based special effects amulets.


After Lu Kai read the introduction about the murlocs, if there are physical murlocs, they can sell for a lot of money, but the spiritual body is locked in the spiritual space, so it is useless.

Then turned a few more pages and found last night's Rebel Dog and Pine Cone Monster.

Shadow wolves, canine monsters, have shadow characteristics and live in groups. A single shadow wolf is not scary, what is scary is a pack of wolves. The leader of the wolf pack has a certain wisdom. Teeth and heart are psionic organs.

Bacteriophagic pinecone, unclassified, has the characteristics of insects and fungi. The body is a central egg bag. The egg bag hatches 20 to 40 larvae at a time. The larvae are slender like iron wires. Acting by controlling hydraulic pressure in the body, psionic organs are secretory glands that produce fluid within the egg sack.

Well, after reading the book, I have an idea.

When Lu Kai took out the tank, he put murloc oil, crystallized salt, and the tank of the [Anthrax Dagger of Sudden Death].

Then directly psychic energy wrapped the squid human spirit body, which was pressed into a ball, and was still panting, and poured it into the tank!

Then close the lid.

Crackling, the tank is shaking violently! !

The tank is shaking violently, and there are cracks, what?

Lu Kai hurriedly input his psionic energy to stabilize!

This tank is very strong! Losing 40 points of psionic energy is still not enough. In the end, Lu Kai felt collapsed, and the whole tank stabilized.

Found new hardware, start detection

[Murloc urn], has the characteristic of [Alive], open the urn to generate psychic gas, and those who inhale the gas consume psychic energy and generate psychic gas. The gas components are pentamethylenediamine, hydrogen sulfide, methane, syringin, etc.; The impact exploded.

Risk: high

I'm going... This opens up and inhales the gas, the psychic energy is consumed, people generate gas, and others inhale the gas again, this is a chain infection! ! One person is recruited, and a city person will die! This thing is getting more and more dangerous...! !

Just as Lu Kai was thinking about what to do with the urn, the bottom of the urn clacked.

! ?

The urn grew 4 legs! ! Webbed feet.

This...what the hell...? ?

The urn began to run away like a stray dog.

How could Lu Kai run away from the urn, he quickly stretched out his split tentacles, grabbed the entire urn and hung it up.

The four feet of the urn were swaying in the air, and at first glance it was carrying a naughty fat cat.

This thing is a bomb...a bomb that will kill a whole city, and this bomb will run itself! This is no longer the level of pollutants, it can be said to be a disaster item.

How to do? ?

Lu Kai wrapped the urn with a sheet, tied it with a dead knot, then found a rope to tie it up, and then dismantled the shelves in the store and nailed it into a wooden frame. No, it's still not very safe. We have to find some steel plates to weld them on, fill them in with cement, and dig a hole to bury them! !

Well, then Lu Kai sat down and slowly, the effect of the aura bubble water was wiped out with blood and urine.

It took half an hour to return to full psionic energy, but now it takes half a day.

Still hungry.

Go find something to eat.

Lu Kai took the extraordinary items in the bag. In the battle last night, he had a lot of moon crystals on him, burned the remaining white stones, and spent them.

When I went out, I found a high-end breakfast restaurant on the street. The selling point was the dishes made with non-polluting and non-corrosive ingredients.

Ordered a bowl of lean meat porridge and added two eggs.

It cost a total of 68 yuan! ! The taste is good, and there are no ordinary ingredients drinking porridge, drinking and drinking, and popping out an eye. But it's fucking expensive.

It just happened that the stores on the street also opened one after another, so I found a hardware store, bought a shovel, and went to the building materials store to buy two packs of cement, but the building materials store never opened. When I found out, the owner of the building materials store died last night, and the whole family died.

When asked what happened, the neighbor said: "Last night, the owner of the building materials store drank alcohol and then beat his wife.

Uncle Neighbor: I was drinking a little wine by myself and listening to them fighting, it was very comfortable. Who knows that their kid is a son with a problem with his brain, shouting: You are not allowed to hit your mother! "

The surrounding people gathered around, very concerned about the next development. "What happened next? Hurry up!", "Did the kid and the woman kill the man together?"

Neighbor uncle: "Nothing, this kid smashed the lamp after roaring. Then their family died."

After hearing this story, Lu Kai sighed that this world is too embarrassing. It is very difficult for people with normal brains to live, let alone those with problems with their brains?

Take the new shovel you bought, it's okay to have no cement, dig a hole and fill it in. As long as you don't open it, you'll be fine.

On the way home, I saw a group of scavengers walking past carrying a wooden frame.


What else could this urn be?

This time, not only did the feet grow, but also the hands, which were gripping the wooden frame tightly. It's like saying, "Hee hee, when I go out, I'll kill you all!"

The scavengers said, "Be careful not to get scratched." "What the hell is this thing?"

"I don't know, what kind of pet has mutated?"

"Who is so careless to keep such pets?"

"Really, the previous captain raised a banshee and was sucked dry."

"Ahahaha, yes yes yes."

Lu Kai stood on the side of the road and watched the scavenger carry things.

A scavenger was displeased: "Look at your numbness, get out!"

Lu Kai hurried home.

How could I have imagined that this little thing would still open the door?

Forget it, none of my business. Shouldn't follow the clues to find the door? Tired.

Or read books to learn.

So I took out the slate and prepared to study the next chapter.

Enter psionic power, 3 of the four gems on the slate light up, and then an alarm is issued: psionic matching error, unable to start

ha? What's going on?

It was fine yesterday, why isn't it working today?

Lu was furious, and the learning machine he bought for 6,500 yuan broke in one day!

Lu Kai took the book and slate, and went to the bookstore with a small backpack.

The girl with glasses in the bookstore was cleaning the glass, and when she saw the road opened, she showed a business smile: "Sir, welcome."

Lu Kai slapped the slate and book on the table: "Why is this thing broken?! Return it!"

The girl frowned: "How come? This slate is famous for its durability. You can smash walnuts with it. How could it be broken?"

Lu Kai: "I used it well yesterday, but I can't start it today. Isn't it broken?"

Girl: "Tell me more about the specific situation."

Lu Kai starts the slate again, and the slate prompts: Psionic matching error, unable to start

Girl: "Is your slate bound to someone else?"

Lu Kai: "I'm bound! Look. I've only learned half of the tutorial!"

Lu Kai's right hand psychic energy emerged and stretched out his tentacles.

The tentacles twisted and twisted in front of the glasses girl.

The girl's face was displeased, her psychic energy surged, and a psychic hand grabbed Lu Kai's tentacles.

Huh? Seeing that the tentacles were caught, Lu Kai twitched the tentacles, trying to break free.

The girl didn't let go, and the psychic hand continued to work hard, and even slapped it hard.

Lu Kai was in a hurry: "Hey! What are you doing!? This is very sensitive!"

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