Even Cthulhu Can't Stop Me From Picking Up Trash

Chapter 23 Do you know how many evolution points are needed to achieve extraordinary

The protagonist of this light spot is an old scavenger, with a bruised nose and a bruised face, and a ferocious and evil expression.

It turned out that the old man collected a few garbage to sell a few days ago, and the old man who sold the goods said that the things he sold were psychic items, which were worth at least 1,000 yuan, but they were only bought for 40 yuan. The old man then went to the boss theory of the acquisition station. The boss returned the things to the old man, and the old man took it back to find the old man who knew the goods to buy it. The old man said that he had read it wrong, and this was garbage.

The old man sold it to the scrap boss. The boss charged 40 yuan at the original price. The old man insisted that the boss accept it for 1,000 yuan, and was beaten up by the boss's two sons.

In order to make the whole family of the owner of the scrap purchaser suffer from sores, the old man is willing to sacrifice a whole house of rubbish that he treasures.

Uh... the protagonist is speechless, you cursed the wrong person. If you really want to curse, you will also curse that old man. How could the boss of the waste collection station provoke you?

Hmm...the way people think is very different. That's not right, the old man came to sell something, the boss returned it to the old man, and the old man sold it again, and the boss was willing to charge it at the original price. This boss is a good guy.

Maybe the old man saw that the boss of the scrap purchase was a good person, so he fell for it.

And the old man who knew the goods had a shirtless tattoo and was rented in a slum area.

Therefore, the one who got the [Wish Coin] curse was the good boss.

Humanity is really interesting.

The protagonist lit a spot of light again.

This is a girl in beautiful and gorgeous clothes, looking like a nobleman. But this girl is a bit fat, less than 150 meters tall and weighs 120 kilograms. He also looks a little ugly, with a big face and a garlic nose, and a little bit of buck teeth.

The girl balloon god disfigured the girls in the class and turned them into old witches.

It turned out that the father of the girl who made the wish was a marquis, and the female classmate was the daughter of the prince. This year, she transferred to this school and the two became classmates.

Originally, her family was the noblest noble in the area, and her classmates were centered on girls, but when a female classmate came, everyone turned around her, and the knights who had been very attentive to him also alienated him and turned to the female classmate. .

This female classmate stole her own halo.

So the girl took out this [Wish Coin] in the treasure house at home to disfigure the female classmate! The girl can pay all her private money for this wish, with a total value of about 2 million yuan.

Hmm... Sure enough, the guy who made the wish had something wrong in his head. You said that you have such a frustrating appearance, why don't you make a wish to make yourself beautiful? Why bother to disfigure others. Besides, can you win back the support of the knights by destroying the opponent's face...?

Your father's title is a marquis, which is lower than the prince's title. If you make a wish to let the other's father treason and be hanged, you are considered a smart person.

This wish is stupid and bad.

The protagonist turned on a few more points of light, and seeing the wishes of the various bosses, the old man who watched it called him an expert.

The protagonist feels that he has been forcibly filled with shit, and these wishers are all monsters and ghosts.

No wonder the wishing deity wanted to "fulfill the wisher's wishes in a way that the wisher does not want to see."

Anyone who gets slapped with shit will be angry, not to mention the gods?

Lu Kai exited the spiritual consciousness space. If you like to eat shit, it is quite interesting to watch these wish-making jokes. There are millions of light spots in the link. Lu Kai's psychic power has not recovered yet, and his head is dizzy. So get ready to sleep.

It was noon now. To be on the safe side, Lu Kai turned on the light, put in a shattered moon crystal, increased the power to 140%, and then put all the extraordinary items within easy reach, and went to sleep when they were ready.

This sleep, Lu Kai was awakened by a sudden knock on the door.

When the road opened, it was found that the time was in the afternoon, and it was almost evening.

who is it? The shop has been losing money since the master died, er, no, it has been losing money while the master is still alive.

Shijiang is a senior psionicist. According to Shijiang, he has been stuck at the level of 90 peak psionic energy for 10 years and cannot make any progress. The master spent a lot of money to buy a psionic structure map, but after practicing, not only did he fail, but his liver was abolished.

It is caused by alcoholism. This map requires a lot of drinking as an introduction, so that the psychic can transform the liver. I didn't think that the transformation failed. I got liver cancer and died in three years.

The door was opened, and before the road opened to see who it was, the man ran into the store.

When Lu Kai saw this person, he remembered who it was. It was a senior apprentice. The master craftsman had accepted two apprentices at the time. The apprentice brother followed the master craftsman for many years, and finally went out to work alone, so he recruited another apprentice, namely Lu Kai.

Lu Kai and his senior brother studied for a short period of time, and it was the senior brother who guided Lu Kai to meditate and become a psionicist.

Lu Kai said happily, "Senior brother! Long time no see."

Senior brother looked around: "Junior brother, where is the master craftsman?"

Lu Kai told his brother about the death of the master craftsman.

Senior brother looked sad: "It turns out that it is like this, attacking the extraordinary is an act against the sky, and it is normal to fail."

Lu Kai: "Senior brother, what's the matter when you come back this time?"

Senior brother changed his expression, with a serious face: "Junior brother, do you want to be extraordinary?"

Lu Kai thought, I am now half extraordinary...

Senior brother did not wait for Lu Kai to answer, and continued: "Don't say you don't want to. You are a psionicist, and every psionicist has a mind to achieve extraordinary things. If not, then what is the purpose of being a psionicist?"

When Lu Kai was about to speak, the senior brother continued: "I now have an exact transcendent path, which is 100% able to achieve transcendence, and the chance of losing control is very low. I am your senior brother and that's why I came to you."

Lu Kai: "..."

What the hell? Senior brother, you don't even know that the master craftsman is dead. If there is such a good thing, you will call me? We only stayed together to study for 3 months, right? Are the feelings so good? On the path of transcendence, which one of the extraordinary achievers is not a prosperous one, and an extraordinary person goes to pull a hunting party, I dare not say that the monthly income is one million, and the monthly guarantee is in the hundreds of thousands. This 100% achievement of extraordinary deeds will be my turn? ?

Senior brother took out a badge from his pocket: "Do you know how many evolution points it takes for a person to become extraordinary?"

Lu Kai looked confused: "Evolution point? What is that?"

Senior brother said with a serious face: "10.4 million evolution points are needed! As long as 10.4 million evolution points are collected, you can become extraordinary! This is what I saw with my own eyes!"

Lu Kai: "What? What is it?"

Senior brother put the badge into Lu Kai's hand: "If you believe me, after the darkness appears, drop blood on the badge. We will meet again at that time, and I will tell you more about the specific situation!"

Lu Kai: "Uh..."

Senior brother chattered and walked out of the store: "I've finished speaking, there are many things like achieving extraordinary achievements, I just want to say that I understand everything I know, and I don't explain much if I don't understand, after all, it's good to know it. Don't come and ask me how this badge came from. The interests are too involved. It's not good for you and me to say it now. If you don't believe it, just don't know it. For the rest, I can only say that the water in it is very Deep, it involves a lot of things.”

Lu Kai: "Uh..."

Found new hardware, start detection

[Another-dimensional communication device], activated after a drop of blood, bound to consciousness, linked to a different-dimensional space, risk degree: medium

Different dimension? communication device? What is this?

Lu Kai held the badge in his hand. This badge is hexagonal, and the hexagon is a bit sharp. The material does not feel like metal, but it has a metallic luster. The badge has a double helix pattern. This is DNA. Evolution point? Does the world also study genes?

This senior, I have forgotten the name of the senior. I haven't seen each other for three years. What's the trouble with this? 10.4 million evolution points? Evolution point? What is that? It's pretty much the same thing.

Want to give it a try?

forget it. This senior brother probably joined some kind of evil organization, and he was running around desperately in the evening. Oh, it's getting dark, damn it! it's dark!

Lu Kai ran to the room immediately, and the light in the room was always on.

It was getting dark so fast, in the few seconds that Lu Kai turned around and ran to the room, the darkness swept over, and it was about to roll into Lu Kai's back.

Lu opened to the door of the room, flew into the room, and landed steadily.

I saw that the darkness was blocked by the lights at the door, and I could not enter.

Huh... so dangerous.

Lu Kai wiped off the cold sweat, feeling a little pain in the palm of his hand. He spread his hands and saw that he was holding the badge in his palm, which was punctured by the six sharp corners of the badge, and blood was smeared on it.

Lu Kai shouted badly, and hurriedly threw the badge.

Suddenly I felt a whirlwind, the spirit body was frozen, and then pulled into a white place.

where is this place?

Lu Kai looked around and saw that he was on a small hill. There was no grass or trees on the hill, but only bones. The whole space was whistling with an uncomfortable wind.

Bones piled up, weathered, turned into bone chips and fell. The white space in this space is full of bones and bone scraps.

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