Even Cthulhu Can't Stop Me From Picking Up Trash

Chapter 35 · Sound the [Ancestral Horn]

More than 30 skeletal creatures rushed to Lu Kai, but Lu Kai was someone who had seen the big scene, how could he be afraid of this kind of battle, so he ran wild.

This is a strategic retreat. After all, two fists are no match for four hands, and a good woman is no match for a pack of wolves.

More than 30 skeletal creatures did not form an encirclement. The speed of the small skeleton was slower than that of the beast-shaped skeleton. After running for a while, it turned into a long snake formation.

Lu Kai found a huge pile of bones, forming a roadblock. Decided to choose the battlefield here.

So kill a carbine.

Psionic tentacles multiply, entangle into bundles, and then enamel!

The fastest running leopard-shaped skeleton was stabbed by the tentacle, a hole was stabbed in the skull, and the fire of the soul spurted out like a punctured water bag.

The second beast-shaped skeleton came, Lu opened his spear and swept across it, interrupting the skeleton with a stick. The upper and lower body of the skeleton digs the ground. Lu Kai smashed Huashan with a force, a skull was broken, and the fire of the soul exploded into a group of fireworks.

The third beast-shaped skeleton made a false move, jumped to Lu Kai's side to avoid Lu Kai's jab, and pounced again.

The result is hanging directly in mid-air.

Lu Kai learned the superego meditation method, the psionic movement is smoother, and the psionic tentacles can emerge from any part of the body.

How could the beast-shaped skeleton rushing over from his side thought that this guy had such a long thorn on his neck, which directly pierced his mouth.

After solving the three fastest beast-shaped skeletons, Lu Kai picked up a skeleton that was still burning the fire of his soul, and breathed in~

Forehead? Can't breathe?

The upper and lower jaws of the skull head cracked open.

Lu Kai took another breath, but he didn't catch the fire of the soul, and almost got bit by the skeleton on his nose. Qi Lu opened his hands and grabbed the skull.

Follow-up skeletons are already close.

Lu Kai secretly screamed badly: Only the spirit state can absorb the fire of the soul! !

Lu Kai had 180 points of psionic power, 100 points to open the door, about 20 points to kill the three beast-shaped skeletons, and now there are 60 points left.

Lu Kai stabbed the fastest little skeleton to death, and then stepped back to the bone pile.

Skeletons swarmed over.

Lu Kai's psychic energy began to agitate, and the turbulent psychic energy was injected into the tentacle gun. With a "rub", the tentacle gun extended to 20 meters, and more than ten skeletons were strung together like a mutton skewer. "Grow burrs. The burrs were thin and long, piercing the fire of the skeletons' souls.

The remaining skeletons who were not afraid of death continued to rush towards Lu Kai.

Lu Kai took back the psionic tentacle pistol, wrapped the psionic tentacle around himself, and turned it into enamel.

The weapons of the skeletons are bone sticks or bone stubble, which hit Lu Kai's armor and are completely unable to break the defense.

Lu Kai pinged and knocked over all the skeletons. Lu Kai was out of breath. The ground was full of broken bones and broken bones. The skeletons lost their ability to move, but the fire of the soul in their eyes was still flourishing, and they had to continue to attack Lu Kai.

Skeleton creatures are extremely hostile to the living, which is an instinct imprinted in the soul.

"Boom..." The bone mound not far away was shaking.

Lu Kai looked at Gu Qiu and said to himself, "No... no way?"

The bones of the bone mound shook off, revealing the head of a large skeleton.

This is an 8-story-level big skeleton. The fire of the big skeleton's eye socket soul is burning, and he turned his head to look for Lu Kai.

dong dong dong...

In addition to the big skeleton that is being drilled out, two 10-story-level large skeletons and countless small skeletons appear a thousand meters away.

Lu Kai now has only 20 points left in his psionic power. Done!

Lu Kai hurriedly fumbled for his backpack.

[Ancestral Horn], [Dimensional glance at the pocket watch], [Nightmare censer].

The pocket watch can only be used underwater at 00:00. The nightmare censer needs to be lit incense to use, and it is a nightmare to use, and it is useless at all.

So Lu Kai took out the [Ancestral Horn],

This thing is very dangerous, and it will work regardless of the enemy, but now it can only be a gamble!

The big skeleton came out of the bone mound and immediately charged towards the road!

The big skeleton is 25 meters high, and it is three steps away from Lu Kai, taking two steps in parallel, and within three or four breaths, it has reached the attacking range of the big skeleton.

Lu Kai blew the atavistic horn. The horn hummed. Create a circle of ripples.

The ripples waved past the large skeleton that was close at hand.

The big skeleton originally raised the bone knife and was about to chop it down.

The action of chopping deviates from the direction, and chops 2 meters away from the road with a bang.

The big skeleton fell to the ground, and the fire of the soul in the eye socket beat violently. Goosebumps appeared on the bones of the whole body, and the goosebumps layered on top of each other, and then moss grew in the gaps between the bones, the moss bloomed flower bones, and the flower bones spewed out fine spores.

And the group of skeletons that rushed over from a thousand meters away also began to react. Starting from the small skeletons, some of the small skeletons grew bone, some grew bloody flesh, and some turned into a pool of ooze, while the two large skeletons 10 stories high, She covered her head and kept shaking. One of the bones is weathering, and the bone chips are shaken off like sieves;

And Lu Kai, as the atavistic horn player, was hit by infrasound waves at the closest distance.

Half of Lu Kai's face grew fish scales, his right eyeball degenerated into a photosensitive bone plate hole, and a hole was opened between his eyebrows, revealing a fungal brain. The right hand holding the horn lost its fingers and became a fish fin. The body grows thick hair from the waist down, and the tail grows out of the lumbosacral region.

"Ah ah ah..." Lu Kai's vocal cord structure has changed, and he can no longer make a sound.

Both the spirit and the physical are disorganized and out of control.

Lu Kai's superego denies the ego and id, allowing Lu Kai to regain a trace of clarity: he wants to go back.

"Whoosh whoosh!!" An overwhelming tornado suddenly formed in the calm air, and the tornadoes entwined and rubbed each other, sparking lightning. The lightning keeps increasing, merging with each other, forming a giant ball of lightning.

The space around the ball lightning is distorted, as if it will shatter in the next moment.

Lu Kai's left hand psychic energy emerged and touched the celestial cover of the big skeleton trembling in front of him.

It takes 80 points of psionic power to fully summon the [Bone Chariot], but now there are only 20 points of psionic energy, so I can only summon a part of it. I don’t need a complete skeleton chariot. What I want is—

Engine - Wanderer Type I!

The psionic structure of Rogue I was loaded on the head of the big skeleton, and the skull of the big skeleton was quickly transformed. The fire of the big skeleton lost control of the body, and the violent turbulence was helpless.

"Peng!" The ball lightning exploded and the space shattered.

A knight on horseback appeared with a spear.

The engine took shape, Lu Kai took out the [Coordinates of the Skeleton], the coordinates and the engine were integrated, and a space door slowly opened.

The skeleton knight spoke from a distance: "Mortal, tell your origin."

Lu Kai ignored the skeleton knight, turned over and jumped into the space door.

The skeleton knight moved, and it was tens of kilometers away in the air.

Lu Kai opened the space door and fell to the floor of the room.

The space door dissipated.

"Pfft!!" A long spear pierced through the dissipated space door, directly smashing the walls, floors, and vacant shelves of the room.

The space door dissipated, leaving behind a knight's spear on the ground.

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