Lu Kai picked up bone cyst detection again

[Icy Bone Knife] The blade is cold and has an icy special effect, and the user's body temperature continues to decrease. risk, low

[Silent thoracic spine] Insert the thoracic spine into the target, and the target cannot make a sound until the blood is exhausted. User loses hearing. risk, low

【Gloomy Cheeks】Wear it, all emotions become gloomy. Prolonged use permanently changes character. risk, low

Oh oh oh, it's all practical stuff.

"Pfft!" [Bone Nest] sprayed out another cyst.

Lu Kai was about to take it for testing, and found that there was something wrong with the [Bone Nest].

The original porcelain white skin has now become dull and blue, and the creeping has slowed down. Is there a spawning interval?

Lu Kai carefully checked the shrinking hole in the tail, and there was turquoise purulent sputum flowing out of the hole.

No, let it lay eggs and hang up.

So I moved the [Nest of Skeletons] away, and removed a bed board to block the hole in the door.

[Bone Nest] shrank into a ball, as if the body had been hollowed out.

It seems that you can't lay too many eggs at a time, 6 eggs are almost the same.

Lu Kai picked up the bone cyst that had just been sprayed out and started testing

[Hidden Turtle Shell] Cover the mouth and nose into the water to activate and use, activate to hide the figure in the water. Users must constantly filter and feed plankton in the water. risk, low

These are bone capsules, and when pryed open, the supernatural takes shape. A total of 7 extraordinary items were obtained.

The road opens under the lamp to meditate on March, and open the sacrifice.

[Aura-filled Bone Cyst] Normal, 50 points; [Shadow Skull Cover] Normal, 300 points; [Cursed Molar Amulet] Normal, 500 points; [Hidden White Bone Ring] Normal, 550 points; [Ice Bone Knife] Normal, 900 points; [Silent Thorax] Normal, 100 points; [Gloomy Cheeks] Normal, 150 points

The sacrificial contribution point of the weapon is the highest, and the bone cyst is judged as a common item, but only 50 points.

Would you like to sell some?

The price of the sacrifice is low. The sacrifice price of the [Plague Dagger] that I grabbed from the gangster before is 900 points, but the dagger is worth 5,000 yuan in the gangster's mouth. The price of this sacrifice is only about 1/5 of the market price. .

Sacrifice in March is a loss, but it is better than safety.

Buying and selling things is not as simple as paying for one-handed delivery. The world is cruel and messy. If you sell something, you will be stared at by people who care. If there is no countermeasure, these caring people are like hyenas, following you and biting you when you are not looking.

By the way, Lu Kai also took a look at the sacrifice price of other extraordinary items on hand.

[Nightmare Censer], inferior quality, 100 points

Lu Kai held the [Ancestral Horn] and wanted to see the price of sacrifice. I suddenly remembered that I was in the skeleton ground when I blew, affecting a large area, and a higher skeleton creature, the skeleton knight, appeared. The danger level of [Ancestral Horn] is only high, while the danger level of [Dimension Glancing Pocket Watch] is super dangerous.

And how are sacrifice points determined? The power of God is not omnipotent. If it is omnipotent, then there should be only one God in this world. The Temple of March maintains its dominion over the place where March shines. In addition to the priests and knights of the temple, there is this lamp.

If the sacrifice is correct, it will be supervised.

Lu Kai remembered a post saying that an old man bought raw materials for various earthen guns on an online shopping platform, and then his water meter was checked. Some people commented later that it is no problem to buy these raw materials alone, but if you buy more than one at the same time, it will be marked with big data, and then you will be invited to drink tea.

Items with a high degree of danger must not be viewed for sacrifice, and even items with a high degree of danger are best not to be viewed.

If asked how did this thing come about? Is it like normal people will be exposed to mass destruction laundry detergent? If you can get access to it, it means that you are not normal. Go to the bureau and have a cup of tea.

Thinking about it, Lu Kai felt that it would not be safe to sell all these things. Someone really came to the door and asked: Where did you get so many supernatural items of the bone system? How to answer? It can't be said that it was born from an egg, right?

If the badge of the senior brother is still there, go to the skeleton through the spirit body and sell things to hunters and adventurers.

I don't know what happened to my senior brother, his head was screwed off, and he should not be able to survive.

Lu Kai thought about it, and now he is short of money. He owes Ma Xiaoling 15,000 yuan to the bookstore. Bring these things tomorrow to see if she accepts them.

Huh, headache.

And the engine of the [Bone Chariot] is missing. What affixes are suitable for engines? Well? Lu Kai found a blind spot.

Lu Kai brought the [Nightmare Incense Burner], then pulled it into the spiritual space and smashed it!

The [Nightmare Censer] inside the cube turned into a cloud of smoke, and hundreds of people's faces were faintly wailing in the smoke.

Then ingest [Soul Essence] and synthesize it!

With a snap, the two turned into a burning psionic structure.

Lu Kai injected this psionic structure into the engine position of the [Bone Chariot].

Click, click, the engine takes shape.

Engine - Nightmare power, with 107 cylinder overstroke, 8th gear over sonic.

The "Boom Boom" Skeleton Chariot got a new engine and began to bomb the streets in the spiritual space.

When Lu Kai saw that the skeleton chariot was so lively, he felt a little warm. So exit the spiritual space and go to sleep.

Silent all night.

The next day, the one-meter-four road opened up and got up. Then I heard a loud noise from outside the shop. Drive off to see what's going on.

Lukai This magical item grocery store is located in an intricate alley in a slum area. The store was originally a residential house, and a door was opened on the wall to make a store. The people living in the alley include laundrymen, coachmen, coal workers, and porters, all of whom are poor people.

The laundry aunt across the alley hugged her little son and cried, "Is there anyone here to save my son? My son is going to die."

The people around looked around, but no one stepped forward.

The son in the laundry aunt's arms had a lump of bark growing on his chest, the bark was pitted, and there were small bugs squirming inside.

A little brother in gold glasses who was watching said sadly: "It's hopeless, it's a bark sore. Send it to burn it as soon as possible."

Another uncle in the crowd interjected: "I know that the bark sore is desecrating a spiritual tree, and it was cursed by the tree man! One of my workers got this sore. He urinated in the wild and sprinkled it on a tree. The bark grew there that day. Someone told him to cut it, but he didn't cut it, and he died the next day."

Another onlooker: "Yes, yes, I also know. This disease is contagious! There is a settlement, and the entire settlement has become a tree person. In the end, the temple sent people to set it on fire. It's a miserable old man."

When the crowd heard that it was contagious, they took two steps back one after another, and the circle of onlookers grew larger.

The laundry aunt cried: "This is not a plague, but a heat poison. As long as there is a psionicist to help suck this heat poison out, I can save my son."

A crowd of onlookers said to the little brother with golden glasses: "Glasses boy, I remember you are a psionicist."

The little brother with golden glasses helped his glasses: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not, I don't."

Another onlooker: "No no no, you are. Don't you work in the municipality? Municipal employees must be psionicists."

The laundry aunt looked at the younger brother: "glasses boy, help my son to suck."

The little brother with golden glasses stepped back: "I have to go to work in a while, sorry, you can ask a scavenger for help."

The laundry aunt yelled: "The spectacled boy who killed a thousand knives, do you want to kill my son? Didn't you see the scavenger here yesterday? Screw the head off!"

Onlookers: "Glasses boy, just help to take a puff. It's better to save a life than to build a seven-level Buddha." "Yes, yes, just take a puff." "It's all from the neighbors, help Take a breath."

Lu opened the door, looked at the scene, and smiled: These onlookers not only eat melons themselves, but also force others to eat melons.

The little brother with golden glasses was shoved, and his neck was pressed and stuffed against the child's bark sore. The little brother roared, his psychic energy exploded, broke free, and jumped out of the crowd.

The aunt's eyes are fast and her hands are fast, and she grabbed the little brother with golden glasses at an inhuman speed: "Glasses boy! Don't try to run! You have to suck today! If you don't suck it out, don't want to leave!"

The crowd also echoed: "That's right! Suck it out!" "Suck it out!" "Suck it out!"

The little brother with golden glasses pointed at Lu Kai and shouted, "This store sells magical items, and this kid can also have psionic powers!"

Lu Kai: "Fuck!"

The crowd turned towards the road.

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