The homeless man was holding the cardboard box and walked fast, and soon came to the bottom of the bridge, this is the home of the homeless man.

The homeless made a random hut out of scrap wood and foam.

There was another homeless man in the house. This homeless man had a very thick beard, and he was called the bearded homeless man. The one who brought the box was younger and called him a young tramp.

The two homeless people opened the cardboard box with great interest and found a marinated human head inside!

They both took four steps back in fright.

The bearded homeless man shouted, "What did you bring back? Do you want to scare me to death?"

Young homeless man: "This box reads [Ask for adoption], I thought it was a dog or some kind of cat. Huh?"

What two homeless people found.

Bearded tramp: "This thing... is alive!! Blink!"

Young tramp: "Don't scare me, this is a pickled head, how could it be... oh my god!!"

The senior brother was yelling, but the plug was blocked so that no one outside could hear it.

The two homeless were scared away.

The brother began to save himself. Senior brother stretched out his tongue, trying to push the plug with his tongue, but the tongue was still a little far from the plug. I couldn't stand it, and a lot of salt was put in my mouth, which made a lot of saliva soaked.

After trying unsuccessfully to use his tongue, the brother started to use psionic energy, so he used a skill similar to the psionic hand.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the psychic energy is released, the surrounding salt absorbs the psychic energy and precipitates the psychic energy crystal salt.

Attempt again failed.

The senior thought about it again, so he used the back neck muscles of the remaining neck to make the head start to rock back and forth. Senior brother is going to knock open the glass jar with his head.

After many attempts, the crystallized salt in the jar was pressed into an arc-shaped slope, and the senior brother rolled around in it.

"Boom!" Brother's nose hit the glass jar.

With the strength of the rebound, the senior brother recharged his strength again, this time covering his nose with psychic energy at the moment of impact.

In this way..."Boom!!"

Brother's nose and nosebleeds splashed, but the jar was unscathed.

Senior brother burst into tears, and then saw the words printed on the mouth of the jar: 10 liters tempered lead glass jar

This is a jar made of tempered glass...! ! ! !

Senior brother slammed into the wall of the jar again. Senior brother burst into tears. This time, it was not tears of pain, but tears of despair. Senior brother did not move, and lay peacefully in the salt pile, tears streaming down his face.

"Look, that thing is alive! Look, he's crying!"

"Really! The head is crying."

"He got a nosebleed!"

The homeless are back, bringing more homeless with them.

An elderly homeless man stood up and said to the jar, "I've seen this kind of thing. It's something that rich people can play with. It's very sloppy. Cut people into sticks, and then you can use them."

The young tramp asked, "What to use for it?"

"What else can I use?" The old homeless man made a lewd gesture: "This is it!"

It caused everyone to laugh for a while, saying that rich people really know how to play, which opened their eyes and broke their heads.

The young homeless man pointed at his brother's mouth: "I can't, how can I use it?"

The old homeless man slapped the young homeless man on the head: "Are you a fool? Just pull his teeth out!"

Homeless: "Yes, yes, he pulled his teeth!" One of them took out a vise: "I'll pull it out!"

Senior brother saw that the homeless man came with the vise and felt bad.

With a "bang", the vise knocked on the glass jar, and the tempered glass is still very resistant to impact.

After several knocks, the glass jar was unscathed.

Finally, the bearded homeless man became impatient and picked up the glass jar: "Didn't eat? You can't even make a glass jar!"

The young homeless man looked serious: "How did this head go in?"

The bearded tramp is going to smash the jar on the stone.

The brother screamed in fright.

The old tramp stopped the bearded tramp: "Wait, what does he seem to say? Open the lid."

So the lid opened. After the lid was opened, Senior Brother spoke in a low voice——

"Do you crave power?"

Homeless: "..."

Senior Brother: "Do you want to become stronger? Do you want to control your own destiny? Do you want to control your own life?"

Homeless: "..."

Senior Brother: "Do you want to be a psionicist? Even an extraordinary one?"

The homeless whispered: "What is this thing talking about?" "It's very evil, and its words are weird." "It's a tune with missionaries." "Are you going to replace the dead ghost?"

Brother: "The reason why you are poor and bullied is because you have no power, because you are weak."

"But you are not born weak, because you are enslaved, exploited, and plundered."

"Rich people took your labor income, those in power blocked your ascent, and the temple made you feel comfortable with the status quo and dare not resist."

"Now, there is a chance to break the shackles. You guys, are you going to be cowards for life, or do you have the courage to fight? If you win, you will get everything you want, wealth and money! Power and power! Luxury cars and beauties! Lose you. Nothing will be lost. Opportunities are here."

The homeless people were a little shaken listening to their senior brother's speech.

The senior brother continued: "The extraordinary people account for one ten thousandth of the total population, but this one ten thousandth holds 99% of the wealth and resources! Think about it, is this reasonable? It is very reasonable!"

"Why can they live in a mountainside villa, drive a luxury car that we can't afford for a few lifetimes, and play with the goddess we've been dreaming about? Because they have power! Extraordinary power!"

"You have a chance to gain power now! Come on! Give me the answer!!"

The homeless were shocked by the determination of the senior brothers, so they all expressed their opinions: "I want power!" "I want to become a superhuman!" "How to get power?" "I join! I want power!"

Suddenly a bearded homeless man said, "I don't believe it! My daughter just listened to the mission and became a psionicist, but her whole body was covered with mushrooms. In order to cure my illness, I went bankrupt, my wife remarried, and finally my daughter died."

Brother is embarrassed.

"Wow!" The young tramp knocked the bearded tramp to the ground with a vise.

The young homeless man was very angry: "Fuck you! If you're going crazy, look at the atmosphere!"

The homeless scolded the bearded homeless man one after another: "Get out! Don't stop us from making a fortune!" "I almost made you bad!" "Get out of here!"

The bearded homeless man walked away, and while he was walking, he glared back viciously: "I'm going to report you!"

The senior brother looked at the homeless people in front of him: "There is only one chance. I will use the last spiritual power, hold a ceremony, and condense a rune. You must drip blood on it, and then you will be qualified to pursue power!"

The homeless people took out their knives and cut their fingers, ready, looking forward to the ceremony that the brother said.

The brother roared, the psychic energy began to stir, and the salt absorbed the psychic energy and began to crystallize, which consumed the brother's little spiritual energy reserve. The brother gritted his teeth and insisted. It can be bound and condensed at one point, and this point blooms with a dazzling light. After the light passes, a rune is slowly taking shape.

Brother gritted his teeth and said, "Quick! Put blood on it! Finish the ceremony."

The homeless man was blinded by the strong light just now, so he couldn't see clearly for a while.

At this time, a mutation suddenly occurred, and a psionic tentacle hung down from the bridge. Precisely drill into the slender mouth of the glass jar. The top of the psionic tentacles suddenly swelled, wrapping the condensed runes.

Senior Brother watched helplessly as a tentacle took his rune away like a fish!

Lu Kai stood on the bridge and retracted his psionic tentacles.

Lu Kai said to himself a little sadly: "Evolutionary engineering is a bad civilization!"

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