Even Cthulhu Can't Stop Me From Picking Up Trash

Chapter 53 · Do you eat melon seeds?

Lu Kai pointed at the adventurer whose internal organs exploded in disbelief: "This...this..."

Simba said lightly: "That guy is called Bosch Lang. We have partnered with him before. He is a ruthless character and fights very hard."

Lu Kai looked at Simba, what is it? It's still someone you know, a living acquaintance just exploded and died in front of you. Do you manage your emotions so well? Without a hint of sadness and shock?

Simba continued: "His wife died, his son had sex, and the married woman asked for a dowry of 300,000 yuan. No, this old guy is even more desperate. But his brain is not good enough, he can't learn psionic power, and he just uses his life. I'm fighting. No, I'm fighting myself to death."

Lu Kai: "Then..."

Simba: "Master, you are a technician, and you don't know enough about the suffering of the people. This guy deserves to die. His son saved enough before the 300,000 betrothal gift, and then his son used this money to bet on horse racing, and he lost all of it. In order for my son to marry a wife, hehe."

The woman interrupted: "I said that he should take the money and marry another one himself. This kind of gambling son will lose both gold and silver! It's better to have another one."

Lu Kai: "What did they eat?"

Simba: "That's the [Water Spirit Pill], originally used for whaling. This kind of pill can swell up to 80,000 times by absorbing water. When a whale eats it and absorbs water, it will swell into a ball, and then it can't escape or dive. It's alive. Drag it back to the dock for slaughter. People eat and drink water, 100 pounds to 200 pounds, and 300 pounds at most is the limit. After entering the secret realm, pee and urinate."

Lu Kai sweated down: The people in this world are really... amazing. Pills for whales are given to humans. It's weird not to be dead.

Simba: "Psionics can use special techniques, very simple."

Simba was around and found a stone and tied it to his body. Simba's spiritual energy swayed, scattered, and the spiritual energy wrapped the stone.

The woman also found a stone and took it on her body and wrapped it with spiritual energy.

Simba: "If the psychic energy spreads and wraps stones or other debris like this, it will be regarded as part of the mass and weight in the secret realm. When you go into the secret realm, throw the stones, and replace them with materials, you can complete the scavenging. I can wrap it at the highest level. 200 pounds of stuff. Master, would you try it?"

Lu Kai said yes, find a suitable weight in the woods by the roadside.

Simba: "Master, you don't need to carry too heavy, I am 200 jin, my wife 100 jin, enough..."

Lu Kai's psychic energy spread out, wrapping the entire tree! !

The hunter couple was stunned!

Lu Kai opened his mouth and said, "It can be covered, but it can't be moved." So Lu Kai grabbed a stone weighing about 50 pounds with his psionic tentacles.

The three Lu Kai entered the secret realm.

How do you know that you have entered the secret realm? This is a very clear feeling. As long as you step into the range of the secret realm, although the surrounding environment has not changed, your spiritual sense will tell you that the air here is messy and stuffy, just like the stuffy and irritable before the typhoon.

The three entered the secret realm and threw the stones aside. There was already a lot of waste here. These were all left by the adventurers who entered the secret realm. Most of them were rocks of different sizes, as well as tree trunks, wooden stakes, and even a Abandoned car.

Simba said to Lu Kai: "Master, this is the edge of the secret realm, which is relatively safe. You are here to wait for our good news."

Lu Kai said yes, so the hunter and his wife went in, leaving Lu Kai in a daze.

Lu Kai looked at his hands and felt that there was a new way to play the psionic tentacles.

The tentacles proliferated, and in the battle of the battlefield of God, Lu Kai realized the use of high-level psionic energy. A large number of tentacles are generated, and the tentacles are entangled with each other to form a wall. It is a powerful skill that can control, interfere, and change the terrain.

In this way, a lever structure is constructed with composite tentacles, and the stress point of the structure is [enamelized]. Grippers, cables, bearings, tracks. So - a simple mechanical device is ready.

This device is like a pole with a gripper, or a balance. It grabs something, and then the weight is pressed against the track along the lever. The force-bearing structure is firm and reliable because of the hard enamel. The track moves using [Shadow Integration] , smooth and silky.

This structure can theoretically grab more than 3 tons of mass. And the road just needs to be pushed and walked.

Lu Kai wanted to test this structure, but this is the entrance and exit of the secret realm. People come and go, and there are people who set up stalls here. When I was building the structure, many people had already seen it. If they knew that they could build a crane, they would not be caught doing coolies. Capital theory said that as long as 50% of the profit can make people take risks, so the road is drilled into the woods.

Entering the grove, the irritability of spiritual feedback became stronger and stronger.

This place is evil. It's like someone is spying on you, so annoying!

Lu Kai heard the movement in front of the woods, so Lu Kai put on the [Hidden Bone Ring] to reduce his sense of existence and approached the past.

It is a group of adventurers, there are 8 people. A burly man with a huge body, at least 3 meters. The beard grew like a lion's mane, the eyebrows were thick, the nose hair came out from the nostrils, connected with the beard, and the ears also grew black hair. The body hair is also very strong, and from a distance, it looks like a black bear wearing leather armor and pants.

Lu Kai was 100 meters away from this group of people. What this group of people were talking about was a little far away, so I couldn't really hear it.

But you can probably guess that this group of people is going to do bad things! Ready to kill a target.

Lu Kai remembered what Simba's wife said: Killing people will turn into strange things. Lu Kai couldn't hold back his curiosity and wanted to see what would happen if he killed someone.

Lu Kai adjusted his posture and took off the ring. This ring should not be worn for too long. If you don't pay attention to what you wear, the person is gone.

After a while, another group of people came to the trail in the forest, and there were five people in this group. The clothes on his body are tattered, and there are also painted ones. It seems that he has gone through a battle before. The four of them were carrying something, probably from scavenging and selling them.

The leader of this group is a strong man, with a rounded head and a scar on his face, he doesn't look easy to mess with.

The Scarred Man walked to the glade and yelled at the grass, "Come out! I see you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the black bear strong man jumped out: "Damn I hide so well, how did you find me!?"

Scarred man: "Silly Que thing, I didn't find anyone at all, just shouted casually, and sure enough, silly Que jumped out!"

Then the younger brothers of the black bear strong man also jumped out: "Who do you think is stupid!? The boss is just a bad brain! It's not a fool!" "That's right! It's just that the brain is not good!"

The scarred man and his younger brother showed their weapons and confronted the black bear strong men.

Black bear strong man: "Scar guy! Leave the goods, you can go!"

Scarred man: "Stupid lack of stuff! You can't pick it up yourself? You have to rob us! Our brothers are not vegetarians! If you want to grab it, ask me about this knife!"

The black bear strong man took out his mace from behind: "The thief will not go empty! Don't think about leaving today if you don't leave money for the road!"

The battle is imminent.

Lu Kai watched with interest, wondering which side had a better chance of winning.

"I think Scar's win rate is higher here."

When Lu Kai heard this, he casually agreed: "I also think Scar's side is more powerful, but Black Bear's side..."

wow rub! ! ! Lu Kai hurriedly turned his head! around! There are more people around! !

The man took out a bag of melon seeds and stretched it out in front of Lu Kai: "Child, do you want to eat melon seeds?"

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