Even Cthulhu Can't Stop Me From Picking Up Trash

Chapter 64 · The fusion of [Kanyu Shi] and [Boundary Master]

Lu Kai frowned, thinking about why this guy said that.

If a person suddenly appears, saying that it is beneficial, that money is easy to get, and that people are stupid and money comes quickly, if this person is not your parents, then you have to put a question mark. There is no white pie in the sky.

Kane saw Lu Kai thinking and smiled, "Don't think too much, let me introduce myself first."

"My name is Kane, and I am a senior extraordinary player who has been stuck at this stage for many years. My extraordinary path is [chess player]"

Lu Kai interjected: "Knight? Would a knight do such a thing? The entire settlement of 50,000 people has all turned into that kind of rotten meat! You dare to say that you are a knight? Why didn't the March God kill you?"

Kane explained: "The chess player, the chess player who plays chess, uses the heaven and the earth as the chessboard and the sentient beings as the chess pieces. This is the fusion of [Kan Yu Shi] and [Enchantment Master]. For example, look at this building. .It is the fusion product of Kanyu and enchantment."

"It took me three years to create this settlement from scratch. As long as I change the direction of the mountains and rivers, I can guide the spiritual energy of the atmosphere and turn an uninhabited mountain into a livable place. People live in. What are you angry about? Is it because there are people you know in this settlement?"

Lu Kai looked at the ground and looked around, the entire rooftop was in a wonderful state of spiritual energy flow.

Kane: "You can feel it. Here, my every move is the righteous law of heaven and earth. Here I can easily mobilize more than 100,000 units of spiritual energy. For example—"

Kane pointed to the road.

Lu Kai felt threatened and jumped back immediately, but jumped in mid-air and got stuck.

The air around him became substance, and he was immobilized, unable to move.

Lu Kai stirred up his psychic energy and tried to break free, but to no avail.

Kane holds a fist in his hand, and the pressure on Lu Kai's whole body doubles! The air in his lungs was squeezed out, and he couldn't even breathe.

Lu Kai was crushed to the point of fainting, and a thought popped into his mind: This...is this my operation in the spiritual space? ——The poor murloc in the murloc urn, his eyes bulged out from being squeezed by me. It turns out that being pressed is such an experience...

Kane let go, Lu Kai fell to the ground, panting heavily.

Kane floated in the air and said with a sad face: "Since I lost my body, I have only understood the value of the body. My layout, started ten years ago, was to create a usable body. However, it all failed, No psyker can withstand the erosion of [primitive cells]."

A huge transparent amber floated up in the center of the "Boom Rumble" rooftop. All kinds of magic circles and runes are engraved on the amber, and the magic circles and runes are flowing with light, which is really beautiful.

Kane looked at a small piece of black matter in the center of the amber and said, "This is what I got by accident. After years of searching, I found a way to control it. I call this thing [primitive cells]."

Lu was sweating profusely, and then he was relieved from the suffocating despair.

Kane continued to explain: "This thing is amazing, it can change the psychic structure of matter. This is something related to the rules of life and soul, and this is not something of this world. I guess that the space rift connected should be in the outer domain, And these are the cells of the gods of Outland."

Lu Kai finally knew what Kane wanted to do...

Kane: "You're the only psionicist I've seen that is immune to this cellular mutant spore erosion. Let's make a deal."

Lu Kai: "What deal?"

Kane: "Give me your body, and I will make you an ordinary human body, and then I will make you extraordinary."

Lu Kai: "Hehe, what if I say no?"

Kane: "You'll agree. I'm a chess player. I'm a chess player. I'm walking on the glorious road. I can see the general trend and make the best of it. I usually only give a choice, and it's not up to me to accept it or not."

Lu Kai's psychic energy was stirred up, and he raised his hand and fired a cannon: "I refuse!"

A spiral laser lasing out,

Go to Kane's door.

However, the spiral laser stopped in mid-air, kept spinning, the air twisted, and finally turned into a plume of blue smoke.

Kane said with interest: "What is your trick called?"

Lu Kai saw that the sneak attack was useless, he hurriedly retreated, took out the [Cup of Yuehua Yinghui] from his arms and prepared to run away.

However, he couldn't move, and the air around Lukai hardened again.

Kane: "This move is very good. It consumes about 60 units of psionic energy, but it deals 1200 units of damage. I'm more and more interested in you~~"

Lu Kai roared: "Don't be delusional! I won't hand it over... ahhh!!"

Lu Kai was lifted up in mid-air,

Kane smiled: "Although I always give choices, I occasionally make choices for others."

Lu Kai was placed lightly in the center of the rooftop.

Kane: "This is the original cell, because the erosive power is too strong, so I made a lot of low-end versions. You have innate immunity, and you should be able to fuse the power of this cell. The body with the power of God can definitely Achievement beyond excellence!"

Lu Kai couldn't move, but his psionic energy could be used. Lu Kai stretched out his psionic tentacles to touch Amber.

Kane saw it and disapproved: "Let me talk about my process design. First, exhaust your psychic energy, let your consciousness be in a state of absentmindedness, and then use the supernatural object that absorbs your soul to extract your soul, and then inject it into you. Primordial cells. The cells of the gods will reshape your flesh, and then... what are you doing?"

Lu Kai's psychic tentacles had already touched the amber, and the tip of the tentacles swelled, like a dung-pulling treasure pulling the amber's shell.

Kane: "Why is your psionic hand like this, young people are quite good at playing. I have a lot of secrets about psionic skills here. If you are willing to make a choice, it doesn't have to be so painful. I do less of these things, and those who volunteer will have a higher success rate, so if you resist..."

Found new hardware and started testing——

[High-energy seal converter] seals the cells of the gods of the outer domain, changes the arrangement of psychic energy, and proliferates itself. Risk: high

Lu Kai's psychic agitation, ingested the psionic structure of the [Tactical Backpack] on his back, and injected it into this [High-Energy Seal Converter] through his tentacles! ! !

"Boom!" The whole building was shaking, and the surrounding psionic energy was rioting.

Kane looked around: "What's going on? Kanyu's ornamental pillar has changed? The flow is abnormal... the source of the abnormality is..."

Kane looked at Amber, Amber was wrapped by Lu Kai's psychic energy, and was reacting violently, and lightning kept popping out!

Kane: "What did you do!?"

Swipe ~ a burst of bright light, discover new hardware, and start testing——

[Dueler's Platform] Mortals delight the gods with their blood and soul, and the winner gets everything the loser has! The initiator selects the target to start the duel, and once the duel starts, it cannot be exited. Risk: high

Kane was shocked: "What is this? What did you do? You are not the [Bone Corps Commander]! You..."

Lu Kai stood up, clasped his fists with both hands, and his knuckles clicked: "Your Excellency Transcendent, let's duel!"

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