An overwhelming sense of oppression swept over, and Lu Kai seemed to see a big mountain.

In a few breaths of mummification, the shriveled muscles quickly swelled and quickly turned into a fit body.

Then the psionic energy surged, and the psionic energy on the body surface materialized and turned into clothes.

Huh... Kane fell to the ground, and dust floated on the ground.

A giant 4 meters tall appeared.

Lu Kai raised his hand suddenly, and a psionic light-killing cannon shot out. This time, Kane didn't use the mirror reflection, and took the light killer directly with his face!

However, it didn't work, the light-killing cannon dissipated on its own after hitting Kane's body at a distance of 30 cm, turning into a breeze.

Kane: "The projectile attack of psionic energy is always psychic energy. As long as the psychic energy is stirred according to its frequency, this attack can be neutralized. You have used this trick many times, and it is no longer effective."

Lu Kai desperate: "Bastard... how is it possible..."

Kane raised his hands and looked at his own hands: "It's not impossible, my body is affected by the primordial cells, if I don't give up, then I will become a parasitic body without sanity, in this duel battlefield, it actually allowed me to achieve The unity of soul and body. Incredible."

Kane looked at Lu Kai: "Who are you?"

Lu Kai scolded: "I'm your father!"

Kane raised his hand, an air cannon, blasted the road out, rolled in the sky more than ten times, and smashed into the air wall of the battlefield. Lu Kai slowly landed, and the light shield obtained from drinking was already thin and transparent.

Kane: "I want to ask, if I kill you, what will happen to me? Does the unity of my body and soul exist in this battlefield? Or does it always exist? How long can this battlefield last? Is there a time limit? Or, as long as you are kept in a half-dead state, will you be able to exist forever?"

In the face of Kane's question, Lu Kai... Lu Kai didn't know anything, and the test didn't say anything. Who knows how long it will last!

Lu Kai looked at the light curtain, there was nothing left to summon, only 3 soul gems remained.

Kick, hoo, chariots and ghosts rushed towards Kane desperately.

Controlled by Kane, floated into the air, the chariot disintegrated in the air, the skeleton parts of the body fell one by one, the main gun, wheels, cockpit, engine, C-device... were dismantled one by one and fell to the ground .

Kane's eyes glowed, and he said in admiration: "What kind of alchemy life is this? This is the first time I have seen this kind of structure. These accessories look like unrelated supernatural objects, but together they are a car and a summoning. Stuff! Incredible."

Kane rubbed the ghost with one hand, like playing with a hamster, and said with admiration: "You gave me more surprises today than I have encountered in the 50 years I have been extraordinary! What's your name? Miracle boy."

The name of an unknown person will not be remembered even if you say it. Only when you stab a big basket and make a big incident will your name appear in the attention of big people.

Lu Kai ran out of ammunition and food, and summoned weakly on the light curtain.

A light curtain popped up—yes/no spending 1 soul gem to temporarily summon an SSR advanced ultimate fighter [eighty-eight ghosts]?

Lu Kai's eyes glowed with hope, yes! call! !

Rumbling... There was a dull roar of thunder over the duel battlefield.

A black cloud in the sky smashed straight down and fell into the battlefield.

Kane frowned, watching the huge ghost with 88 airbags emerge from the black cloud.

Kane grabbed the ghost in his hand and shouted loudly: "What is this!? How can there be fluctuations in primordial cells in this thing!?"

The huge ghost saw that the enemy in front of him grabbed and exploded its own kind, and slammed the 88 airbags to spurt white gas. Then attack Kane.

A Soul Gem was summoned for 30 seconds, and Lu Kai hurriedly added 2 more, reaching a minute and a half.

The temperature on the battlefield dropped sharply, and Lu Kai froze like a quail.

Eighty-eight ghosts of white freezing air concentrated into a bundle and sprayed towards Kane. Kane raised his hand to support the psionic shield.

The shield was frozen, and the hand was also frozen. With a click, the hand was broken. The frozen palm fell to the ground and shattered into pieces of ice.

Kane retreated, the broken hand grew back, the other hand gathered spiritual energy, and shot a Gaia energy bomb. The energy bomb exploded on the surface of the eighty-eight bomb ghosts, and the powerful impact caused the battlefield to blow up. gusty wind.

Lu Kai has been frozen into an ice sculpture, and the thin layer of moonlight shield that remains cannot withstand the severe cold at all. The temperature is now minus 70°C, and the carbon dioxide in the air is turning into dry ice and falling.

The battle between Kane and the SSR ghost continues, and the temperature continues to drop.

Lu Kai understood that he would freeze to death before it was over in a minute and a half.

Lu Kai stirred up his psionic energy and used his psionic tentacles to build a ball around his body, making it into an igloo, but he still couldn't stop the drop in temperature, and the moonlight shield on Lu Kai broke with a bang. It's colder now.

Eighty-eight ghosts and Kane were entangled together, the air-conditioning sprayed without money, icicles, frost burst nova, freezing fluctuations, and one by one freezing spells were scattered. Kane is obviously not good at melee combat, but with the strength and resistance of this body, he has fought back and forth with the SSR ghost, and even has the upper hand.

Lu Kai's psychic energy was agitated, and the air around him was used as a carrier, and psychic energy was injected into it. The air turns into an aerogel, which holds the tentacle igloo firmly in place. Air is a poor conductor of temperature, and after making the aerogel, the temperature finally stopped dropping.

And the battle between Kane and the SSR ghost has come to an end - the time is up, white fog has appeared around the eighty-eight bullet ghost, and then the white fog dissipated and disappeared.

The flesh on Kane's body turned into ice slag, and fell down, but he held on.

Kane exited the battle state, took a breath, and his body returned to its original state. Then look at Lu Kai hiding in the snow house and shivering.

Kane was furious: "What did you recruit!? What is that!?"

The snow house was lifted off by Kane, and Lu Kai was caught by Kane.

Lu Kai was frozen in a daze, and what caught his eye was Kane's head. Lu Kaixin thought: It's over, it's really over... Huh?

Lu Kai touched Kane's body, and a prompt appeared——

Found new hardware, start detection

[Outer God Alien Breeding Equipment] The breeding body made of primitive life forms from the starry sky is the standard equipment of the family of the outer gods, and has been adjusted locally according to different regions. Self-proliferation, self-evolution. The colonizers become part of the Outer Gods. Risk: high risk.

This... is an extraordinary item! ! ! So……

Kane's hand continued to exert force: "My reason tells me that I should kill you directly and end this game, but my spiritual sense tells me that bad things will happen to killing you"

Lu Kai's struggling hands held Kane's hand, and his spiritual energy spread over.

Lu Kai: "Yes! It's not good to kill me!!!"

Psionic coverage! Pull in! Spirituality space!

Kane's eyes went dark, and he found himself in a strange space, sealed by a transparent cube!

Kane shouted: "Miracle boy! You make me feel incredible again! You can directly interfere with the soul. But you miscalculated, I am a chess player, and I am also an extraordinary enchantment master! This enchantment..."

Kane pressed his hands on the wall of the cube, and his hands changed a variety of psionic frequencies, but he failed to crack the cube.

Kane frowned: "This is not a simple psychic wall, it has a substance, and it is... alive! How can there be such a structure of psychic wall!?"

Kane yelled, "Wonder Boy! Come out! Boy Wonder!"

"Are you calling me?" The voice of Lu Kai appeared behind Kane. Kane turned his head and saw Lu Kai walking out of a portal, followed by... a chariot of bones, an ancient slime, a three-headed fossil dragon, Warrior Skeleton...

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