"Ooooooo" The poplar grows bigger and bigger, and then wakes up, waking up and screaming, like a bird waiting to be fed, but the bird is the size of a calf.

Looking at the bug, Lu Kai suddenly felt a chill, and hurriedly flashed. The blaster opened its mouthparts, and quickly spewed out a flame, just as the road flashed, the flame hit the wall, the wall ignited a raging fire, and the marble wall melted in no time! !

Lying on a big grass! Lu Kai looked at the wall where a hole was melted, the saliva from this thing was so powerful!

The blaster crawled out, spit drooling, and the entire fire-breathing room started to burn.

Then it seemed to be tired of spraying. The blaster gnawed on the flamethrower that was still spewing fire on the ground. With one claw hook and one pry, the iron shell containing the battery was pulled out, revealing the 16 fire pith batteries inside.

The poplars gnawed at the battery like chocolate, chomping and chomping.

Lu Kai held the knife and wanted to run away immediately. He remembered that he had a [Blasting Shovel] in his backpack and was still in the room, so he ran into the rest room. The cow girl woke up and was in a daze on the chair.

Lu Kai grabbed the back of the backpack, picked up the [Gathering Melon Pot] in one hand, and the [Scorching Psionic Bone Knife] in the other, turned around and left without any hesitation.

But was pulled by the cow girl.

The cow herding girl opened her eyes wide: "Where are you going? What's going on outside?"

Lu Kai: "Run! The blaster is awake. It will explode at any time!"

So the cow herding girl stood up and pulled Lu Kai: "I wanted to run for a long time! Come, follow me!"

But the problem is that the rest room is behind the side hall. To get out of the side hall, you have to pass through the blaster, which will spit.

The cow herding girl walked straight towards the wall, Lu Kai saw it and shouted, "Hey, that's the wall, is there a secret door?"

I saw the cow herd girl kicked a hole in the marble wall! !

The cow herding girl: "My father participated in the construction of this temple. It is a tofu slag project. It looks like it is made of marble. In fact, only the main temple has it, and the other places are covered with limestone. My father is amazing. Look at this wall, it's made of real marble!"

Lu Kai couldn't help laughing and crying: It turns out that your father did the trick!

The two of them kicked the hole even bigger with one foot, and the blaster heard the movement, and came over with a click, and looked out from the door of the room.

Immediately, there are 4 eyes to 6 eyes, and the blaster has 1 pair of main eyes and 2 pairs of compound eyes, a total of six eyes.

The poplar's mouthparts are wide open, and they are about to spit.

The cow herding girl took a broken stone and threw it, just into the blaster's mouthparts.

The girl babbled: "What an ugly bug! How come it's so big! Ia! It's scary!"

Lu Kai urged the girl: "Run! You don't care whether it looks ugly or not!"

The girl got out of the hole, and Lu Kai also got there.

"Ouch!!" The mouthparts of the blaster were stuck with a stone, and the saliva was blocked, splashing all over the place, the saliva dripped on the ground, and a raging fire broke out. The blaster snapped the stone down and got angry!

He rushed towards the hole in the wall.

Lu Kai got into the hole, and when he came in, he realized that it was a closed room. Lu Kai shouted, "Don't you know Lu? Where is this place?"

The cow herding girl: "Uh, I don't know the way, I only know that I can kick the wall."

"Boom!" The beetle smashed through the wall, revealing its head.

At this time, Lu Kai saw clearly what this house is for. This is a warehouse! A warehouse for flamethrower battery blocks! ! ! On the shelves are stacked layers of fire pith battery blocks!

The explosive yield of these things is the same as TNT...it will explode when hit...there are more than 10 shelves in this room, and thousands of them are placed on each shelf, this is going to explode...

"Ouch!" A blaster's mouthparts,

A mouthful of phlegm spurted out.

Lu Kai hurriedly picked up the [Gathering Melon Pot] and picked it up, and the thick phlegm was steadily put into the basin.

The basin emitted a burst of heat, and then the thick phlegm turned into more than ten red fruits! The fruit fell sparsely, and it was about to fall to the ground. Lu Kai hurriedly covered it with spiritual energy and pulled it into the spiritual consciousness space.

The flame fruit is the same as the soul essence. Although it is a psionic structure, it can exist stably without a carrier in reality. This is a good thing, and it is a very convenient grenade.

The girl found the door on the side of the warehouse and kicked it hard!

With a thud, the door was unscathed, but the door frame was cracked! With another kick, the door fell down with the door frame.

And Lu Kai was still facing off against the blasters.

The cow herding girl greeted Lu Kai: "Come here, there is a way here!"

Then it wasn't Lukai that came, but the Poplar. When the blaster heard someone calling, it rushed over.

The cow herding girl screamed in fright and ran away in a hurry.

Seeing this, Lu Kai secretly cursed: It will really cause trouble for people!

So Lu Kai took out the [Blasting Shovel] from his backpack and rushed over.

The cow girl ran in a hurry, fell to the ground, and the blaster rushed over from her back, opened her mouth, and wanted to bite.

But it didn't bite, and the mouthparts were opened to the limit, "Wow ah ah ah". It turned out that Lu Kai picked up the shovel and shoveled it in at the tail of the blaster.

Lu Kai was about to pull it out, but found that it was stuck by the exoskeleton of the blaster and could not be pulled out.

The blaster turned back and hooked one of its forelimbs, the road flashed, and one rolled. came to the girl.

The girl has stood up. Pull up the road and run: "Let's run, ahead! There is a road ahead!"

Lu Kai shouted: "Sister, don't lead the way! There is a fire-breathing room in front! It's on fire!"

The girl was scared back by the surging heat wave: "What a big fire!"

Well, I walked around and went back to the lounge.

The cow herding girl was anxious: "What should I do then?"

Lu Kai held the basin in one hand and the knife in the other, and said solemnly, "You can only do your best! Kill this bug!"

But the blaster was shaking all over, with a shovel stuck in its tail, and the shovel slammed against the wall as it trembled, making a thumping sound.

Then a bulge emerged from the gap on the blaster's body, the head of a shovel! The blaster is covered in shovel heads!

It's the effect of 【Blasting Shovel】! Adding fire marrow will refresh the number of uses, this bug is covered in fire marrow, so the shovel is infinitely refreshed!

Lu Kai and the cow herder watched as the blaster in front of them turned into a weird thing covered with sharp iron pieces, the more they looked, the more terrifying they became.

Moreover, the bug is getting more and more wrong, and the whole body is shaking like a sieve, and there are waves of spiritual energy fluctuations.

It's over, this thing shouldn't blow itself up! ?

Lu Kai made a decisive decision, psionic energy stirred up, and the maximum power of psionic tentacles multiplied! Glazed! The tentacles grabbed the table and chairs as padding, creating a thick tentacle barrier.

"Ooooooo!!" The Poplar blew itself up. Countless shovel heads shot out. The shovel head was inserted into the ground, into the wall, and into the tentacle barrier. Then the shovel exploded, and a shovel flew into the warehouse.

Overturned the shelf, the fire pith battery on the shelf fell to the ground, and then an explosion caused the surrounding batteries to explode, a chain reaction!

With a bang, more than half of the entire temple was blasted into the sky!

And the muscle girl and Susannah fought hotly, and they were wrapped in air waves in the explosion, blowing and running everywhere.

The explosion lasted for 1 minute.

Susanna stood up in the thick smoke and looked at the temple with despair, the temple collapsed! There's also a big hole!

The big hole was pitch-dark, and there was a whirring sound of the wind. The sound of the wind was hollow and low, and it seemed to be screaming.

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