Even Cthulhu Can't Stop Me From Picking Up Trash

Chapter 78 · [The highest authority, you are welcome]

Lu Kai carefully checked the Sifang Pit. The pit wall of the Sifang Pit is made of metal, with complex runes engraved on it. The runes will flash from time to time. This is a magic circle, probably a magic circle used to store fire elements. .

The blasters in the pit were dormant, sound asleep.

Lu Kai thought that the walls of this shaft are all platforms like this. If every platform has a bug like this... What is the purpose of this shaft? This shaft was not created in modern times, it is a thing with a long history. Once the transcendent world is related to history, it will always involve gods, demons, and great beings. These things are super dangerous. is a large group of people.

Pressing the doubts in his heart, Lu Kai checked the wall at the end of the corridor.

Lu Kai used his psychic energy to explore this place and found a secret door on the wall. Just as he was trying to open it, the cow girl rode on the dormant blaster.

Lu Kai was shocked: "Hey! What are you doing!?"

The cow herding girl took out a handful of golden silk thread: "This kind of bug is very fun, I'll play it for you."

Lu Kai: "What!?"

I saw the cow herding girl wrapped the worm's head with the connection between the chest and abdomen with silk thread, making a dead knot.

Girl: "I saw this kind of bug in the wild and tied it up like this, and then pulled it off."

The cow girl pulled the golden thread, but the worm didn't move.

The girl wondered: "Huh? Why didn't you wake up?"

Lu Kai didn't have time to pay attention to the girl, and continued to search for how to open the secret door, when a voice came from outside the corridor.

"Wait for me, I can't fly!"

The red-bearded elder, the security captain and the big-bellied mine manager went down.

The elders and captains were psychically agitated and burst into flames, and they could float in the air with the rising flames, while the minemaster used the hooks of an extraordinary item to hook on the protruding platform to descend.

The security captain looked at the big-bellied mine manager, and the more he looked at it, the more unpleasant he looked. He whispered to the red-bearded elder: "Elder Twelve, if you kill this fat pig, you will have more success than failure!"

Elder Red Beard: "Those who achieve great things are not careful about the small things, and great things can only be accomplished with the joint efforts of many people..."

The big-bellied mine manager shouted: "Don't think about killing the donkey! I found this ruin! I have the control! Don't try to kill me!"

The security captain turned around and scolded: "I don't have any skills, but my ears are very good!"

The three were checking the seal on the well wall platform.

Lu Kai used his psionic energy to discover the switch of the secret door. This is a disc that absorbs psychic energy. Entering a specific frequency of psychic energy can open the secret door. Lu Kai covered it with psionic energy, directly pulled out the psionic energy structure of the core part of the disc, and then clicked, the secret door opened.

Found new hardware and started testing——

[Tier 7 password lock] There are 7 frequencies from low to high, input psionic energy to match the set frequency to unlock the lock. Frequency sequence: 355 6531 12332112, twist the gear to set a new password. Dangerous: Slight

"Hey!" The cow herding girl stood on top of the blaster, trying to pull up the blaster with the strength of her milk: "Get up for me!!"

Lu Kai shouted: "What are you doing, stop playing!"

"Crack!" The blaster's head was cut off by the golden thread!

When the cow herding girl fell into the pit, the blaster suddenly sprang up, and the broken head was sprayed with corrosive liquid.

Lu Kai immediately pulled the girl out of the pit.

The blaster lost its head and started scurrying about, and climbed up the Sifang Pit with its 6 claws.

The big-bellied minemaster on the shaft shouted: "There is a situation! Below! There is movement in the wormhole below! Someone!!"

When the security captain heard it, he jumped over immediately: "It must be Anissa! Anissa is not dead!"

The captain came to the entrance of the tunnel, and what he saw was a headless blaster rushing over!

"Wow!!" The security captain and the headless blaster collided with each other,

The two are entangled in falling shafts!

The red-bearded elder then arrived, entered the corridor, and saw that the corridor was empty.

Lu Kai and the cow herder girl entered the secret door.

Behind the secret door, there is a unique cave. This shaft is double-layered, and the first floor is a series of spiral stairs. Each floor has 4 or 5 stairs connected together, and then spirals down.

Lu Kai walked down, and casually opened the secret door of another staircase. It was also filled with rich fire elements. In the pit, there was another blaster dormant, which was very large.

The cow girl took out the silk thread: "I'll try again."

Lu Kai closed the secret door: "Try the wool! Hmm...?" Lu Kai noticed the girl's golden thread: "This is... an extraordinary item?"

The cow girl: "No, it's the silk of a spider that spins webs in lava caves. It's very tough. We all use this kind of silk thread for fishing."

Lu Kai sighed: "It's a good thing." This is a practical psionic material.

The more you go down the stairs, the more intense the fire element is, and the air is too hot.

Abandoned alchemy puppets can also be seen on the stairs. These puppets are depleted of psychic energy, eroded by fire elements, and turned into coke.

After walking for thousands of meters, it finally came to an end.

This is a hall in the shape of a column. The hall is dilapidated, and the alchemy puppets are in disrepair and scattered all over the place.

Lu Kai went to check these alchemy puppets, and they were also completely drained of spiritual energy, and they were a pile of waste.

Lu Kai found the stairs going up in the corner. This is also a secret door, which is also a psionic lock. Lu Kai pulled out the psionic structure three or two times and opened it.

Just as he was about to open the door, he heard a wailing from the other side of the door: "Ahhh! My Anisha! My daughter! You died so miserably! Anisha! My daughter!"

"Stop howling, you will die if you die. Isn't it normal for someone to die here? You made me switch on!"

[Beep--password error] [Three times to start the self-destruction program by mistake, there are 2 times left]

"Fuck! Stop howling! People can't be resurrected from the dead! It's important to do big things!"


[The password is correct, the system starts to start...] [Level 3 operator, passed, welcome back]

Lu Kai and the cow girl held their breath behind the secret door.

The girl lowered her voice: "What are they doing...?"

Lu Kai: "I don't know, it's not a good thing anyway."

[Self-inspection starts...] [System integrity 86%] [Start the self-repair program, the repair unit is damaged and cannot be maintained] [Nursing cabin integrity 37%]

"After inspection, only the top wellhead is damaged, and it is not in the way."

"Whoa, my Anissa! My daughter! Whoa!"

"That's good, you can find some miners and build a simple altar at the wellhead. The plan for tomorrow will continue as usual."

"Okay! According to the progress, these bugs will mature at dusk tomorrow."

"Choose another one as the female species. Just this one, the maturity is 89%."

"Wow ah ah... my daughter, you died so miserably..."

"Howling! It's working!"

Then the three left.

Lu Kai and the girl waited for a while before they came out after the door was completely silent.

Here is a circular metal hall with a ceiling-mounted machine in the middle of the hall. There are 4 operating tables at the lower end of the machine, and a black lacquered spar is listed on the four operating tables.

The alchemy puppets around the hall fell to the ground.

There was a corpse lying on the ground.

Lu Kai stepped forward to see that it was a muscular girl with multiple bones piercing her skin, and it looked like she had fallen to her death.

Lu Kai went to operate the machine, and the machine issued a prompt [No access without key].

Lu laughed, this kind of rubbish machine, still not allowed to visit? I have 100 ways to treat you.

Lu Kai covered his right eye, his left eye was activated, and a glowing silk thread emerged, and the silk thread penetrated into the machine.

After a while of fiddling, the machine displayed [the highest authority, you are welcome]

The spar of this machine shows system information.

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