Even Cthulhu Can't Stop Me From Picking Up Trash

Chapter 80 The cow girl wants to raise the snails to be fat and fat

The [Bone Fortress] moved, got into the magma, and the entire shaft vibrated. The blasters lost the power of the ruins, and began to wake up and become restless.

The one who first noticed something was wrong was the big-bellied mine manager. Originally, the three of them were instructing the workers to build an altar temporarily. They simply set up a tower crane around the shaft and hung a simple altar similar to a container above the wellhead.

The mine manager heard the abnormal sound coming from the shaft and probed to look. I saw the bugs crawling out of the platform corridor and crawling up the well.

This is the habit of the blastoplasma, which absorbs speech underground, climbs out of the ground when mature, sheds its shell to become a flying adult, begins to mate and gives birth to the next generation. These female blasters lay their eggs in the rock, and the larvae hatch and devour the rock as they go deeper into the ground. Then grow up underground, and then climb out of the ground to complete a new round of life cycle.

The head of the mine shouted, "Bug! The worm has escaped!!"

Elder Redbeard: "How is that possible! Aren't these bugs not yet mature?"

When the workers who built the tower crane saw these huge bugs, they were frightened and screamed.

The red-bearded elder shouted impossible, this is impossible! Then rush over to push the bug back into the shaft.

Unexpectedly, the worms were very fierce. One claws broke the elder's flame shield and pushed the elder to the ground. Then the worms surrounded him in all directions and devoured the elder alive.

When the mine manager saw that the red-bearded elder was dead, he panicked to the limit but calmed down. The big-bellied mine manager said to the lost security captain: "The old man is dead, and his big career is unreliable. Let's use our plan!"

The security captain was still in despair.

The security captain was angry and wanted to be the mine manager.

The mine manager had a big belly and said sternly: "If you want to kill me, kill me. If you kill me, you won't get anything! Your daughter is dead, and the old man is also dead. Don't you think about the future? Do you want to? Do you want to be a security guard for the rest of your life!?"

The security captain also calmed down, and his expression became firm: "I listen to you!"

The big belly mine manager said decisively: "Detonate the volcano! Bury everyone! Tomorrow we can harvest a huge amount of meat crystals! If we sell it, we will be the richest man! Go to Sun City, March City, Storm City, any city can become a respected rich man!"

When the mine manager and the security captain went to prepare to detonate the fire pit in the warehouse, Lu Kai drove the skeleton fortress from the magma to the bottom of the warehouse where the fire pit was stored. The 16 tentacles of the skeleton fortress penetrated the stratum and entered the warehouse. , plug the fire pit into the inlet, swallow it, and absorb a large amount of fire elements into the energy cabin for storage.

After eating one warehouse, go to another warehouse. 12 warehouses were poisoned one after another.

The miners in the underground mine only wondered why there were so many small earthquakes tonight, but they didn't care. Those who drank the water of happiness drank the water of happiness, and fell asleep in a daze.

The Skeleton Fortress followed the magma out of the mining area, found a weak spot, and drilled out of the ground.

After putting down the cow herding girl and throwing out the body of the muscular girl, Lu Kai said goodbye to the girl and went underground again.

The big belly mine manager and the security captain pressed the reserved detonation device, but the expected volcanic eruption did not occur. Going down to the mine warehouse, all the fire pits are gone.

The two had an infighting. They all believed that the other party was guarding and stealing and sold all the ore!

In the end, the dispute attracted the onlookers of the miners. The miners learned that these two beasts were going to bury the entire mine, and that there would be no happiness in the future, so they rioted.

The big-bellied minemaster was first killed by angry miners and buried in a volcanic ash heap.

Relying on the fact that he was a psionicist, the security captain killed the Quartet, and finally made a bloody road, left the mine, and finally disappeared.

A chaos in Huo Miao Village.

The cow girl buried the muscular girl and called for the snails she raised. On a mountain outside Huomiao Village, she watched from a distance that Huomiao Village was destroyed by rioting miners and set on fire.

The cow herding girl couldn't bear the slightest wave in her heart. She took the pot Lu Kai gave her, and there were several red fruits in the pot.

The cow girl gave the fruit to the snails, and the snails were very happy.

So the cow girl rode on the snail, followed by a group of small snails, heading towards the depths of the volcano.

The cow-herding girl wants to keep the snails fat and fat.

The road opens in the direction of Lava City.

Beneath the million volcanoes is the continuous magma, which is like the huge water system in the Jiangnan water town, which is intertwined.

Underground magma also has the existence of all kinds of life.

The blasters live in the upper rock formations of the magma, absorb heat and fire to grow, and then are pierced by an earthworm and suck the juice inside. Earthworms are again a food for fish with drills. The drill fish noticed that there was movement in the rock formation, and a water splashed and rotated into the rock formation, found the earthworm, and ate it!

And the drill fish are hunted by strange plants floating in the magma. This plant is a bit like a water lily, but once a foreign object falls on the leaves, the leaves emit a lot of cold air, freezing the foreign object. Under the leaves is a huge root system, which grows fibroids with fine holes.

The further down the magma pressure is, the more bizarre the creatures are.

A kind of snails are attracted to each other, just like magnet sand. When encountering something with breath of life, it clings to it and keeps accumulating. Finally, the creature is wrapped into an iron ball, sinks into a deeper bottom layer and dies, and is eaten by snails and lays eggs. .

The skeleton fortress swam quickly, but the snails were inevitably parasitized on its body. Lu Kai controlled it to move upwards and drilled into the rock formations, and the snails were worn away by the rock formations. The broken snails turned into fine sand, seeping into the gaps in the armor, and then corroding the armor.

After a while, the armor's durability was reduced by 3%.

Fortunately, these snails are creatures in magma, adapted to the high temperature and high pressure environment. When the skeleton fortress drilled upwards 1,000 meters, these snails exploded one after another and turned into lifeless magnetic powder. Armor durability is still 83%.

The skeleton fort sent shock waves and found that it was only a hundred meters away from the ground. The rock formation here is very hard, and the fire element is inactive. The Bone Fortress used the fire element reserve to heat the rock formation, and finally burrowed out.

Drilling out of the ground, the skeleton fortress transforms into walking on feet, like a giant octopus crawling.

There is an oasis not far from the place where it was drilled. From the view of the skeleton fortress, this oasis has lakes and trees. But around the lake lie all kinds of animals that come to drink.

The animals were bleeding from seven holes and looked poisoned.

There is a row of houses in the oasis. In the open space in front of the row house, a sad man is crying with a child in his arms, and there are more than ten corpses lying in the open space.

Then a group of adventurers came out of the row house, the adventurers set the row house on fire, and the house burned.

The adventurer mounts a bipedal tuatara, collars the sad man, and drags it away.

The sad man rushed up and desperately, but before he got close, the adventurer slashed out a flame wave, the sad man was cut off by the waist, the upper body and lower body fell to the ground, and began to burn from the cross section. The upper body screamed and struggled.

Finally died, burned very quickly, and finally burned to carbon.

Looking at all this, Lu Kai was furious: these guys...

Then the direction that the group of adventurers left was exactly where Lu Kai was. Originally Lu Kai was just angry, but now... Lu Kai decided to kill this group of bad guys! !

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