Even Cthulhu Can't Stop Me From Picking Up Trash

Chapter 82: The Space Rift in Borderlands

Lu Kai headed towards Lava City. Lu Kai was thinking about whether he was too impulsive, and couldn't assume that the murderer was a bad person just because someone else killed him. No, there is an oolong. Then Lu Kai replayed the battle just now.

In fact, it was very lucky to win. There were 8 people on the opposite side, and most of them were melee combatants. The team match was wrong. If the team had more professions, one more mage, or more heavy gunners, etc., then I would be pulled close to me. , and then beaten to death.

The skeleton chariot has become a skeleton fortress, its size has become larger, and its armor has become thicker, but its mobility has also been reduced, and its firepower is insufficient. The relic is for scientific research and experimental purposes, and more energy reserves. The current firepower is still the skeleton chariot. The machine guns and main guns, the next step is to increase the power of the main guns and secondary guns.

Lu Kai was thinking about how to increase his power, and the C device issued an early warning: it detected a space distortion 1200 meters ahead.

Well? Lu Kai curiously looked at the warning screen on the screen. In an unremarkable open space, the scene became liquefied, twisting and twisting, and distorted ripples appeared.

The surrounding vegetation was rolled up by the ripples, and a piece disappeared, and a small sapling was cut off and fell to the ground.

The million volcanic zone is at the junction of the dark earth and the red earth, where geological activities are active and volcanic earthquakes occur frequently.

There are various gods in the dark earth and the red earth, and these gods each occupy a territory.

Outside of these sites, there are large areas of Borderlands. The elements of Borderlands are chaotic and inconsistent. Ordinary people live in this environment, and it is easy to mutate. In the land, the psionic structure will grow and grow out of control and become pollution. The superhuman's psionic structure tends to stabilize, but there is also the risk of losing control.

Lu Kai decided to bypass this distorted space, and then walked around, and found that the distorted space was expanding, and the surrounding was broken. Everything around was sucked in, and the space warp turned into a space rift.

Borderlands is like this, because there is no god's power to stabilize the ratio of various elements, these elements are entangled and attracted to each other, and various inexplicable situations will occur. Spatial fissures are a relatively common disaster. Come and go quickly, as long as you survive this sucking...

Then Lu Kai saw the previous blue-turbaned adventurer team, which was chased by a group of soldiers wearing standard clothes riding Yalong. There are only 4 people left in the adventurer team, a middle-aged man with a blue hood, an old woman shaman, an archer, and a heavy shield warrior.

This group of adventurers and Yalong soldiers ran straight towards Lukai. Lu Kai's Ghost Rush: You are blind! ! A space rift is ahead!

Blue Turban shouted: "Lord Puppet Master! Help us!"

The dragoons saw Lukai's big octopus, and they all looked at each other and smiled, letting Yalong come around at a faster speed.

The 16 arms of the big octopus slammed into the ground, and are now being pulled, and these adventurers come over desperately.

When approaching, the blue turban noticed something was wrong: "Stop! Stop! The space in front is not right!"

But it couldn't stop. The two-legged lizards of the four adventurers were pulled over. The blue hood made a decisive decision and immediately abandoned the mount. He grabbed the arms and legs of the big octopus with one hand, the hand of the heavy shield warrior with the other, and the heavy shield warrior grabbed the The archer, the archer catches the old shaman.

The dragoon stopped and watched from outside the pulling range of the space rift.

After watching for a while, he resolutely launched an attack, and the 6 dragon cavalry's Yalong psychic energy agitated and exhaled from their mouths.

The breath hit the armor of the big octopus, and Lu Kai felt a shock.

The dragoons laughed as the big octopus couldn't move.

Lu Kai was angry: It's fine if you don't help, but you're still in trouble!

The big octopus opened its mouthpiece, and a corpse destruction cannon shot out.

The dragoons were quick-witted and hurried to dodge, and the shells blasted a big hole in the ground.

A dragon cavalry jumped to dodge, and then was pulled by the space rift, floating, and the four-legged Yalong danced.

Another dragoon companion was shouting the name of the flying companion.

They anxiously rubbed the space rift's influence area on the periphery, but did not dare to approach, and hurriedly turned around.

Lu Kai looked at these dragon-riding soldiers, made a decisive decision, and fired ten bursts of Soul Corpse Destruction Cannons! This time the target was the ground, and a hole was made in the ground, causing a shock. The vibrations and the pulling force of the space fissures caused large chunks of rock to float. The dragoons entered the range of the space rift. She was so frightened that she screamed and used the dog planer at a loss, trying to swim out of the pulling range.

But it is useless, one counts as one, and they are all sucked into the space rift.

The adventurers were still holding on, but a large rock smashed over, the blue hood was smashed, and 4 people were sucked in with the big rock.

The skeleton fortress struggled to support, and finally the ground rock cracked, the entire marble turned over, and the big octopus was sucked in!

Lu Kai felt a burst of pressure, as if he had been thrown into a front-loading washing machine, and then turned on the spin-drying mode, and was dazed by the suction. When I came back to my senses, I found that the big octopus was already in a mysterious space, and it was weightless.

The surrounding is dark, but there are some stars, like the universe space, and like the 3DMAX software turning off the global illumination and not rendering the body space, all kinds of objects around are fragmented, rocks, big trees, debris, artificial objects, the remains of monsters , totems, houses...

"Alert! Alert!" "37% damage to outer armor!"

The C device issued an alarm, and the road opened hurriedly linked to see the overall damage.

Four of the 16 arms and legs were broken, and the outer shell was broken, revealing the black bones inside. The bones were hit by debris and sparked.

Lu Kai asked the repair robot to repair it.

Lu Kai saw the adventurers and dragoons in his sight.

Hand in hand, the adventurers hid behind a large floating rock. The dragoons are scattered and floating in this space, drifting with the current like debris. A dragoon was separated from his quadruped dragon. The four legs of the quadruped dragon were fluttering, half of his head was missing, and his body was also torn apart. But this dragoon did not give up! Still dancing and swimming towards the mount.

They are finally together! The dragoon mounted on the Yalong, and then found that the worms emerged from the damaged body of the Yalong. The worms found a new target and climbed out of the body of the four-legged Yalong to cling to the dragoon.

The dragoon's thighs were gnawed off, and then all the way up, the pelvic cavity was also gnawed away, and soon the lower body disappeared, these worms burrowed into the stomach, and the tail was still moving and moving outside, like a group of red worms used for fishing, but These bugs are not red, but transparent silver.

And the dragoon didn't die, he pulled the worms out with both hands, and the worms scattered in the air, but there were too many worms in his stomach, and the dragoons couldn't stop pulling them, and they all cried.

Lu Kai looked at it with a chill, what is this thing, where is this space, how can there be such a thing! ?

Then Lu Kai saw this worm emerging from the damaged armor of the Skeleton Fortress! !

These worms gnawed at the black bones of the Skeleton Fortress, and even repaired the robot. The worms drilled out of the robot's skull, then drilled in, and devoured the pure-bone robot.

Lu Kai opened the fire element shield and wanted to burn these worms to death. But Lu Kai found...

Worms appear in the main control room too! ! ! There's a hole in the floor of the main control room! ! Bugs are popping up!

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