Even Cthulhu Can't Stop Me From Picking Up Trash

Chapter 90 The Wife Lets Go Home To Buy Oranges

The big-backed worm spurted out like a mature acne, and infected the three-handed members who were listening to the lecture in the audience.

The members were infected with bugs that burrowed into the skin and proliferated in the muscles and internal organs.

Babyface's ear was splashed by a bug, Babyface's eyes were quick, he took out a dagger and immediately cut off his ears.

Then jump back and escape to the exit of the room.

The three hands behind him turned into a collection of worms, and the worms fell to the ground and crawled towards the middle-aged Pengci.

Babyface rushed out of the house and ran as fast as I can remember in my life!

Deadly run! Escape to the street.

Babyface is going to ask the dragoons for help.

Babyface ran very fast, rushing out of the street from the alley, Babyface was on the street, and the dragoon was at the end of the street.

Babyface saw it, saw it! It's the target!

A bald middle-aged man on the street looked tired. He bought a bag of oranges at the orange stand on the side of the road. His wallet was bulging and stuffed into his trousers pocket.

The baby face approached, ran over, and passed by the bald middle-aged man. The bald middle-aged man noticed the footsteps behind him, turned around, and the baby face was about to bump into it.

At this moment, the baby face was full of happiness, twisted against his waist, leaned forward, and quickly alternated his footsteps, bypassing the bald middle-aged man in a running posture.

The bald middle-aged man only saw a gust of wind blowing, and then saw a figure running into the alley. The bald middle-aged man yelled: "Little Chi-boy wants to die! Almost ran into Lao Tzu! Little Chi-boy!"

The baby face got the wallet of the bald middle-aged man at the moment of the wrong body!

Babyface dodged into an alley, hid behind a dumpster, and pulled out his wallet to check the harvest.

However, there is no money in the wallet, but a squirming bug!

The baby face jumped up in fright, his bones jumped up, but the meat stayed on the ground.

The baby face looked at the puddle of meat on the ground, so familiar, wasn't that his own body?

The baby's face fell to the ground, the bones lost their support, and the ground fell apart, the eyeball of the skull fell to the ground, and the eyeball saw a pair of feet appearing in front of him.

Those are the feet with the back of the head, and the feet smashed the eyeballs on the ground!

The baby face was dead, and the worms that turned into squirmed towards the big back and were absorbed.

The big-backed face wriggled and turned into a baby face, and he was also a section shorter.

Babyface came out of the alley.

The middle-aged bald man shouted at the alley: "Where's my wallet! My wallet! My salary just paid!"

When the bald man saw the baby face, he rushed over, grabbed the baby face and shouted, "It was you just now! You ran past me and I lost my wallet! It must be you!"

When the owner of the fruit stand saw the dispute, he looked at it cheerfully. The business was not good at first, but it was good to have fun. The best thing to do is to fight, and the head of the fight will bleed.

But the situation that the owner of the fruit stand expected did not happen. The bald man pushed his baby face at the entrance of the alley, and then the oranges bought by the bald man fell to the ground, and the oranges rolled on the ground.

And the baby face disappeared, the bald man slowly turned his head and said in a murmur, "Go home...wife is at home...buy fruit..."

Returning to the death battle, Lu Kai was engaged in the second death battle.

The opponent is a 70-year-old coughing old man.

The old man coughed endlessly as soon as he entered the ring. The cough was very muffled, and the rhythm and proficiency of the cough resonated. This is the bel canto cough method. The three cavities are the cranial cavity, the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity.

The old man clicked, and coughed out a yellow-green bloodshot colloid and smashed it on the floor of the ring.

Lu Kaifu slandered: Isn't this bastard here to cheat the appearance fee?

The host introduced: "This old man is 74 years old and is a senior psionicist who was a psionicist at the age of 16.

The old man's name is Lucy,

Lukai with your opponent is the home!"

Lu Kai Tucao: What the hell is this family!? If you can't pronounce the same thing, let's be a fool to recognize relatives!?

"Uncle Lucy has a lung disease and has no money to treat it, so he came to our death arena to show off his residual heat and earn his funeral expenses!"

The old man was coughing, sweating profusely.

The host got off the ring and came to the audience: "Now let's interview the son and daughter-in-law of Uncle Lucy."

The son took the microphone: "My dad is going to die. He was a soldier when he was young, and he is also a soldier when he is old. He doesn't want to die on the hospital bed, but also on the battlefield. I hope the competitors will not show mercy. Go all out, This is respect for the warrior!"

The daughter-in-law took the microphone: "Yes, this is the decision of the old man. We are the younger generation to support his decision. Our father is a soldier and a hero! I am proud of him."

The host took the microphone back: "Okay, the interview is over. Then, what you can see next is that an old soldier who is determined to be brave and not afraid of death will fight against a young general who is full of wealth and pressure to win!"

This is a showdown between old and young, new life and death!

Odds! Lukai 1.1:5.8 Luxi!

Lu Kai saw the odds. He took 30,000 yuan in the last game, and took out 27,500 to beat himself to win. At this odds, even if he wins, he can only get 2,750 yuan! What a ghost opponent!? It was deliberately aimed at me! In order not to let me win money.

Just as the host was about to announce the start of the deathmatch, a voice shouted: "Liars! They are all liars!"

Everyone looked back, it was a little boy. The little boy shouted: "If grandpa doesn't participate in the death fight, you won't give him food! And let him live in a kennel! This time grandpa is sick and dying. Instead of sending him to the hospital for treatment, you let him die!"

The son and daughter-in-law rushed out immediately when they heard it, and one of them gave the child a big mouth: "What a bum! It's all nonsense!"

The child continued to shout: "I'm not talking nonsense! What I said is true! If grandpa doesn't die, you must throw away grandma's ashes!"

The son covered the child's mouth and kept apologizing to the surrounding crowd: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have no way to teach my son, don't take it to heart. Tong Yan Wuji Tong Yan Wuji."

After experiencing this scene, the old man's odds have increased a lot, and it has become Lukai 1.1:12.4 Luxi.

Then the old man reluctantly watched his grandson be taken away and shed tears. The old man coughed and said, "The life and death certificate I signed, the beneficiary is my grandson. I have a few days to live. When I die, I can at least buy some extra tuition for my grandson."

Lu Kai's egg hurts, what the hell is going on here? This is using compassion as a weapon, so vicious. Lu Kai hinted to himself, be cold-blooded! Cold-hearted! Kill without blinking! Kill! Kill!

Then the battle begins.

Lu Kai frowned. At first, he thought that the virus was discovered due to the lack of air circulation in the indoor arena. The virus was isolated by the cube in the spiritual space.

It was only after the battle started that it was discovered that the source of the virus was this coughing old man.

With every cough, a pile of virus is coughed up.

And the concentration of this virus is getting higher and higher, it is air flow! By controlling the strength of his cough, the old man created a circulation area and controlled the virus within the arena range!

This old man is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger! This old man is a psyker with the speciality of wind! The air flow in the entire arena is controlled! I inhale high concentrations of the virus no matter where I am! The previous interviews and the children were all delays!

The viruses in the spiritual space are mixed with psychic structures. At the beginning, they were just little bits and pieces. The latter dots became entangled with each other and became a pair of lard! It is the mesentery of pigs, a large piece, which can be used to refine lard .

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