Even Cthulhu Can't Stop Me From Picking Up Trash

Chapter 93 · 1 Everything will be fine

Send money, this time the appearance fee is 10,000 yuan, the winner is 20,000 yuan, the two consecutive victories are 20,000 yuan, and the bet on own victory is 27,500, the odds of 1.1, 30,250!

The total value of Moon Crystal is 80250!

This time, I chose to use Sunstone to settle the road.

The exchange rate between moon crystals and sunstones is about 1:0.66, and 80250 moon crystals can be exchanged for 52965 units of sunstones.

The host took out the box containing the money, and the box was full of sunstones.

Sunstones come in 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 denominations

This box of sunstones is full of 50 denominations. It is full and full, and it looks bright. The audience looks at it with a frenzy in their eyes.

Lu Kai took out 50,000 sunstones and pressed down a game to win!

The audience was boiling and screaming.

Then there is halftime. Tidy up the arena, the next deathmatch is in an hour.

Lu Kai was taken to a small room for rest by the staff.

The room has toilet, shower, bed, and wardrobe.

Lu Kai took the Fissure Crystal from the first session and the Sunstone from the second session into the Spiritual Sense Space. The cracked crystals turned into white stones, and the sunstones disappeared directly.

It seems that the same is the general equivalent of the certification of the gods, but the level is different. The moon crystal needs white stone as a carrier to form, but the sun stone does not.

Well...? Lu Kai had a whim, what would happen if the structure of the sunstone was stuffed into the moon crystal?

Just do what you say, this is the white stone that the cracked moon crystal has turned into, then inject the sun stone with a denomination of 965!

Shiraishi held it in his hand, and the sunstone poured into Shiraishi along with his psychic energy.

Squeaky, the white stone was glowing, and finally the white stone was cracked, and a 500 denomination, four 100 denomination and a 50 denomination sunstone fell out.

And the denomination of 15 disappeared directly.

The road is dead, and the denomination of 15 is equivalent to 22 months of crystals gone! No, the white stone of the cracked moon crystal can be used as change for 5 yuan, which is equivalent to 27 yuan gone! This money can eat a bowl of noodles! And it's the kind of egg!

Well...? Lu Kai noticed that the cracked white stone radiated a layer of heat, and Lu Kai took it in his hand and looked carefully, it seemed to be a layer of enchantment.

Oh oh oh, the vanishing sunstone became a buff and added to Shiraishi.

The buff dissipated very quickly, in less than 30 seconds, and it dissipated cleanly.

Lu Kai took out a 50 denomination sunstone for experiment.

Injecting spiritual energy, the sunstone began to heat up, and continued to inject, the sunstone dissolved, and Lu Kai's hand holding the sunstone was covered with a milky white light.

Lu Kai pressed his hand on the bed, and a charred handprint appeared on the bed.

After 30 seconds, the light disappeared.

This buff has strong light, as well as high temperature and burning effects. It's powerful, but it's also expensive.

While Lu Kai was waiting for the next death fight in the rest room, the bald middle-aged man was at home waiting for his wife to cook.

The wife of the middle-aged bald man is a fat woman. In the wedding photo in the room, the fat woman is a slender woman, while the man was a young man with thick hair at that time, and the two of them had a happy look between their eyebrows.

The bald man looked at the wedding photo and was fascinated.

Kaka, there was a sound of the door opening.

Bang, something heavy hit the floor and made a muffled sound.

"Mom? What are you doing delicious? Wow ⊙?⊙! It's chopped green onion kidneys, and oyster pot, braised spring fish, leek and eggs! And turtle soup! Is there anything good?"

Fat woman: "Your dad has given out bonuses, so have a good meal."

Daughter: "Really? How much? I want to buy a new bag. Star Chain just got a new batch of elves..."

The fat woman said sullenly: "What kind of bag should you buy, just use it! I have one that I don't use very much, you can make do with it."

The bald man came over and said in a hoarse voice, "Buy!"

daughter heard,

Immediately cheered, hugged the bald man and kissed: "Thank you Dad! Dad is the best!"

The fat woman held the prepared dish: "It's dinner! Go and wipe the table!"

Daughter darted to wipe the table.

After a while, four dishes and one soup were placed on the table. A family of three enjoying a meal.

The bald man was eating, the fat woman's wife served him vegetables, and the bald man pulled the rice into his mouth.

The bald man lowered his head, and his face was constantly changing. Sometimes it became the face of a blue turban, sometimes it turned into a face with a big back, and it became the face of a middle-aged man who touched porcelain before. stop changing.

It ended up being the face of a bald man.

The bald man burst into tears.

The fat woman's wife and daughter asked what happened with concern?

The bald man didn't speak, just shook his head.

The wife and daughter hugged the bald man, and the wife said softly, "Everything will be fine."

The daughter said: "Dad, you have to be strong, we all support you."

The bald man wiped away his tears, and his hoarse voice became normal: "It's all right, I eat, I eat. It's just that when something happens at work, I eat."

So the family ate happily.

At this time, the three extraordinary people came to the place where the space rift occurred.

The middle-aged man with the moustache frowned while holding the weird instrument: "It's here, but why is this index so low?"

Hook-nosed youth: "Is this thing broken? Extraordinary items are not very reliable, and it is normal for them to break when they are used."

Middle-aged man with a mustache: "The things exchanged by [Bai Pagoda] will be broken so easily. It's not normal here."

The scaly muscular girl was covered in blood, and opened her arms to feel the fluctuations of the elements around her: "It's normal, very calm, ah~~~~ The wind is also very refreshing."

The hooked-nosed young man shouted, "Please wash it, your body is covered in blood, it stinks! What's wrong with you, you have to pour blood on your head when you kill someone."

Scaled Muscle Woman: "The smell of blood is the smell of killing, only this can make me feel at ease."

Middle-aged man with a mustache: "There should be a space rift here. Even if the space rift dissipates, there will be a lot of space structural fragments around. The half-life of these structural fragments is 24 hours. We have been instructed to arrive here, at most Not more than 12 hours, but weird. Here."

Moustache lifted a finger, and a light ball popped out. The light ball became larger and expanded into a concentric circle, covering the surrounding area for about 300 meters.

Moustache pointed to the area covered by the concentric circles: "There are no fragments of space structure in this area, clean, not a single piece."

The scaly muscular woman: "So what, maybe the fragments of this fissure dissipate quickly? It can't be eaten."

Hook-nosed youth: "What are we struggling with? Now that the rift has disappeared, and there is nothing unusual, wouldn't it be good to submit a report like this?"

Middle-aged man with a mustache: "This is not an ordinary crack. In the prediction of [Big Head], the danger level of this crack is natural disaster level. Let's work hard and check the surroundings thoroughly."

The muscular girl and the hook nose responded with lack of interest: "Okay~~~"

When Lu Kai's break time is up, he stepped back into the ring.

This time, the arena was changed. It used to be arena 1-14, which could accommodate 300 spectators. Now it is arena 1-03. This arena is larger and can accommodate 2,000 spectators. It is one of the four largest arenas on the first floor. one.

The road opens and the opponent plays.

The opponent this time was a child, about the same height as Lu Kai, wearing mithril armor and holding a long sword with lightning in his hand.

This child's complexion is very fair, completely different from the red skin of the local people pickled with fire elements, and the hair is black with blue in it, and the pupil color of the eyes is also blue.

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