Even The Breath Is Getting Stronger

Chapter 398: Ten death but no life!

Behind Hunyuan Supreme, the unopened progress has reached 8%!

At first, Lin Yunji thought this progress bar was related to own prestige, but now it doesn't seem to be.

Lin Yunji didn't understand what exactly it was referring to, so he just left it alone.

"Great success!"

Lin Yunji's figure emerged from the Hongmeng Glazed Glass Pagoda and stood in the Minor World in the Lingyuan Immortal Palace, laughing loudly.

His laughter alarmed the many flower elves of Minor World.

They all walked out one by one, looking at Lin Yunji in the sky, all of them bowed, "Congratulations, you!" "Hexi, you!"

"Ahaha!" Lin Yunji laughed even more.

But smiling, he also felt a little embarrassed.

"How does it feel like old celestial celestial beings."

Lin Yunji murmured secretly to himself.

"There is nothing wrong here, just practice your own practice." Lin Yunji shouted towards the numerous flower elves.

Immediately, his figure suddenly exited from the Lingyuan Immortal Palace.

The place in the Lingyuan Immortal Palace is too small, and the world barrier is too fragile to be used here.

After coming out of the fairy palace, he came into the void in the big formation, looking at the overlapping Restrictions, he raised his hand and moved his fingers.

Accompanied by his movements, the void collapsed and chaos changed in an instant, and the various Restrictions in the large array were turned upside down and twisted by Lin Yunji at will.

After a little movement, Lin Yunji stopped.

"Hey, it's a pity, in this big formation, I can't use it." Lin Yunji sighed helplessly.

He is too strong now. If he makes a shot in the big formation, he is afraid that three punches and two blows will explode all the Restrictions in the entire big formation.

It's a pity that he needs to guard the big formation now, although the law body can leave, but the true body cannot leave the big formation.

There is no way to try their skills in the void and chaos. There is no suitable enemy to compete with him.

"Have you made a breakthrough?" Suddenly, just when Lin Yunji was a little emotional, a voice rang from Lin Yunji's mind.

Suddenly someone transmitted a voice to Own's mind, and Lin Yunji was also taken aback.

But he quickly reflected, it was Binghan's voice!

"I said, did you move something with me, staring at me all day long!

You will not be a slut! "Lin Yunji couldn't help but slander in Own's heart.

"You are the slut!" Bing Han Juezun retorted immediately.

"Then why are you staring at me all day long?!" Lin Yunji said rudely.

"That's because..." Jue Han Bing Han was speechless for a while.

"Sure enough, you have been staring at me!" Lin Yunji has reached the Realm of Hunyuan Supreme Great Perfection. "

"It's just that the other people are Daojing and Magic Power who have all climbed to the level of Dzogchen. You are just stacking up your combat power.

Your Daojing Cultivation Base is just an ordinary Hunyuan Supreme Realm. "

"Yeah." Lin Yunji nodded.

Before, when Lin Yunji saw Binghan Juezun's shots, he only found it unbelievable.

But after he was cultivated into the fourth layer of Universe Cultivation Technique, his combat power has soared more than a thousand times!

Now he indeed has the same combat power as Binghan Juezun.

If Lin Yunji is allowed to make a full shot, he will consciously one punch is enough to smash several realms of Source Realm with one punch!

What Xiangcixianzun, what Tai Xuan, what Kunsheng, Lin Yunji is no longer in his eyes now.

Lin Yunji is no longer at the same level as them.

"So, there is one thing I need you to do together." Binghan Juezun said, "This thing is very dangerous."

"How dangerous?" Lin Yunji said.

"Ten deaths but no life!" Binghan Juezun replied. Her voice was more serious and solemn than ever.

"Isn't that just to die?!" Lin Yunji vomited.

"Then I will ask you if you are going?!" She asked Lin Yunji.

"I'm not a fool, why should I go to die!" Lin Yunji replied.

His words fell, Bing Han Juezun's voice paused, after a few breaths,

Her voice was different from the tone of talking and laughing between old friends just now, becoming cold and unfamiliar, "Forget it, I misunderstood you."

After all, her voice stopped abruptly.

"Fuck, you are crazy! At least tell me what you are going to do! Let me go to die suddenly, are you kidding me?!" Lin Yunji shouted.

Binghan Juezun did not answer.

"Hey! Talk back quickly! I know you can hear it!" Lin Yunji shouted again after a long while.

However, Binghan Juezun seemed to be really angry and still did not answer.

"If you don't answer, I'll be here!" Lin Yunji shouted.

"Huh! You don't need to come over, and I won't see you when you come." Binghan Juezun said, she said coldly.

"Okay, okay, I can't stand you anymore! I'll do it, since I'm going together anyway, it means you too.

Then I have nothing to fear. It's a big deal to die together, die together. "Lin Yunji shouted.

"Who is going to die with you!" Juezun Binghan screamed as if he had been stepped on his tail.

"Hmph! Come here, let's talk about this matter in person!" Bing Han Juezun said immediately.

"What about my big formation?" Lin Yunji asked.

"You leave a law body to guard temporarily!" Bing Han Juezun replied.

"Okay." Lin Yunji nodded.

With his current strength, the differentiated Law Bodies were indeed enough to guard this large formation in a short period of time.

Lin Yunji stretched out his hand and patted the back of own's head lightly. Following his movements, a phantom identical to him fell out and fell into the void.

This figure turned around, and it became solid in the blink of an eye.

"I've seen the deity!" This Dharma body shot an inspector towards Lin Yunji.

Lin Yunji also paid a salute, "You are here to guard the fellow daoist, I'm going!"

After all, Lin Yunji's real body turned into a ray of light and left from the big formation.

After Lin Yunji's true body left the large formation he was guarding, he went straight to the position guarded by Binghan Juzun.

In the outermost area of ​​the Great Array, the pressure in the space is astonishing.

At the same time, there is a continuous impact force that is unloaded, and the general Hunyuan Supreme may not be able to withstand the surplus power unloaded by the large array alone. But Lin Yunji is naturally different now.

When he came here, the pressure around him was just like a breeze.

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