Even The Breath Is Getting Stronger

Chapter 468: Successfully established a stronghold

"Unexpectedly, I can actually encounter the sun protection and the disease protection." Lin Yunji couldn't help raising his head, staring deeply at the old patriarch.

This village is really mysterious.

"At that time, my grandfather. It didn't take long for us to move here. A terrible disease broke out here. There are too many dead people. The disease is protected by my grandfather's painstaking efforts."

"Currently there is this kind of care in the village...

"Yeah." Lin Yunji nodded.

Then he thought about it and didn't change the protection of the village.

"You all drip your blood on this stone tablet, so that next time you enter the Canglan Illusory Realm or if you don't leave from here, you can also come here directly." Lin Yunji said to the deities.

"Okay." All the deities nodded in agreement.

"In this case, in the future, if we encounter something too dangerous to escape in the wild and get trapped, we can leave the Canglan Illusory Realm and re-enter, and we will appear in the village directly." Hong Luo Xianzun told Lin Yun Trace said.

"Yes, that's it." Lin Yunji showed a small smile on his face and nodded in response: "Not only that, but I will come here directly in the future. It saves time and does not need to spend time on the road."

So the deities cut their fingers and dripped their own blood on the stone tablet just like Lin Yunji did.

So it was tied to this stronghold, that is, at this moment, Lin Yunji thought about it, and then changed the name of Dashi Town to Hongmeng Town.

"Old patriarch, I changed the name of the village. Don't blame it." Lin Yunji said to the old patriarch. .

"It's okay." The old patriarch said without minding.

"I haven’t established a stronghold before, so what I think is, first take everyone from Cultivation Base Ascension to Universe Level 2

Level, and go all the way to the nearby big stronghold to seek refuge, and then accumulate some money, you can go to buy a lot of magical spirit orbs. "Lin Yunji explained to the deities.

"But now that we have created our own stronghold, we don't need to rely on other strongholds. Now the main task is to create our stronghold first, especially the trading point."

"Trading point?" Emperor Wu Xuan did not understand.

"This is one of the special buildings in the base." Lin Yunji explained, "After this is built, we will be able to do business with other people in this world in the future."

"Do you mean the way in the God Net?!" After thinking of this, the lords immediately asked.

"Yes." Lin Yunji nodded his head with a smile on his face. Then Lin Yunji looked at the old patriarch again: "The old patriarch can now issue tasks."

The old patriarch nodded and agreed: "I can release four tasks in one day."

"I will release the first one now. Please go and collect wood and stones to build a trading place.

The second announcement is that the food stored in our village is not enough. Please find and collect some food for storage.

The third announcement is that there is not much fresh water in the village. Please find some fresh water resources to come back.

The fourth announcement is that there are no looms in the village, so please find a way to make some. "

As soon as the old patriarch finished speaking these words, Lin Yunji and their minds immediately heard these voices one after another.

"Okay, everyone should have already received the tasks. Old Patriarch, please relax. We will complete these tasks one by one. But I also want to ask other people in the village to help us and make some equipment." Lin Yun Trace spoke to the old patriarch.

"Of course." The old patriarch nodded and immediately agreed.

The indigenous people in Canglan Fantasy Realm have a very important ability, that is, they can assist in production. For example, manufacturing equipment.

Just like the clothes that Lin Yunji is wearing now, each of them has a corresponding defensive ability.

Just like the clothes on Lin Yunji's body, he has a little physical defense and a little magical defense.

Although Lin Yunji could also manufacture them, the equipment they could manufacture would have very low attributes.

But the aboriginals here are not in pain. The equipment they make will have very high attributes.

"Of course." The old patriarch agreed without thinking.

Then the old patriarch immediately called out the people in the village, and then took out all the tools.

Like axes, knives, spears, vine armor, wooden shields, etc., these are basically all made of stone.

The Majesty Lord and the others glanced at these things, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help but twitch.

Only after they got these tools in their hands, they were immediately shocked. Because the attributes of these tools are much higher than the treasures they carry with them.

Lin Yunji took a wooden shield in his hand and took a closer look. Its main function was ten physical defense power and three magical defense power.

He clenched his fist and punched it hard on the wooden shield. With a bang, the wooden shield was fine, without any problems.

You know, he definitely used a lot of strength just now, but the wooden shield was not broken.

Lin Yunji then stretched out his hand, and gently pulled off his robe, and then gave a stab. The magical Robe on his body was directly torn apart. It's like hard-working fallen leaves.

Seeing this scene, all the deities were shocked.

Because of the rules of Canglan Illusory Realm, some things really make people very speechless.

For example, those great treasures of Hongmeng who are very powerful in the outside world, after arriving here, can't compare with these seemingly backward things.

After Lin Yunji took the tools, he assigned the task to the other deities.

"Daweide Fellow Daoist and Wu Xuan Fellow Daoist, you two will go to cut trees with me. Tinder Fellow Daoist, you and the other two Fellow Daoists go to find the stones and come back. Hong Luo Fellow Daoist and several other fellow fellows Daoist, you go to collect some fresh water back, if the water source, you can ask the old patriarch."

"Follow the decree." All the deities nodded and agreed.

After assigning the tasks, the other deities all dispersed to do their own things.

Lin Yunji took two fellow daoists, holding stone axes, to the outside of the village, where there was a forest.

"After completing these tasks, can we really gain energy like killing wild creatures?" Emperor Wu Xuan couldn't help asking.

"Of course." Lin Yunji said.

"How do you feel that the mission issued by the old patriarch seems to be us for these indigenous people." Emperor Wu Xuan said with a wry smile.

Originally, he wanted to say that they had become slaves, but when he thought about it, he felt that this was too ugly, so he changed his words to part-time job.

A smile appeared on Lin Yunji's face: "Your description is really thoughtful. It does look like working for aborigines. But there is no way. This is the powerful rule that created this world."

"Actually, it doesn't matter what you do. Ascension is enough in the end anyway." The Great Venerable Venerable said. .

"It is indeed the case." Emperor Wu Xuan thought for a while and felt that it was indeed the case.

"I'm just a little uncomfortable." Emperor Wu Xuan sighed for a long time: "How can I say that Emperor Wu Xuan is a supreme one in the world of Hongmeng. I don't know how many people worship me, but now I want to be here. Here are some ordinary mortals chopping wood for work."

"This is also a new experience," Lin Yunji said jokingly.

"Not at all." Emperor Wu Xuan waved his hand: "It's just a sigh of emotion. I think the power to create this world is really amazing."

"I'm afraid this is like a naughty boy. He may deliberately want to tease us." The Great Venerable Venerable said: "I think the rules of this world are a bit interesting.

After walking outside the village, they came to the small woods, Lin Yunji, they stood at the outermost periphery, raised the tools in their hands, and cut down some relatively thick trees.

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