Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 143: Five Ginger Rulais

"Darri Rulai, trouble, open the entrance to the eighteenth floor of **** here." Gu Hai looked at Dari Rulai!

Da Riru nodded.

The detective took out the reincarnation lotus flower, and urged it slightly.


A pair of tai chi yin and yang fish emerged from the reincarnation lotus, swimming slightly, suddenly, and a void was torn in the void.

A huge rift, ten feet high, faintly saw some dark air inside.

"Eighteen layers of hell?" Kong Xuan frowned.

The unborn are staring at Da Riru, especially the means just now, what does Tai Chi mean?

"Unborn, you're out! Answer at any time!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes!" The unborn person answered.

"If the day comes, how long can this entrance be maintained?" Gu Hai asked.

You know, that reincarnation lotus keeps at most one stick of incense, will this entrance disappear soon?

"The entrance is open, and it has nothing to do with the reincarnation lotus. As long as the mana I infused is not exhausted, I can keep it open." Da Riru explained.

"That's good, just in case there is a sudden change of trouble, Da Riru is waiting at this entrance! Let's go into the inquiry first!" Gu Hai looked at Da Riru.

"Okay! I'll watch it in case Jiang Rulai escapes at this moment!" Da Riru nodded.

"Go!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes!" The two hundred thousand demon army ordered. With the ancient sea, Kong Xuan stepped into eighteen floors of hell.

No matter what means are used to enter and exit the eighteenth floor hell, it can only be on the first floor of the eighteenth floor hell.

Gu Hai and his 200,000 people stepped into the first hell.

Heaven and earth were gloomy, and there was a burst of black gas on all sides.

"This place is extremely remote, with only a few spooks in the distance?" Kong Xuan wondered.

Gu Hai didn't know where he was on the first floor at the moment, and looked around: "Poke around and find the place where Yan Luo Temple is located. At the same time, be careful about Jiang Rulai and look for Jiang Rulai's minions. If there is news, report it as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" The 200,000 demon army yelled.


The number of 200,000 gods and demons is still huge, and they rushed to the Quartet.

The little ghosts who were close by were caught instantly. However, the little ghosts didn't know anything, they were horrible.

The gods and demons slowly searched deep into the first hell.

Gu Hai was waiting patiently.

The time of the first layer of **** is not equal to the outside world. For thousands of years here, the land of Shenzhou is only one day.

Gu Hai waited for three days in the first level of hell, and finally, a young demon army general brought news.

"Your Majesty, anomalies have been found in front of you, wait ........." The teenager looked stiff.

"Abnormal? What's abnormal, why are you looking?" Kong Xuan sank aside.

"Master, Your Majesty, you still have to look at it yourself, the minister did not dare to talk!" The teenager smiled bitterly.

Gu Hai and Kong Xuan looked at each other, revealing a hint of doubt.

"Go!" Kong Xuan grabbed the teenager.

Gu Hai and Kong Xuan immediately followed the teenager's finger and went far away.

The speed of Kong Xuan and Gu Hai was not comparable to that of the teenagers. The teenagers flew for a long time, but it was an instant for the two. Soon, came to the top of a mountain.

At the top of the mountain, at this moment, there are already five demon army waiting. When seeing the ancient sea coming, first hesitated slightly, then looked at the teenager and saw the teenager nodded.

Gu Hai nodded and found everyone abnormal.

"Your Majesty, over there, look!" The teenager pointed at a large valley in the distance.

In the valley, it looks like a place where evil spirits gather. It is more like a small market town with a lot of little ghosts walking around.

On a high platform in this market town, a man was standing at the moment, and the man seemed to be looking for some ghost.

However, the moment he saw the man, Gu Hai suddenly shrank his pupils. Even Kong Xuan changed his face.

"Hey, Your Majesty, then, that person looks exactly like you?" Kong Xuan was surprised.

"Replica of the blood of God?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.

Jiang Rulai copied the ancient sea with the blood of the ancient sea?

But when I saw the fake ancient sea, I looked around and suddenly called out, "Xiao Tang, you are here, and I have been looking for you for a long time for my father!"

Fake Guhai shouted, but the little ghost looked around at him, but ignored him.

The fake ancient sea did not die, and continued to shout.

In the distance, Zhen Guhai frowned: "He is looking for Xiao Tang? Could it be said that Baidi rescued Xiao Tang, but couldn't send eighteen layers of hell, so he was mixed with hundreds of millions of little ghosts?"

"So, the soul of Prince Tang is in all ghosts?" Kong Xuan looked slightly.

"So, Jiang Rulai had to copy 朕, use 朕 to lie to Xiao Tang, find Xiao Tang? Huh!" Gu Hai snorted.

"But why is Jiang Rulai so troublesome that he arrested or killed all the ghosts, and will eventually find Prince Tang?" Kong Xuan wondered.

"Have you forgotten? The attributes of the eighteenth floor **** are immortal. After killing the ghost, the eighteenth floor **** will soon be restored!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"No wonder, Jiang Rulai can only use this stupid method!" Kong Xuanshen said.

"It's worthy of being your son, who can still guess Jiang Rulai's means, and has been hiding among the ghosts, so that Jiang Rulai will not be found!" Gu Hai sneered.

In a sneer, Gu Hai stepped out one step, and instantly arrived at that fake ancient sea.


Suddenly there was an extra person in front of him, which changed the appearance of Fake Guhai.

"You, you, are you?" Fake Guhai's face changed, surprised.

"I'd like to see, how capable is your replica!" Gu Hai's eyes were cold.

But looking at the fake ancient sea first, the detective took out a knife and chopped to the ancient sea.

"Saturday and Saturday?" Gu Hai was surprised.

However, I saw that the endless sword energy became a field of its own, and then converged to the place of the sword, cutting towards the ancient sea like a tsunami.

"Let's die!" Roared out of the fake ancient sea.


The gigantic sword smashed the entire valley and instantly came to the real ancient sea.

"Zhongtian Temple?" Gu Hai narrowed his eyes and reached out his right hand.


Suddenly, Gu Hai's right hand caught the blade of Saturday and Saturday. The powerful blade stuck in the fingers.

"You!" Fake Guhai's face changed.

"Cultivation in Zhongtian Temple? So to speak, Jiang Rulai was fighting 800,000 years ago. The blood of the crickets collected at that time? Oh!" Zhen Guhai's eyes were cold.


As soon as Gu Hai pushed hard, the blade was broken by two.

"What?" Fake Guhai was surprised.

"Copying? It can only copy people at most, and magic weapons can't be copied? Also, copying puppets is not a small price. Virtues, beliefs, divine powers, and puppets require countless times of others, presumably not many?" Gu Hai sneered.

Fake Guhai's face changed. It is true that the killing of the four swords cannot be copied at all. Use only ordinary blades.

However, the fake ancient sea is still unyielding. It seems that even the ancient sea's character has been copied.


When Gu Hai shook his sleeves, his replica was instantly shrouded in the ancient fairy sphere.

Once in the ancient fairy sphere, no matter how great the means, it can no longer be used.

Gu Hai didn't kill this replica, because he had his own subjects around, so he couldn't do it himself. That replica is hostile again, and that is also its own replica. How can you splatter on the spot in front of people?

It was as if, previously, Kong Xuan and the Demon Army, even if they knew that the ancient sea in front of them, was not convenient to fight and kill. Only Gu Hai can come.


Kong Xuan and others flew quickly.

"Your Majesty, that was your replica just now? How powerful ...?" Kong Xuan frowned slightly.

"Jiang Rulai wants to copy the puppet, but it's a little bit worse, continue to search!" Gu Hai Shen said.


The 200,000 demon army quickly flew in all directions.


The first hell. Yan Luodian.

Outside Yan Luo Hall, a large number of ghost soldiers were stationed.

In the center of the hall, above a black lotus platform, Jiang Rulai opened her eyes suddenly. Quickly step out of Yan Luodian.

Standing at the entrance of Yan Luo Dian, Jiang Rulai turned his head and looked away. In the distance, several demon and army were flying fast.

"Oh? Come in? Gu Hai didn't pass the entrance of the reincarnation pool?" Jiang Rulai's face changed.

When Jiang Ru came to look far away.

A group of gods and demons discovered the location of Yan Luodian and quickly reported the ancient sea.

As soon as the eyes of the ancient sea opened, he suddenly saw the mouth of Yan Luo Dian Yan and stood up against Jiang Rulai.

"Your Majesty, have you found Jiang Ru?" Kong Xuan said with anxious eyes.

Gu Hai narrowed his eyes, "Jiang Rulai's injury is all right?"

"Gu Hai, how dare you chase it? Huh!" Jiang Rulai sang with a cold drink.

In the cold drink, his body flickered, and he immediately reached the ancient sea.

With a slap in the palm of his hand, a golden palm slap slammed down towards the ancient sea. Buddha's Palm!

"Shinto, six colors of light!" Kong Xuan shouted.

A cyan peacock owl emerged from the void in an instant, ten thousand Kongxuan avatars suddenly appeared, and a six-color divine light was thrown at the same time. Thousands of six-colored gods of light collided away towards the palm of the **** Rugao.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise, and the void crashed countlessly. Kong Xuan had already done his best to make a second strike, but a strange scene appeared.

That Rulai God's palm actually collided with the six-color **** light, and at the same time offset the explosion.

"What? Rulai's palm has become so weak? It's comparable to me?" Kong Xuan was surprised.

"Jiang Rulai's injury is not cured! So weak?" Gu Hai doubted.

Jiang Rulai looked at Kong Xuan, but smiled coldly: "The ninth in the heavenly palace? Kong Xuan, following the ancient sea, buried you too much, otherwise, how about following the deity?"

"Ha, ha ha ha, Jiang Rulai, it's all this time, do you feel sorry? Your five million disciples in Lingshan Holy Land have become my prisoners under the Dahan rank, and you are the only one left. Kong Xuan sneered.

"Five million disciples in Lingshan? Oh, it doesn't matter to me whether they are there or not. I have something you dare not imagine!" Jiang Rulai said coldly.

"Oh? We dare not imagine?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"咻!" "咻!" "咻!" "咻!"

Suddenly, four more golden lights radiated from a distance. Arrived in front of Gu Hai in an instant.


The four golden figures suddenly stopped, bringing out a strong wind, and stood side by side with Jiang Rulai.

As soon as the four people appeared, Kong Xuan was slightly surprised.

But I saw that the four were exactly the same, all were Jiang Rulai.

"Five gingers come?" Kong Xuan exclaimed.

While speaking, Kong Xuan rubbed his eyes: "Not in the realm of Shinto? Is it the copy of God's blood?"

"No one copied it with the accuracy of his own copy. Jiang Rulai, he is the copying himself! Maximize the power of the powerful copy!" Gu Hai's face sank.

Five Replicas of Jiang Rulai?

PS: Today on Thursday, watching chess will normally go to Q group to chat with you, but after today, I will make some adjustments, will take more time to write updates, and send something on the WeChat public account to interact with you, etc. WeChat public account for watching chess: aiguanqi

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