Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 44: Arrive at Song Jiazong

A few days later, Qinghe Sect! In a gazebo!

The student looked at the book in his hands, his eyes narrowed, and there was a disciple of Song Jiazong standing behind him, very respectful.

"Slap!" Sheng Sheng closed the battle book, his face was gloomy.

"Sect, the disciples have been very hidden, but somehow they were discovered. The ancient man surrounded me with a group of wicked men, and gave me this. Now! "Said the disciple of Song Jiazong, frowning.

"Zhan Shu, ha ha ha ha! Huangkou child, haven't seen it for more than half a year, dare to let me go?"

"Sovereign, there are twenty-eight heaven and earth battles outside the ancient palace. The disciples dare not approach, so they don't know much about the ancient palace!"

"Huh, twenty-eight heaven and earth battles? He can be placed in the ancient palace, but he threatened to challenge me? I'm waiting at Qinghezong, see how you put a big battle in front of me, huh! "** A cold hum.


The ancient book of war in the hand suddenly shook into powder.

"From now on, everyone will take a tour around the mountains in turn. As soon as 3,000 people from the ancient sea come, inform me immediately!" Sheng said coldly.


Within the territory of Chen Guo, the mall.

"Drive!" "Drive!" ...............


Outside the mall, a group of cavalry in armor quickly ran, leaving smoke and dust all the way.

At the gate of the city, the owner of the mall took some people to send him away.

"City Lord, who are these people? Would you please see me off in person?" A subordinate curiously asked.

"This is the emperor's Royal Forest Army. When he goes to the south to work, he also brings the imperial edict of the emperor, don't hesitate!" The city owner hummed.





The cavalry ran fast, and the general was strange, but in the cavalry center, there was a group of people hiding in the center. It is Gu Hai, Gao Xianzhi, Chen Tianshan, Scars and Shangguan marks.

"Sir, now that we are disguised and going south, we should be able to hide Song Jiazong's disciples, right?" Chen Tianshan worried.

"Don't worry, we can come out, no one will find out, and now our identity is Da Chen Guo Yu Lin Jun, who has holy aims, and no one will doubt it!" Gu Haishen said in a voice.

"Yes!" Chen Tianshan answered.

"How long is it to reach Song Jiazong?" Gu Hai Shensheng asked.

"Five days, and another five days, you can see where Song Jiazong is!" Chen Tianshan affirmed.

"Well, try to find Long Wanqing first!" Gu Hai nodded.


Gunma raced fast.

After another three days, everyone came outside a small town.

"Master, this small town is so quiet!" Gao Xianzhi's face changed.

"Know?" Gu Hai looked at Gao Xianzhi.

"Yes, my subordinates have been leading troops. I have been stationed here for a while. There are thousands of people living in this town. It should be so loud! Why is there no figure?" Gao Xianzhi was surprised.

"Search and search!" Gu Hai ordered.


Three thousand wicked people quickly scattered around, and started searching, one by one, but no one was found.

"Sir, there is no one!" Gao Xianzhi frowned.

"Live down first, send people to patrol, and hurry tomorrow!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

Gu Hai and his party are temporarily stationed. The wicked rested in the middle of the night, and a sound came from outside the ancient sea gate.

"Sir, there is news!" Gao Xianzhi called outside the door.


Gu Hai immediately got up, opened the door, but saw a wicked servant at the moment, anxious.

"Sir, people in this town have been found, in the valley in front, just ...!" Said the wicked man with an ugly face.

After an hour.

Three thousand wicked men and the ancient sea came together over a huge valley.

The crowd lay on the valley and looked towards the valley.

But in the valley, the lights were bright.

About five hundred people were tied to the ground horizontally and vertically, and they were ripped open.

There were about a hundred men and women in white. At the moment they were laughing wildly, and everyone was surrounded by scarlet gas, and their hair had become snake heads.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

The sound of the snake's hair clicked, the snake's head became longer, and it penetrated into the chests of the people, eating the hearts and minds of the people, and the scene was extremely oozing.

Five hundred people were all dead. Before their death, despair terror appeared on their faces. Have struggled, but can't.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, brother, I toast you!"

"Brother, it's because of you that our group has been put in front of us for transformation. I feel like my whole body is full of strength!"

"Brother, this feels so cool. I didn't dare to see blood before. Now I feel that this person's heart is the most delicious thing in the world. Take a bite, as if the pores in my body are spreading out!"

"No, I think human livers are delicious!"

"Human heart!" "Human liver!" ............

"Brother, the others were sent to Zongli. Thanks to Brother, we deducted these five hundred. This meal is really comfortable!"

"What else do I want to eat?"

"Find it tomorrow, hahaha, go again!"




The group of devil below was drinking and laughing.

"This is a bonfire party?" Gao Xianzhi's eyelids leaped wildly.

"Cannibalism? Cannibalism? I used to be disgusted for a while before eating a mouse. This group of guys cannibalism?" Anguish flashed in the scar.

"Song Jiazong disciples? They are all Song Jiazong disciples!" Chen Tianshan looked ugly.

"Half-human demon, demon body, they will become more and more addicted to eating people, that small town, it seems, are in danger of escape!" Shangguan marks sighed slightly.

The ancient sea stared at the bottom of the valley.

"Carnival for cannibalism? Ha ha!" Gu Hai flashed in his eyes.

"grown ups……!"

"Kill! Just leave a few live questions and talk." Gu Hai's eyes glowed with cold light.


Suddenly, a group of wicked men pulled out their bows and arrows.

"Who?" A shout came from the valley suddenly.

"Let's go!" Gu Hai said coldly.


Suddenly, three thousand bows and arrows rushed down.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!" ...............

Suddenly, a large scream came from the valley.

"Run, run, help!"


"嘭!" "嘭!" "嘭!" ………………

It was another round of arrow rain.

After bow killing, a group of wicked men rushed down with swords and rushed towards the disciples of Song Jiazong.

At this moment, there are only a dozen disciples of Song Jiazong who still have the power to act, but at this moment, what about the power to act? Three thousand wicked people are waiting, even though their strength has soared five times, but they can also face wicked people who are ten.


In a blink of an eye, ten live mouths remained.

"Who are you?"

"We disciples in Song Jiazong, do you want to die?"

"Let me, let me go!"




Ten people were begging for mercy, but a group of wicked people saw that their eyes had become deeply disgusted.

Gu Hai and his party slowly stepped into the valley.



"Buried the bodies of these five hundred people!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"Yes!" The Scar answered.

A group of disciples of Xuanbu quickly went to dig the pit, dug the pit well, converged a common body, and slowly buried it.

For these cannibal disciples of Song Jiazong, Gu Hai kept watching coldly.

Interrogation was conducted by Gao Xianzhi and Chen Tianshan.

"We don't know. We were all unconscious at the time, and then woke up and were transformed!"

"More than a month ago, the suzerain returned from Dafeng to bring back a man in a black robe!"

"We don't know. I didn't eat people before, but now when I see people, I can't help but want to eat their hearts!"

"We don't want to, forgive us!"




During the interrogation, these disciples of Song Jiazong did not dare to hide.

"Yipintang master, where is he detained?" Gu Hai Shensheng asked.

"I don't know, I really don't know!" Said Song Jiazong's disciples anxiously.

Gu Hai squinted at the group of half-human and half-monster monsters and said coldly, "Gao Xianzhi, like the Dafeng Gang, will be able to explain all of them, all the terrain of Song Jiazong, and the situation , Ask them all! "

"Yes!" Gao Xianzhi answered.

By daybreak, everything should be clear. Gu Hai also got an internal map of Song Jiazong.

"My lord, Song Jiazong has a mountain guarding team. Everyone who enters and exits must confirm his identity. And, although the firstborn is no longer in the Zong, there is the mysterious black robe man. , We ...! "Chen Tianshan worried.

"You must rescue the owner of Yipintang, Long Wanqing!" Gu Hai Shen said.


"Master, what about these half-human half-monster monsters?" Gao Xianzhi asked.

Gu Hai glanced coldly: "With other monsters, it burned!"


"No, forgive me, we dare not!" The monsters begged for mercy.

But, at this moment, no one has mercy on them, cannibalism? When 诛!


The demons were cut under the sword.

After solving a group of Song Jiazong disciples, Gu Hai and his party were on the road again.

Along the way, the faces of three thousand wicked people were extremely gloomy, because as the Lizong Jiazong got closer, almost all towns and even villages became empty.

People were taken into Song Jiazong all around.

Everyone was chilling. Song Jiazong? Are they really brazen? How many people will this eat?

When they were in a place without people, everyone also took off their armor, resumed their initial outfits, and ran quickly in the mountains and forests.

After another day, everyone stopped and looked into the distance.

Numerous clouds and mists in the distance cover a large area. Some of the disciples of Song Jiazong can be seen faintly entering and leaving, not far from a valley, and even a group of people, being beaten into Song Jiazong's formation.

"Sir, this is Song Jiazong. The Shoushan formation is a gold armored crystal formation. It is extremely solid. A hundred yuan infant territory can be shot at the same time. Shen Chen said.

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