Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 206: Huangquan

"What? Impossible, him, why is he ...!" Dongfang Shou was surprised.

"Dongfang Shou, Chun Shenshou, grab it!" Kong Xuan glared, sulking coldly.

Kong Xuan stepped in the air and, over a long distance, gave Dongfang Shou and Chun Shenshou a huge threat.

"Fly? Can he fly on the Huangquan Sea? Isn't he the ninth in the Heavenly Palace?" Chun Shenshou's face changed.

"Shang Tiangong great consummation?" Dongfangshou also changed his face.

Although he was extremely arrogant before, Kong Xuanxiu's breakthrough completely disrupted Dongfang Shou's thoughts.

"Well, you can just grab your hands, this big battle is useless to me, let me catch you myself!" Kong Xuan shook his body and rushed towards Dongfang Shou.

"Not good, start, Chun Shenshou, fast, start the formation with me!" Dongfang Shou's face sank.


The two quickly urged a large rock on the island under their feet.


Suddenly, the surrounding Huangquanhai seemed to explode. A large amount of seawater soared into the sky, and the island and Kong Xuan were drowned in an instant.

Huang Quanhai set off a huge wave.

When Kong Xuan grabbed everyone with one palm, a strange palm sprang up in Huang Quanhai, and it collided with Kong Xuan's palm.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The two palms collided, causing Huang Quanhai, who was already rioting, to surge again.

With one palm, Kong Xuan stunned his body and looked at the person in front of him in surprise.

It was a human figure condensed by the Huangquan seawater. Its appearance was not others, but Kong Xuan.

"What?" Kong Xuan sank.

Kong Xuan looked at him, he also looked at Kong Xuan. Kong Xuan couldn't move, and Huang Quan, Kong Xuan, didn't move.

"Huh, a broken cricket, also want to stop me?" Kong Xuan faced Lu Senhan.

The six-colored Shenguang threw out suddenly.

Strangely, that Huang Quan Kong Xuan also threw out a six-colored light.


There was a loud noise, and the two six-colored gods were indistinguishable from each other.

"Impossible!" Kong Xuan jumped forward immediately.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

Kong Xuan and Huang Quan Kong Xuan fought together in a sudden war, and they actually became a group.

"Ha, ha ha, Dongfang Shou, this formation is good, isn't it Shou formation? What is this?" Chun Shenshou was surprised.

But the Heavenly Palace was so successful that it was blocked?

"I said, this is the formation of the elder elders of the tribe. I can only start up one-tenth, but now it is one-tenth, which is enough. Standing on this island, we Will be invincible! "Dongfang Shou proudly said.

In the distance, Kong Xuan and Huang Quan Kong Xuan were fighting.

Mosquitoes and dragon gods also arrived, but this Huangquan sea is over, the rules are disordered, and even have a strange power to suppress the two people flying, the two fell into Huangquanhai at the same time.

"This is the witch formation?" The unborn person's face changed and he fell down.

However, the unborn person took out a giant mountain and poured it into the Huangquan Sea, forming a huge island.

Mosquitoes and dragon gods immediately climbed to the island.

"Om!" "Om!" "Om!"

At Huangquan Sea, three figures of Huangquan water are slowly condensing. They are the mosquitoes, the dragon gods, and the unborn.

"Exactly the same as us? This array is really weird!" Said Dragon God.

"I don't believe it. They also have my magic power. I'll come first!" The mosquitoes stared and were about to shoot.

"Wait a minute, don't move!" A sudden voice came.

The mosquitoes were in a stature, looking at the sky, but Gu Hai and his party fell on the island.

"Oh!" "Oh!" ...............

Above the sea, there appeared the ancient sea, Long Wanqing, Long Wanyu and others condensed by the yellow spring water.

"Don't move, this is one of the strongest formations of the witches in the past, Huang Quan is fighting himself!" Long Wanyu frowned.

"Witch formation?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, in fact, these Huang Quan avatars are all fake. No, they are true. They are made because of your heart. If you do n’t move, they are waste. You do n’t know how to do it. They will shoot at you right away, and they have the same strength as you, and their strength comes from your heart, so as long as you shoot, you will deal with yourself! "Long Wanyu explained.

"Ah?" The Mosquito surprised.

"Don't move, they won't move! Let Kong Xuan stop!" Long Wanyu said anxiously.

"Kong Xuan, retreat!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.

Kong Xuan, who was annoyed by the distant battle, hesitated a little, but immediately retreated quickly.


Kong Xuan retreated, and Huang Quan Kong Xuan backed up instantly.

In a blink of an eye. The surging Huangquanhai became calm.

Whoever is here, Huang Quanhai condenses the corresponding Huang Quan avatar.

"If you continue to fight, but it can consume people, it really is a weird formation!" Gu Hai was surprised.

The sea slowly calmed down. Gradually saw Chunshen Shou, Dongfang Shou and others on the opposite island. Even the periphery of their island has its own Huangquan avatar.

"Oriental birthday?" Gu Hai suddenly sneered.

Opposite Chun Shenshou, anxious: "What's going on, why don't you fight? Fight? Dongfang Shou, you are quick to urge, what do you do next?"

"Oh, we don't move, you let them do it?" Gu Hai laughed.

Dongfang Shou's face was ugly: "How do you know this method?"

"Just a few of you?" Gu Hai sneered.

"What's wrong with us? You have the ability to catch us?" Dongfangshou said with a grudge.

Gu Hai will not be fooled, and now rushing up, the Huang Quan avatar will shoot at himself.

But when he saw Gu Hai smiled coldly, he waved his hand.


The entrance of the ancient fairy dome opened, and a huge suction force instantly absorbed the Huangquan seawater.

But I saw that the Huangquan seawater was pouring into the ancient fairy dome.

"Don't worry, I will come over, wait for me to drain all this Huangquan seawater, I see how you can escape!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

Gu Hai frowned at the moment. Not long ago, in the nothingness, forcibly taking in the shards of the imperfect immortal sky was also a huge thing to swallow. However, it was extremely difficult to extract this yellow spring. It seems to have a force, dragging Huangquan seawater.

However, Gu Hai still looks casual.

In this scene, Dongfang Shou, who was looking at him, turned wild.

This formation is really powerful, but if there is no Huangquan seawater, this formation is nothing. If the ancient sea drained all Huangquan seawater, wouldn't it be a dead end?

"Go!" Chun Shenshou took a group of ghost kings to leave.


Huang Quan's avatar of Chun Shenshou suddenly appeared on the sea, blocking the way.

"Dongfang Shou, we can't get away? What kind of formation do you have!" Chun Shenshou complained suddenly.

"How do I know!" Dongfang Shou anxiously.

"However, this life array is really powerful. It can block Kong Xuan. There must be stronger. Can you urge them to block them, at least let us leave?" Chun Shenshou anxiously said.

"I can't help it, this tenth, once it starts, it can't stop. It's beyond my control to urge the remaining nine-tenths, Jiang Lianshan's old man didn't tell me Dongfang Shou anxiously.

"Then you urge to try it?" Chun Shenshou eagerly said.

"But just in case ...!"

"In case, what could be worse than this? Once the ancient sea pumped out Huangquan seawater, we could not escape!" Chun Shenshou urged.

"Okay, I try, just ...!"

"It's nothing, quickly, I'll help you, how to get it?" Chun Shenshou eagerly said.

"Encourage this! Let's start this formation completely!" Dongfang Shou pointed to the formation on a big stone.

"it is good!"

The two shot at almost the same time.


Suddenly, the picture brightened. At the same time, the whole Huang Quanhai suddenly became as mirror-like. A huge array floated strangely, with a dazzling yellow light on it, suddenly suddenly coagulated.


The huge force, pressing on the Huangquan Sea, seemed to have a huge force of defense, so that the ancient fairy sphere could not absorb even a little Huangquan seawater.

"Huh?" Gu Hai sank.

"It works, he can't pump Huangquan seawater!" Chun Shenshou suddenly excited.

"Yeah, it seems we can't get away!" Dongfangshou said with an ugly face.

Because around, those Huang Quan avatars did not disappear, still in place, staring at his own body.

A ghost king rushed out, and immediately the corresponding Huang Quan avatar blocked it.

"Do not let us go, what should we do?" Chun Shenshou said anxiously.

"Your Majesty!" The Dragon God in the distance exclaimed suddenly.

"Huh?" Everyone looked.

But he saw that Huang Quan, the dragon god's avatar, was scattered.

"Meow, Dragon God, your Huangquan clone, why not?" Cat Tianyun was surprised.

In surprise, look at Long Wanyu together.

"I don't know!" Long Wanyu shook her head.

Although I have heard of this formation, Long Wanyu is not clear about the details.

Kong Xuan tried again. As long as Kong Xuan gave his hand, Huang Quan Kong Xuan once again fought against him, and prevented everyone from leaving.

"No, I feel my blood is disappearing?" Long Shenzhang was surprised.

However, I saw the pores of the dragon god's urn, faintly bleed, and the blood was sucked into the interior by Huang Quanhai's array.

"Houqing, so is Houqing?" Houtu was surprised.

Hou Qing was also extremely weak at the moment. However, the seed of the zombie ancestor at the center of his eyebrows was emitting bursts of blue light, as if to fly out and fly into Huangquanhai.

"Long Shenzheng and Hou Qing's Huang Quan are gone, indicating that this witch formation is not targeted at zombies? The two of them can leave Huang Quanhai, but they are absorbing the zombie blood on them, indicating that this witch formation, Zombies? "Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes!" Everyone's eyes brightened.

"Dragon gods, now Huang Quanhai, you are unobstructed, take us away from Huang Quanhai, and you take the Oriental Shou them!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes!" Long Shenxi answered.

Although I don't know what happened, the dragon gods are no longer restricted, and they immediately let the opposite Dongfang Shou and others show their horror.

"Dongfang Shou, what's going on? I asked you to start the formation, how can you start the formation to deal with us!" Chun Shenshou said anxiously.

"I don't know! I can't control this formation!" Dongfangshou said with a look of depression.

"Your Majesty, I lifted our island from the bottom of the sea, and lifted it to the shore together, leaving this large array, don't worry about it!" Said Dragon God.

"Good!" Gu Hai and others answered.

Opposite Dongfang Shou and others are anxious like ants on a hot pot. Dragon Gods are about to enter the Huangquanhai. But at this moment, a voice interrupted the movement of Dragon God.

"Father, Gu Hai is the murderer of grandpa, how can you surrender to him?" A sudden disappointed voice came.

The crowd turned their heads. Just saw Long Aotian on the shore in the distance.


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