Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 25: There is a kind of weakness, called why!

Chiyou City West, Bagua Mountain!

The heavy fog of Bagua Mountain is diffused, and the ancient sea keeps walking towards the depths.

Walking and walking, Gu Hai felt that in the thick fog of Bagua Mountain, there seemed to be a depressing force, as if a knife was hanging over his head.

Not only that, here, you ca n’t fly, just like you used to be on Huangquan Sea. The laws here are disordered, they ca n’t afford to fly, and the secret methods are difficult to apply. Moreover, the surrounding gravity is increasing. Every time I walked forward, the gravity of the ancient sea increased a little. After a long walk, the ancient sea felt that the weight at this moment was more than a thousand times higher than before.

Thousands of times of gravity, what a huge influence this is. Ordinary people come here, and gravity alone crushes them into flesh, but the ancient sea does not.

Gu Hai continued to walk towards the center, because there was a trace of black witch in the distance, and there was a breath in that witch, and Gu You could tell that it was Chi You's body.

Chi You's body was right in front of her. Although Gu Hai knew the danger ahead, she did not hesitate to go further.

Inside a dark mist-filled valley, the ancient sea felt Chi You's corpse, and on a large rock at the mouth of this valley, he was sitting cross-legged and sitting in a figure.

The figure is not someone else, it is Hou Qing who has not appeared recently.

From the moment when the ancient sea stepped into the boundary of the Bagua Mountain, Hou Qing opened his eyes instantly. The detective waved. There seemed to be a large array in Bagua Mountain, and a picture was condensed for Hou Qing. In the picture, it was the ancient sea that slowly entered the depths.

Hou Qing did not know about the outside world war. Since more than ten days ago, Ji Dihong was dispatched here. At this moment, when he saw the ancient sea, Hou Qing was slightly surprised.

"Gu Hai? He came alone? The Holy Lord asked me to stay here, saying that Gu Hai would send someone to come and test, and we must stop the lore, and Mr. Cangjie, there are other arrangements. It was unexpected that Gu Hai sent people, but Gu Hai came close Gu Hai is really brotherly to this Chi You! "Hou Qing sneered.

With a sneer, his eyes became colder when looking at the ancient sea.

The area of ​​Bagua Mountain is not large. Walking along the ancient sea, it is outside the valley. After a faint white mist, you can see the Houqing before the black mist.

Houqing was surrounded by countless black mist in a valley behind, but standing in the distance, the ancient sea looked at the valley but looked like a big mouth, and the outer peaks looked like a huge dragon head. In the mouth of the dragon head, the black mist is diffused, and the inside is Chi You's body?

Although many doubts, after all, Chi You's body was extremely close. Close at hand.

"Gu Hai, how dare you dare to break in alone?" Hou Qing sneered.

Gu Hai then took a closer look at Hou Qing, revealing a slight smile: "Hou Qing, after the last letter, are you comfortable under Ji Dihong?"

Hou Qing looked cold: "Well, I knew you had harmed me, and wanted to alienate our princes and princes, but fortunately in the holy, I saw your trick!"

"It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin!" Gu Hai said coldly.

Who is Lu Dongbin? Hou Qing didn't know, but it didn't hinder understanding of Gu Hai, Gu Hai was scolding herself.

"Gu Hai, you have discovered it. This place has a longevity array and disordered rules. It cannot fly without the Great Perfection of the Heavenly Palace, and, at this point, the gravity of your body is at least ten thousand times greater. Lock, all the power here is greatly discounted! Today you dare to die, I will complete you! "Hou Qing said coldly.

Gu Hai looked at Hou Qing, and said lightly: "Hou Qing, it seems that there is no revenge between you and me, and even your life is saved by me!"

Hou Qing looked cold: "Gu Hai, at this time, you still expect me to have mercy on you and give you a way of life? Is it too late?"

"Pity? You don't need to give it to me, instead, I want to give it to you!" Gu Hai glanced at Houqing mercifully.

"What did you say?" Hou Qing glared coldly.

"Hou Tu Niang Niang can have a younger brother like you, maybe she has made too many evils in her previous life, oh!" Gu Hai shook her head, and she didn't even want to say it.

"Huh, Gu Hai, don't you think I don't know. Last time, if you didn't go to Long Wanqing, they would have died, relying on a mean lie and tricked a group of heavenly palaces to follow you perfectly. Your own strength is only the sixth weight of the Heavenly Palace, no, maybe the seventh weight! The strongest blow in the flawed immortal vault last time must be your ability to mobilize the people in the ancient immortal vault. Only one attack, after that You almost died by yourself, do you dare to come again? Here you are even more forbidden, gravity is ten thousand times more, you are now much slower to move, I promised, no matter who comes in, you must stay Now, today is your doomsday! "Hou Qing said coldly.

Speaking, Hou Qing stepped into the air and punched him in the direction of the ancient sea.

Gu Hai smiled coldly: "Thousands of times gravity? Do you think it affects me? You look down on me!"

While speaking, Gu Hai stared, and the sword in his hand was chopped off.

"Sunday nine!"

When Zhou Tianjiu came out, the void swung violently.

There is indeed a longevity effect here. Zhou Tianjiu's sword ca n’t cross 10,000 miles and can only be restrained within one hundred feet. However, even within one hundred feet is enough. Booming into a punch with Hou Qing.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Knife and fist collided, and the void swung violently, but did not chop the void.

At the foot of Gu Hai, the earth sank, and Hou Qing was also in shape.

"How can your strength have the great power of the Heavenly Palace?" Hou Qing was surprised.

Because of the Shouzhen, the surrounding space was not broken, but the power was real. Hou Qing was shocked in his heart. He looked at Guhai in an incredible way. Obviously, he miscalculated the power of Guhai.

"My strength? Oh, you still don't know a lot, even a lot of you, it's all guessing! Or stupid guessing! How much can you know?" Gu Hai said coldly.


Gu Hai and Hou Qing fought again.

10,000 times gravity will affect the ancient sea? It was Hou Qing who did not understand how powerful Gu Hai ’s physical body was. He practiced along the way. The foundation of Gu Hai ’s physical body could not be imagined by Hou Qing in his life. The physical body has reached the level of the great consummation of the heavenly palace, not to mention that the cultivation is now seventh in the heavenly palace? 10,000 times gravity is just scratching the ancient sea.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

Gu Hai repeatedly fought with Hou Qing every day. What if you can't fly, the jumping force of the ancient sea is still powerful and not worse than flying.

Due to the powerful confrontation, Gu Hai even took advantage.

The two men started fighting, but did not know. At this moment, two people from the outside world stepped in one after another.

The first way is Long Aotian. Under the guidance of Jiang Chen, Long Aotian arrived quickly. On the side of Long Aotian, it was the physical body of his previous life, and now he has been trained into a powerful body, Dijiang!

The second way is Dragon God!

Gu Hai explained to him, let him deal with the battlefield affairs, and came immediately to prevent changes. Dragon God Ran did not pay any attention to the battle on other parts of the Shenzhou land, and went to this place for the first time.

Long Aotian and Long Shenzhang stepped into the foggy area of ​​Bagua Mountain. Gradually I heard the battle between Gu Hai and Hou Qing inside.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom ... ………………!"

The two powerful men, the battle was extremely fierce, hitting each other again and again, the battle was hearty.

Hou Qing's face was anxious and his eyes were shocked. But I don't want to believe that Gu Hai is so powerful today.

"Not that I am strong, but you are too weak. I have never seen you so weak, the four big ancestors. I think Kong Xuan and Mosquito Taoist, both of whom have just entered the Heavenly Palace, are better than you! "Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Impossible, you haven't completed the Heavenly Palace, how can you have such great power!" Hou Qing was furious.

"I said, it's not that I'm terrific, but you're too weak!" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed and opened again, and a black and white light suddenly appeared.

Eyes of life and death, open.

Suddenly saw all the weaknesses in Hou Qing.

"The ancestor of the zombie, there are not many descendants, you ca n’t even play any new tricks? The seeds of the zombie ancestor, which is left in your body, is also a waste. It is really a waste. So, I want it!" Sound channel.

In the cold voice, Zhou Tianjiu suddenly changed an angle, and suddenly cut to the back. There, it is a weak group of Hou Qing, with nearly five weak areas.

"What? Storm!" Hou Qing's face changed, and she slammed it on Gu Hai's chest.

Gu Hai's chest was stretched, and he went away towards the palm.

"Boom ~~~~~~~!"

A palm banged on Gu Hai's chest. Gu Hai regressed.


A bite of reverse blood spewed from the ancient Haikou. However, just spitting the reverse blood, the ancient sea is not a big deal.

But Hou Qing was miserable, and the sword was cut in a weak spot of Hou Qing, violently, Hou Qing exploded a large piece of flesh under his ribs, and even the explosion extended to the chest.


Hou Qing also spit out blood. Blood splashed all over the body.

Hou Qing is not like Gu Hai, vomiting blood will be all right, Hou Qing's face flushed, and the knife just now seems to have hurt and leaned over.

"This, this is impossible, you haven't reached the perfection of the Heavenly Palace, why! Keke!" Hou Qing exclaimed.

"Do you know, there is a weak cry‘ why! '”Gu Hai sneered.

Although he spit out blood, Gu Hai didn't care, the eyes of life and death opened, Gu Hai stared at Hou Qing's weakness, replaced the wound with injury, and threw it over again. After all, Hou Qing was hurt more than ten times as much as Gu Hai.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

The two were spitting blood and impacting each other. Gu Hai's hair was a bit messy and her clothes were a little bit broken, but Hou Qing's body was bursting, countless blood burst, her nose shattered, her spirits trembled, and her hair was big. The defeated weather made Hou Qing look extremely terrified.

Hou Qing would like to ask why. But Gu Hai's words just pierced into the heart like a sharp knife. There is a kind of weakness called ‘why’?


PS: During the National Day, two changes a day, forgive me!

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