Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 39: So hungry

Hungry beads? The surface of the body is dark red, and there is a large 'hungry' character on it. Inside, it looks like there are countless dense witch runes.

Gu Hai gently opened his palm, learned Chi You, and put the hungry beads into his palm.


There was a burst of red light in the palm of the left hand, and the skin recovered instantly. Under the red light in the palm, the hungry pearls were more like parasites that touched the ancient sea.

The Goddess of the Spirit and the five gods of Jinmu, Shuihuotu, Suddenly trembled, and the five gods suddenly had an impulse to strike together.

The five gods of Jin Mu Shui Huo Tu, shot out a burst of their own energy, straight into the stomach. That stomach was suddenly shrouded in fire, water, blades, wood, and loess, forming a strange Dan furnace.

The Spirit Mother God King is surrounded by purple qi, and the purple qi rushes directly into the stomach furnace, which seems to be one. At the same time, it seems to form a feeling of blending with the physical body, a form that can fully moisturize the physical body.

Not only that, Hung Zhu was also connected to the nerves of Gu Hai. Suddenly, Gu Hai felt a sense of collapse when he was excited.


No, it's hungry! Extremely hungry! For a moment, the ancient sea felt like it could swallow the whole world.

Everything in front of the hall gave Gu Hai a feeling of wanting to eat.

Hungry, so hungry!

Even looking at the body of Chi You in front of her, Gu Hai had a desire to devour.

"What a hungry pearl!" Gu Hai exclaimed.


With a strong will, Gu Haishou covered the coffin and sent it to the ancient fairy's vault.

But I'm too hungry at this moment. Must eat.


The ancient sea opened the door of the hall.

Outside the main hall, no one was born, and a number of guards were waiting. Seeing that the door of the temple was opened, he immediately bowed down.

"Your Majesty!" Everyone respectfully said.

After the unborn person worshiped the ancient sea, he looked at the ancient sea in shock, because the eyes of the ancient sea were now glowing with red light, a kind of extremely aggressive red light. As if enchanted.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" Weisheng eagerly said.

Because the red eyes of Gu Hai looked at himself, he had a kind of panic and panic.

Gu Hai restrained the desire of everyone with a strong will, and looked up at the Quartet.

In the palace, countless guards, officials, attendants, dragons, and basalts are running around.

But at this moment, in Gu Hai's eyes, it has become one by one moving delicious, and I can't wait to eat all the delicious.

The ancient sea floats high in the sky and looks at the borderless sky.

No, not in the imperial palace, but in the entire borderless sky, all the people, all people, and demons have become delicious in the eyes of the ancient sea, a delicious food that they are desperate to devour.

Hungry pearls, stimulating ancient sea full of health.

Gu Hai constantly swallowed saliva, constantly restrained the desire to devour all souls in his heart.

The scene where Gu Hai swallowed saliva constantly saw the unborn person in shock.

At this moment, the unborn person finally understood why Gu Hai's eyes were so infiltrating. He, he just wanted to eat me?

The unborn person showed thriller. What did Chi You Cannian do to the ancient sea in the hall just now?

"Everyone in the Royal Dining Room listens, reveals all the ingredients, and wants to eat!" Gu Hai drank in one direction.

With that said, Gu Hai flew in the direction of Yushanfang.

The unborn person froze slightly and immediately chased after them.

In the palace, Baiguan showed a hint of doubt, but did not feel anything.

Only Chen Xian'er, Long Wanqing and Long Wanyu, who had been waiting for Gu Hai, heard Gu Hai's voice and walked out.

The imperial dining room of the Dahan Emperor's Dynasty, there are endless strange beasts stored. A variety of ingredients.

However, since Guhai practiced successfully, they have eaten very little, mostly nourished by the energy of the heavens and earth, and many exotic animals are almost rewarded. The nobles in the palace generally only taste the taste.

Until two food came. Ziwei and Changsheng, as soon as these two foods arrived, the royal dining room never stopped. Constantly fill the bottomless pit of the two with food.

However, Gu Hai opened his mouth and let the two eat freely. The royal dining room has been serving. Although many chefs are speechless, it is easy to feed two rice barrels.

Every day, Ziwei and Changsheng spend most of their time in the royal dining room.

At this moment, the two were also sitting in a hall with a long table on which hundreds of huge meat dishes were placed.

"Ziwei, fifty per person, don't rob me!" Cried Changsheng.

"You're as thin as a human being. What's the use of eating so much?" Ziwei dismissed.

"You are as fat as a pig, what else do you want to eat!"

"Well, one hour, if you don't finish one hour. I'll help you!" Ziwei cried.

"Huh! An hour? You are not afraid of flashing your tongue. Your fifty dishes can be eaten in one hour. The leg of a pig is about one foot in size. You can show it to me, one hour!" Changsheng sneered.

The two started to fight as they bickered.

Suddenly, I heard Gu Hai's voice came: "Everyone in the royal dining room listens, reveals all the ingredients, and wants to eat!"

Ziwei, Changsheng slightly surprised. And the chefs in the royal dining room became busy with excitement. Because, finally, I can do things for Her Majesty.

"Gu Hai is coming to eat? The sun is coming out from the west?" Ziwei said blankly.

"Don't worry about him, how much he can eat, we are eating king!" Changsheng shook his head.


Gu Hai seemed to smell the scent, and immediately fell in front of the two.

"Ah, Gu Hai, have you come to eat with us? There are a hundred plates, longevity, you give up a plate to Gu Hai!" Ziwei cried.

"Why don't you let it!" Changsheng stared.

"The ancient sea can't eat much, it doesn't matter if you have one less plate!" Ziwei cried instantly.

"It doesn't matter to me, a plate of meat, I can eat for a long time. Gu Hai can't eat that much again. He has the most ...!" Changsheng cried.

Can be called halfway, but the sound came to an abrupt end.

But he saw that Gu Hai took a breath.


A hundred dishes, all with a foot of meat, suddenly flew away from the plate, and then circled in midair, just like smoke, was sucked into the mouth by the ancient sea.

"Grunting groaning .........!"

Gu Hai's mouth chewed for a while, a hundred plates of horrible meat, along with meat and bones, were gone.

All eaten?

Ziwei: "………………!"

Longevity: "………………!"

Their eyes were about to bulge out, as if they were alive.

Some hurried chefs were stunned by the scene. But nobody said anything.

Gu Hai turned his head and looked at a group of chefs.

So hungry! So hungry!

Looking at the chefs, Gu Hai could not wait to eat them all. However, strong reason still weighs on the ancient sea.

"Where's the flesh food? Take it with you!" Cried Gu Hai.

"Also, not done yet! Your Majesty ...!" The head chef did not dare to look at Gu Hai's red eyes.

"Don't worry, take me!" Gu Hai Shen cried.


A group of chefs took the ancient sea to the back chef quickly.

Leaving Ziwei and Changsheng in the hall, he rubbed his eyes constantly and watched that he would eat food for more than a few hours. All the tables were emptied in a blink of an eye.

"Ziwei, did I just dream?"

"I want to dream too!"

The two were weird for a while, but after thinking about it, they chased the ancient sea and went to the backyard warehouse.

In the backyard, hundreds of chefs are constantly grilling meat on the stove, and at the same time they use magic weapons to roast meat, and even a huge ten-meter-high boiler is filled with a lot of monster meat.


As soon as the ancient sea sucked, all the flesh of the monsters in the ten-foot boiler was swallowed up by the ancient sea.


Gu Hai chewed a pot of meat. Turned to the next pot. And the chef responsible for roasting the meat wiped the cold sweat and quickly filled the empty cauldron with monster meat.

Gu Hai swallowed all the way, chewing constantly. Hundreds of chefs were suddenly busy.

But Gu Hai's belly, like a bottomless pit, couldn't stop.

When flesh enters the stomach of the ancient sea, the Dan furnace formed by the power of the five gods quickly rises and refines. The refined energy flows into the Spirit Mother God. The Spirit Mother God is suddenly strong and at the same time, Strength stimulates the flesh, and the flesh felt by Gu Hai is becoming stronger.

Eat, eat, eat, eat!

They kept eating, and Ziwei and Changsheng shivered.

"Eating the king? I found that I had eaten before, it was so gentle!" Ziwei Nianlu horrified.

"Yeah, his ancient sea is the king of eating. How much does it eat? It's enough for me a few hundred meals. It's good to be an emperor, rich, and eat too much!" Changsheng also sighed.

Not far away, Gu Hai frowned while eating.

"No, these monsters are too low-grade, so I'm more advanced!" Cried Gu Hai.

"But, Your Majesty, those high-level monsters, their flesh is tough and hard to burn for a while!" The head chef groaned with sweat.

"No need, eat raw!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Eat raw?" The chefs were stunned.

"Eat raw? Rich people really play!" Said Changsheng with a strange look.

A high-level monster flesh emerged from some fresh-keeping seals.


Gu Hai swallowed in an instant.

"I have eaten sashimi. This is the first time I saw this raw animal meat. Guhai is really fierce. It seems that we still have a lot to go!" Ziwei also looked at Guhai blankly.

"What's more fierce is that he was able to eat with the pot! I, I ...!" Changsheng looked at Gu Hai stupidly and even chewed a copper pot.

Eat a lot, but Guhai is still hungry. Want to eat live, but the ancient sea has been restrained, eat this dead meat first.

Chen Xian'er, Long Wanqing, Long Wanyu, Kong Xuan, Weisheng and others all came here, but here they were stunned by the scene.

In particular, Kong Xuan, Kong Xuan is also a master of swallowing people, but compared to the fierce state of the ancient sea, Kong Xuan is also ashamed.

"What's going on?" Chen Xian'er worried.

Everyone looked at Ziwei and Changsheng.

"Gu Hai really eats it. Look, eat it with the flesh of a demon bear and dip it in a spiritual stone? Why didn't I think of it before?" Ziwei regretted.

"Lingshi as a sauce is a ball. You see, the ancient sea is really a warrior, but it ’s a sword, a sword, alas, and a copper pot. You see, the shield made of 10,000 years of black iron is in front of the pot. Eat. Gao Crispy! And that fragrant! I served it! "Changsheng also showed worship.

Compared to eating, the two are in front of the ancient sea, it is too gentle. How could they think that this ancient sea ate something so fierce?

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