Everlasting Immortal Firmament

: Fanwai 3, Dragon Warring States on Earth

卅 之 仙 穹! Earth fairyland.

Eighteen levels of hell!

Sun Wukong sat cross-legged in the twelfth floor of hell, and practiced day and night.

"Gu Hai, I will report this revenge! Are you practicing in the eighteenth layer of hell? And the Shangguan mark? Eight or nine Xuan Gong, I am first, I am first!" .

Eighteen layers of hell, each layer is twice the time of the previous layer, and Sun Wukong is on the twelfth layer of hell. There are few evil spirits here, and most of them have become fossils.

Sun Wukong's talents were different, and he gave great perseverance. Natural cultivation is increasing fast. However, it is too difficult to cultivate eight or nine mysterious skills. One day outside, the inside is more than two million years. weight!

More than two million years, no, the outside world has been down for several days, almost ten million years. Sun Wukong is going crazy. I don't want to stay here for a moment now.

Go out?

Yes, go out, I can't stand it, it's sixty, come back later!

At this moment, the eighteen-floor **** had just opened its exit not long. When Sun Wukong was making excuses for his unbearability.

Suddenly, a huge flying boat flew in from the eleventh hell.

Above the flying boat, everyone was wearing black suits and black shoes, standing on both sides of the flying boat with great respect.

At the front of the flying boat is the Dragon Warring States wearing a large business windbreaker. Standing on the side of Long Shenwu in a suit.

"Father, you really want to enter the eighteenth floor of hell? In the eighteenth floor of hell, it's too hard!" Long Shenwu worried.

"Difficult? Oh, he can spend two days in the eighteenth floor of hell, my Dragon Warring States can't do it?" Dragon Warring States smiled lightly.

"I don't mean that!" Long Shenwu worried.

"Rest assured, this rebuild will be my freshman. This time, I will lay the foundation firmly and thoroughly, and the past practice is still somewhat inadequate!" Long Zhanguo explained.


"During my absence, you are responsible for supervising the affairs in the Daqian Group. When I come out, I hope that to build ten million-ton spacecraft, the neutron gun must be developed. We have little time! "The Dragon Warring States Shen said.

"Yes, Father Holy!" Long Shenwu respectfully respected.

"Huh!" Dragon Warring States nodded.

As Feizhou flew to the entrance to the thirteenth layer of hell, the eyes of Dragon Warring States suddenly saw Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong now looked blankly at the Dragon Warring States.

"Dagan Sheng, Dragon Warring States? He, he's here? He's not dead?" Sun Wukong's eyes widened.

"Long Shenwu? Even he came to the earth?" Sun Wukong revealed a hint of wonder.

In Liudaoxianqiong, Sun Wukong was not even an opponent in the past, but now he sees a natural flush. But for the Dragon Warring States, Sun Wukong had no temper.

Dragon Warring States against the sky. Sun Wukong understands the terribleness of the sky.

Such a person is still alive after fighting the Six Immortals?

"By the way, what did he just say? Where is he going? The eighteenth hell? Impossible, the entrance is closed once, and the time is counted in billions of years!"

The flying boat of the Dragon Warring States has flown into the thirteenth hell.

Sun Wukong did not believe in evil, followed closely, followed quietly.

Flying above the boat.

Long Shenwu glanced behind his eyes: "Father Saint, followed by a monkey!"

"He is a lover of Bodhi ancestors. Lao Tzu and Shakyamuni valued him more, and followed him, don't care about him!" Long Zhanguo said lightly.

"Yes!" Long Shenwu nodded.

The flying boat finally entered the eighteenth hell. Sun Wukong followed to the seventeenth hell.

Watching Dragon Warring States fly into the boat, Sun Wukong's face was ugly.

"I still have to defeat Gu Hai, and I still have to defeat Shangguanhen. Isn't there any patience? The Dragon Warring States can enter the eighteenth layer of hell, me, I am about to escape? No, no, I am Qitian Da Sheng Sun Wukong, I will not flinch, and no one wants me to flinch! "Sun Wukong blamed himself.


The previous flying boat flew back again.

Everyone came out, only the Dragon Warring States remained in the eighteenth hell.

Sun Wukong looked at everything.

Gritting his teeth, Sun Wukong sat cross-legged in the seventeenth floor of hell, and a strong determination flashed in his eyes.

"I will practice to the strongest, Gu Hai, you wait, Shangguan marks, you wait!" Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and cut his teeth.

Above the flying boat, Long Shenwu looked at Sun Wukong, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and directed the flying boat to leave eighteen layers of hell.


Sun Wukong gritted his teeth while he was practicing. I don't know how long it took, Sun Wukong was sitting there, and it was going to turn into a fossil.


The entrance to Hell on the eighteenth floor opened suddenly.

Sun Wukong stared at the entrance to the eighteenth hell.

Didn't come out? Did the Dragon Warring States not come out?

The Dragon Warring States did not come out, nor did I go out.

carry on!

Time passes slowly. The entrances to the eighteen floors of Hell are closed again. I don't know how long.

Sun Wukong's body has become a fossil, but this fossil is braved with golden light and magnificent.


The eighteenth-floor **** gate opened again.

This time, the Dragon Warring States slowly walked out from the inside.

It is still so calm and calm, and there is no trace of being driven crazy, but at this moment, the Dragon Warring States looks more elegant. If anyone familiar with the Dragon Warring States sees it, there must be a feeling that the Dragon Warring States is more dangerous than the peak period in the past.

When the Dragon Warring States came out, he saw the stubborn stones in the distance. Walk slowly forward.

"Oh, it's really desperate. It really has unique talents. Eight or nine mysterious skills, actually practiced to the 71st!" Dragon Warring States praised.

"However, this is already your limit, if you continue this way, you will really become a stone, wake up!" Long Zhanguo looked at Sun Wukong a little bit.


Sun Wukong was excited, his eyes opened.

At the moment of opening, Sun Wukong's eyes shot out two gods' light through the clouds and fog. A giant mountain in the distance exploded and opened.

However, Sun Wukong's eyes were frightened. Because Sun Wukong felt that if he continued to cultivate, he would really turn into a stone. If he did not wake up in the Warring States Period, he might not be aware of it.

However, the monkey's pride made Sun Wukong grateful.

"Huh, I won't be grateful to you, Dragon Warring States, one day, I will surpass you! Kaka!" Sun Wukong grinned with his teeth.

Dragon Warring States smiled slightly, seeming to move the heart of love.

"You splash monkey, I don't know how to deal with it, but you have eight or nine mysterious skills, I have a way to help you improve again!" Dragon Warring States laughed.

"Impossible, I've practiced to the extreme!" Sun Wukong suddenly disbelieved.

"Believe it or not, you, come or not, feel free!" Dragon Warring States said lightly.

Having said that, the Dragon Warring States turned around and left.

Sun Wukong looked at the back of Dragon Warring States, his complexion was complex.

Dragon Warring States slowly walked out of the eighteen layers of hell, and Sun Wukong's eyes changed for a while, eventually chasing after him.

Eighteen floors out of hell. The Dragon Warring States invited Lao Tzu, Shakyamuni, and some of the most powerful men in the immortal world.

"Congratulations to Mr. Long, Xiuwei has recovered!" I lamented.

Shakyamuni nodded in amazement. The perseverance of the Dragon Warring States also made him recognized by a number of top men.

"These two days were on the eighteenth floor of hell. I also collected some earth novels, cartoons, and movies! It's really a big brain! It's exciting!" Dragon Warring States laughed.

"Uh?" Everyone froze a little, Long Warring States read a novel? What do you mean?

Although everyone was puzzled, they understood that the Dragon Warring States would not be targeted.

"The people on our side are too weak. There are too few people available, so I thought of a way to create a group of peerless powerhouses, maybe even up to our level!" Shen Zhanguo said.

"To the extent you and me?" Lao Tzu frowned.

The practice is too difficult to reach the level of the Dragon Warring States. It is almost rare and difficult to find for thousands of years. But the Dragon Warring States says it can make a batch?

If there are a large number of such peerless powerhouses, they will have a great chance of winning even in the face of crickets.

"How to do it?" Shakyamuni asked.

"Make the world!" Shen warned the Dragon Warring States.

"Make the world?" Everyone wondered.

"Yes, you can open up the immortal world, and it is not difficult to create some worlds. Just use these earth movies, novels, and cartoons that I watch, make their worlds, and publish tasks. We can provide exercises, bloodlines, and magic weapons for them Torn in there, only the battlefield can cultivate the most powerful warrior! "Shen Zongguo said.

"Where is that?" Lao Tzu moved his expression.

"Just on the eighteenth floor of hell. This saves time. At the same time, the evil spirits in **** can hone their will!" Long Warring States solemnly said.

Everyone looked at the Dragon Warring States. Although they were not sure if they could do it, they were idle and they agreed to help the Dragon Warring States try.


There are seven billion people on the planet. There are too many people who die unexpectedly every day and disappear every day.

Tang Tian is a sophomore at XX University in China.

I slept well in the school bedroom, but when I woke up, I came to a huge space.

There are a hundred people in the space. These one hundred people seem to have come earlier than him, and most of them have adapted. Only a few of them are in fear.

"Where is this?" Tang Tian said blankly.

At this moment, a huge crystal ball appeared in the center of the hall. The crystal ball floated in the air, and there seemed to be a girl figure inside.

"Welcome to Lord God Space!" The little girl inside the crystal ball laughed.

"I depend, what is this? Black technology?" Tang Tian was surprised.

"Where is this?" "Why did we come here suddenly?" "Let us go back!" "My dad is the mayor!" .........

Noisy in the lobby.

Only a few, very calm, look around carefully.

"Lord of God Space? What brought us here and what?" Tang Tian asked.

"Here is the space of the Lord God. The Lord God will send you into some worlds to complete the mission of the Lord God. The first batch of opened worlds" Biography of Heroes of the Eagle "," Resident Evil "," Immortal Emperor "," Immortality "! World There is a level difference, please protect yourself! "The little girl in the crystal ball said.

"What? Why are we going to these worlds?" Tang Tian asked.

"You are the ones chosen by the Lord God, to complete the tasks set by the Lord God in it!"

"What happens if you don't complete the task?" A fat man asked.

"Unable to complete the mission, you will be killed by people in these worlds, or killed by the Lord God!" Said the little girl in the crystal ball.

"What? Erasure!" Everyone was furious.

"Of course, when you complete the mission, you will get the mission point. With the mission point, you can exchange items after returning. It can be guns, weapons, exercises, spaceships, blood vessels, magic weapons, etc.!" Said the little girl.

"Ah? Spaceship? Bloodline? What bloodline?" Everyone was puzzled.

"All bloodlines, dragon bloodlines, bloodlines, zombie bloodlines, and even robot bodies, or fairy artifacts, artifacts, of course, all premise is that you can come back alive and have enough mission points!" Explained the little girl Road.

"Come back alive?" Everyone froze slightly.

"You batch of one hundred people, I hope you can live out five people!" The little girl finally said.

"What? Wait, what five people?" The faces suddenly changed.


Suddenly, the hundred people disappeared instantly.

A hundred people entered a different world, and at the same time, this Lord God Hall. Hundreds of people from all walks of life were selected from the earth race again.

"Welcome to Lord God Space!" The little girl's voice sounded again.

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