Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 74: Unlucky river

The sun! Wanshou Taoism, in the Palace of Yuanshi.

In addition to a futon of Yuan Shizun himself, there is a large number of restraints and chains on an altar next to it. At this moment, there is one person trapped, not the other, but the servant of the former Fuxi, Hetu.

He Tu is a magic weapon, non-male and non-female. After his death 800,000 years ago, he was reincarnated as a demon ghost and possessed Long Wanyu. In the flawed fairy dome, Houtu worked hard to reshape the body of Cangtian Jinlong for 800,000 years. In the end, Long Wanyu did not ask for it, but gave it to Hetu. Hetu possessed the body of Cangtian Jinlong. Unfortunately, it was caught by Yuan Shitian. Come back.

At this moment, the river map turned into an old man, and his face was irreplaceable.

Ever since he was arrested by Yuan Shitian Zun, he has been researched. Yuan Shitian Zun seems to find some secret of the sky through his body.

It's extremely tragic to be studied.

Hetu always thought he was the worst.

But today, Yuanshi Tianzun finally left Yuanshidian. Hetu can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, it will not be studied for a short time.


Suddenly, the ban on the surface of the river suddenly disappeared.

"Huh? Disappeared? The prohibition disappeared? Did Yuanshi Tianzun test me? I don't move, I don't run away!" He Tu was obviously scared by Yuanshi Tianzun, and he didn't dare to move.

I don't know how long before He Tu's head turned.

"No, Yuan Shi Tianzun's strength, there is no need to test me, but the restraint suddenly disappeared. Isn't Yuan Shi Tianzun dead?" He Tu stared.

The thought echoed in his mind, and Hetu shivered all over.

"Dead, good dead! I am finally free!" He Tu shouted excitedly.


Struggling, the chain made a rattle.

Suddenly, He Tu was silent in horror, remembering the words of Yuan Shitianzun.

"You remember to me that this altar took a lot of energy to shape, and even the chain on your body, every link, I spent energy slowly carving, you want to destroy a little, I let you survive No, please do not die, the previous taste of electrolyzing the whole body, remember, I let that taste increase a hundredfold! "

Destroy a little bit, and let yourself endure a hundred times of torture. Think about it, Hetu is all excited. I dare not destroy it.

But the next moment, after he struggled for a while, Hetu thought: "Take care of it, Yuanshi Tianzun is dead. What am I afraid of? Huh!"


He Tu broke free all the chains on his body.

"So comfortable, ha ha ha, I am finally free!" He Tu stood up excitedly.

Turning his head to watch this time torture his altar and those chains.

"Huh, Yuanshi Tianzun, I'm not scared. Don't say that you are dead. Even if I am not dead, I am not afraid of you, lock me, torture me? Huh, huh, huh!" He Tu rushed to the altar.

"Boom Kaka Kaka!"

After a fierce destruction, the altar was immediately torn apart. The chains engraved by Yuan Shitianzun above were all broken.

After the smashing, He Tu was particularly out of breath, and the pieces were forcibly crushed to the side again, and his mood was refreshed.

"Ha ha ha ha, Shu Tan, dare to lock me, I will destroy you, anyway, Yuan Shi Tianzun is dead, ha ha ha ha ha!" He Tu laughed.

In a big laugh, He Tu suddenly walked to the entrance of the main hall and opened the door suddenly.


The door of the hall opened suddenly, a free air rushed towards him, and He Tu suddenly revealed a contented intoxication.

However, before I had time to enjoy it, I suddenly saw the entrance of the main hall and stood with a white robe sword repair.

It's a puppet.

He stood with a sword and stood not far from the entrance of the hall, watching the sky quietly.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth are full of fragrance, fairy music flutters, and the sun is shining.

Hetu stared, who was this back to himself? Don't you want to stop me?

"The leader told me before leaving, let me guard the Yuanshidian, you should go back, the leader will return soon!" He did not turn around and said lightly.

"Leader? Who did you say, who led the leader?" He Tu stunned slightly, suddenly feeling bad.

"Teacher, Yuanshi Tianzun!" 铩 simply said.

He Tu's bad feeling suddenly increased in his heart again.

"Yuanshi Tianzun? He, isn't he dead?" He Tu said suddenly.

铩 Turned his head and looked ‘you stupid’.

"Isn't it?" He Tu eagerly said.

"Of course not, the leader just went to nothingness, and soon came back! Wait patiently!" Faintly said.

Hetu: "……………………!"

Yuanshi Tianzun is not dead?

So what did I just smash? Yuan Shitianzun spent countless energy forging chains and altars?

"You remember to me, if this altar is destroyed a little bit, I will make you unable to survive, not to die!"

In his mind, Yuan Shitianzun's previous words suddenly echoed.

He Tu suddenly exploded his hair, there was an urge to vomit blood.

He turned to look at the altar in Yuanshidian, a group of broken stones. Looking at the chain, a bunch of broken scum.


It seemed that a thunder exploded in Hetu's mind.

Why is this happening? Didn't you say earlier?

Yuanshi Tianzun returned after a while, came back to see this scene, isn't he ...

Think about it, Hetu knew it was dead, Yuanshi Tianzun came back and saw that his efforts were destroyed like this. Your end .........!

"Why am I so unlucky?" He Tu cried, tearing his head back.

Forty-five looks at the sky, so that tears of remorse will not shed.

"You go back to Yuanshidian, it's not safe outside!" I looked at the heavenly eyes of Wutiantiandu, and kindly said to the river.

I saw clearly that Wu Jietian didn't know what was happening, the heavenly eyes of the six immortals appeared, and a murderous rushed straight to the ancient sea.

That ancient sea is going to be bad.

The anger of the Six Immortals did not know if it would cause any chain reaction, so he advised Hetu to go back.

But, Hetu dare to go back now?

The threat of Yuanshi Tianzun, Hetu, who was already scared, was about to cry. How could this be?

go back? Just kidding, am I waiting inside Yuanshi Tianzun to come back and torture me? I'm not good at this!

No, no, you must leave this dangerous place immediately.

"call out!"

Stepping, He Tu soared to the sky, trying to escape.

"There is no order from the leader, don't leave!" His eyes narrowed, and he strode skyward.


A large swath of sword air emerged out of thin air, instantly wrapping up the sky of the river map, leaving the river map nowhere to escape.

Hetu's face changed. At this moment, escape was the last chance. He must break out.


He Tu shouted, and suddenly turned into a celestial body, and the huge golden dragon body burst out.

As soon as the heavenly golden dragon emerged, billions of golden lights burst forth.


The sword suddenly burst into countless surroundings.

铩 His face changed: "You are Cangtian Jinlong, don't provoke the power of heaven and earth!"

He is also for the sake of Hetu. The six immortals are angry, and Hetu don't attract the six immortals.

But Hetu doesn't know. When He Tu saw the anxiety in the panic, he immediately laughed and said, "Hahahaha, do you think I am stupid? The body of Cangtian Jinlong can mobilize the weak power of the Three Thousand Avenues, but even the weak ones are not comparable to you. Look The power of my way! "

For a moment, the heavenly golden dragon's body moved the law of the empty avenue. Suddenly, countless thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air.

"Booming ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The immense avenue spurred all of the countless swords smashed by the puppets and burst into pieces.

The strong turbulence caused the Quartet to tremble in emptiness.

I opened my mouth stunned.

Is Hetu silly? The Six Immortals are angry, but you are challenging his authority.

"Yuan Shitian is absent, just because of you, you want to stop me? Come, come, I see who dares to stop me!" He Tu yelled.


Cangtian Jinlong body once again moved the three thousand avenues. In order to appear Hetu that majestic.

At this moment, the eyes of the six immortals are locking in the boundless heavenly capital. A huge killing shrouds the boundless sky.

The Three Thousand Avenue was stirred at the same time, but it was someone who provoked the authority of the six immortals, just like the right of a king to imperial edict. Only the king is qualified to imperial edict.

Originally, after some investigation, Long Wanyu could be found, and the hidden truth could no longer be hidden.

However, at this moment, in the south of Shenzhou, there was suddenly another sacred decree. No, it drew the prestige of the Three Thousand Avenues.

"Huh?" The six immortals stunned.


The eyes of heaven closed suddenly, and then, in the next moment, the consciousness of the six immortals appeared in Dangkong of Wanshou Taoism.

"I see who dare to stop me!" He Tu yelled.

Dragon scales exploded, showing fierce and violent.

But at this moment, the eye of heaven suddenly opened above the top of Hetu. An immense amount of Tianwei rushed down.

Under Tianwei, the rage in the fury, the sound stopped abruptly, and he looked up and looked up at the eyes of heaven.

"It turned out to be you, dare to get involved in this Fairy Avenue?"

The angry sounds of the six immortals blew up, suddenly making Hetu feel agitated. The previous anger suddenly disappeared, showing a hint of panic.

"You said just now, who dares to stop your way? You see, can this immortal stop?" The six immortals said coldly.

He Tu's face was deadlocked: "misunderstanding, misunderstanding, no, it doesn't matter to me!"

In the eyes of heaven, there is a suffocation, no matter how He Tu interprets it.

"Cangtian Jinlong's body? Huh, you asked for it, Yuanshi Tianzun isn't it? Then it's better, you shouldn't exist in this world, this fairy is here, see where you are fleeing today!" Six Tao Xianren sighed .

He Tu was dumbfounded. I want to run away, but at this moment, the void is locked by the six immortals, and suddenly I can't move. The three thousand avenues of power that I mobilized in front of the six immortals are simply fur.

Just escaped from Yuanshi Tianzun's wolf's den and entered the tiger's mouth again.

The eye of heaven stared at the river map, and suddenly, a black light flashed in his eyes.

"Destroy the light of God?" The face that was not far away was darkened.

Destroy the light? God's eye destroys the light?

Hetu, however, understands this power. He ca n’t stop it by his own strength. If it ’s so good that he did n’t come out from the Yuanshi Hall just now, facing the Yuanshi Tianzun, he would suffer the most. .

"Om!" A black light fell directly from the eyes of the sky and came towards the river map.

"Why am I so unlucky ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The eyes of Hetu contained tears of fear, and the voice of sorrow spread to the world.

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