Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 135: Candle Dragon Heart

Heavenly Demon Holy Land, Yin Temple!

Bai Zizu watched the impermanence of the imperial palace sealed with ice, and frowned slightly.

Beside, there was a cloud of white mist.

"Lord, you don't have to worry about me. This time I was framed by the ancient sea. I was raised by Yuan Shitianzun's seal. However, he can only seal my body, and my consciousness is not restricted!" Baiwu said lightly.

"White impermanence, you worked hard this time!" Bai Ziran said lightly.

"Where is the Lord? This time is just the ancient sea. The skeleton of the underworld has no curse. Only the ancient sea of ​​the world is cursed, but fortunately, the ancient sea is the essence. Only the 'God' is left. Underground Blood City? He's dead! "Bai Moan consciousness in the white mist groaned.

"Dead? How long has this been? There is no news over there!" Bai Zizai said with a dull expression.

"The fourth child went to the underground blood city, but he hasn't returned yet, will he ...!" Bai Wuchang worried.

"He came back from the previous transmission and felt that someone was following him. You guessed it right, a savvy person like Gu Hai has guessed from our last shot. Now, we should send someone to follow him ..."


"Yes, the **** scorpion is in a circle. As soon as he goes to the underground blood city, Dahan will surely follow him, and even the ancient sea of ​​skulls will go!" Bai Zizai Shen said.

"As soon as the ancient sea of ​​skulls is gone, isn't Dahan's capital empty?"

"Oh, what about emptiness? Guhai has already used Yuanshi Tianzun. I didn't understand it before. Why did Guhai ask Yuanshi Tianzun to come forward just to seal you? No, I understand now. The purpose of Guhai is to give Yuanshi Tianzun buried a seed of anger at us, Yuanshi Tianzun was on fire. And he warned again. This will make it easier for the ancient skeleton to leave the capital at any time. If we are going to destroy the Dahan capital, guess this time, Yuan Shi Tianzun was awakened, what would he do? "Bai Zirong said coldly.

"This time? Yuanshi Tianzun definitely thought we were destroying it again and again, maybe even for the ancient sea, and I was fighting with the Heavenly Holy Land first?" Bai Wuchang was depressed.

"Yuanshi Tianzun's character, you know, whoever destroys his plans at this time will never die, and it will not be enough to destroy the door!" Bai Zizai Shen said.

"So what ...?"

"It doesn't matter, the sea of ​​luck of the Dahan Dynasty is too conspicuous, but the location of the underground blood city is not conspicuous. It is a good place to snipe the ancient sea. No one knows that even if the ancient sea of ​​skeletons cannot be destroyed, The ancient consciousness of the ancient sea should be annihilated! "Bai Zirong said coldly.

"The Lord intends to let the Scorpion and the Demon lead the ancient skull and skeleton into the underground blood city, and then catch them?"

"No, the deity won't do it!"


"If I guessed well, Yuan Shi Tianzun had a surveillance on me since he was buried by an angry seed in the ancient sea. There is a feeling in the vagueness that he should not be thorough enough to monitor, but he can know me The approximate location, and perhaps the approximate location of the ancient sea, if we come near ...! "Bai Ziran frowned.


"I don't take action, it doesn't mean that others can't take action, there are a lot of enemies in Guhai!" Bai Zizui sneered.

In a sneer, Bai Zizuo looked at the distant Dongling Huohai--

Underworld, the ancient capital of Yin.

Chen Xianer and Long Wanyu came to the underworld.

"Mother Queen, the Holy Lord has already gone to the Underground Blood City, please invite the Queen to sit in the borderless city of heaven!" Mo Yike respectfully said.

"He's gone, just in case ...!" Chen Xianer worried.

"The queen rest assured that after the Holy Spirit invited Yuanshi Tianzun to come forward last time, Bai Zizuo and Dongling Huohai did not dare to come. Please invite the queen to come, just in case of some small nights. The scorpion and the demon have been in the circle for too long. Guess, there may be a free layout, in case Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, and Dragon Gods are in danger, so I went in person! "Mo Yike explained.

"Brother-in-law thinks so well, but has the underground blood city been found?" Long Wanyu frowned.


Suddenly, a figurine in front of everyone sounded.

"Mo Yike, notify Wan Yu to talk, I have something to ask!" The voice of Skeleton Gu Hai came.

"Brother-in-law, here I am, you say!" Long Wanyu said to the figurine immediately.

"Wan Yu? Are you there? Well, I see something here, I don't understand what it is, you can help me with my staff!" Gu Hai said.

"Brother-in-law, you say!"

"I found the underground blood city and waved the blood mist to see the outline of the city. It was actually a heart shape, a heart a little smaller than the ancient capital of Yin. At this moment, the gates of the city were closed, and the heart-shaped city seemed to be still beating. It absorbs the fire of underground magma. It looks like a living creature, but it is very strong. The six colors of light from Kong Xuan cannot be broken. What is this?

"Ah? Heart? So big?" Long Wanyu frowned slightly.

"It doesn't matter if you know it or not, I was just worried that forcibly destroying it would hurt the chess body of the internal body, so I asked!" Gu Hai's voice came again.

"Underground Blood City? Heart? Ah ... I understand, I understand. No wonder the gods of the Wu tribe are so powerful, cursed, they actually overpower the demons. It turns out that they got this heart!" Dragon Wan Yu's face changed.

"What do you mean?"

"Five cultures in the world, the soul and soul of Shouyun, the founders are: Shouxiu Fuxi, Yunxiu Cangtian, Wenxiu Cangjie, Lingxiu, Shenxiu is Candle Dragon, I told you!" Long Wanyu explained Road.

"God repair, candle dragon?"

"Yes, the candle dragon is the ancestor of the gods, if I am not mistaken, that heart is the candle dragon, the candle dragon really fell off? It was killed by the cricket? But ... forget, brother-in-law, candle dragon Imperious, as I told you, the first being in the world, his "God" turned into the world's demon, so the demon talent is "cultivation of God", originally, there is no one comparable to the cultivation of God, but the Witch The cursing technique actually surpassed the demon. It turned out to have got the candle dragon's organs, and even the heart of the candle dragon, brother-in-law, you break the heart, if the blood elder elder manipulates this heart "Your body is inside, it must be extremely dangerous!" Long Wanyu explained.

"I see!" The voice of Gu Hai on the other side suddenly produced a firmness--

underground space.

As soon as the skeleton Gu Hai waved, the underground blood city was exposed.

The huge heart made the mosquitoes, dragon gods, Kong Xuan, and the scorpion gods all widen their eyes.

"Heart?" The Scorpion and the Demons were surprised.

"A beating heart, it is surviving the ground fire? The underground blood city is a heart?" Mosquitoes also widened their eyes.

"I'll break it, six colors of light!" Kong Xuan waved.


A six-colored divine light like the sky was blasted off.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a super loud noise, and the six-colored divine light shattered and burst apart, but above the heart, there was only a slight jitter.

"Impossible!" Kong Xuan was surprised.

Long Shenzhang didn't believe it, and stepped forward immediately, slamming into the air.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The huge heart city just trembled for a while without breaking.

"Is this the heart?" The crowd said blankly.

Gu Hai quickly asked Long Wanyu with a figurine. Got the news.

"Candle Dragon's Heart?" Skeleton Gu Hai stared.

The first creature in the world, how strong is the candle dragon? A degenerate organ can't break the people who have completed the heavenly palace?

"You take down the scorpion and demon, or kill it, and you can just give this to the uncle!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The three yelled loudly and rushed towards the Scorpion and the Demon.

"Miscellaneous account!" The scorpion and the demon's complexion changed, and the detective took out the figurine and asked for help.


The dragon **** suddenly broke the figurine with a punch.

"Asshole, the three of you, the newly-increased Heavenly Palace, are so successful that they also want to fight me?"


Suddenly, the horse poisonous pile was cast out again, and threw at three people.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The three were also extremely fierce. For a time, no one let them go and smashed towards the scorpion and demon.

On the other side, Gu Hai, the skeleton, stepped on the huge ‘heart’, and the sniffer took out the killing knife.

"Ten days a week!" Skull Gu Hai shouted.


The vast sword slammed above the 'heart', but the heart only trembled slightly.

Like the ancient sea inside, this 'heart' barrier cannot be broken at all. However, Skull Guhai used a killing knife after all, and the killing force was even sharper. After all, a hint of flesh was cut out.

It's very small. This cut of flesh is only ant-sized pieces of flesh, and the gap between the teeth is not enough. Perhaps it is just the old skin that will fall off on the heart itself.

not enough? For Skeleton Ancient Sea, it is enough to cut off a trace.


The ancient skull of the skull suddenly burst out of black gas, and went straight to the small wound, and then it was small and it was also a wound. There were countless skulls in the black gas. In the bite along the wound, the skull was too big? Then split into small, small is too big? Split ten times smaller.

Getting smaller and more.

Rolling skulls, biting quickly along the wound.

Eat, eat, eat!

I eat very slowly because the wounds are too small, but the countless skulls are constantly gnawing. After all, the small wounds gradually grow larger, and the wounds become larger, so more skulls can participate. It's like the wind of a butterfly fan's wings, which gradually grows into a tornado, in a huge heart that breaks down faster and faster.

"If you can't cut it, I will eat you!" Said Gu Hai, his face grim.


Along the tiny wound, the huge heart was quickly torn out of eight huge fissure grooves, which extended towards all sides of the heart. At the same time, the eight fissure grooves split again in the middle, spreading out like spider webs. A lot of black gas enveloped the heart, and more and more, gradually, the whole heart city was shrouded in billowing black gas.

"Quack quack quack!"

The endless little skulls are constantly gnawing away.

There is no need for the ancient sea to consume a trace of strength, because the heart of this candle dragon contains endless power. For a while, the rolling force poured into the body of the ancient skeleton of the skull, and the ancient sea of ​​the skeleton that was unable to break through was also taken away.

"Eh? Good thing!" Skeleton Gu Hai was surprised.

PS: Something happened today, two more bursts, the next one, five minutes later.

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