Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 141: Suzaku turn away

Black impermanence left the Scorpion and the Demon, and immediately soared into the sky!

Regardless of how many Suzaku Supremes came, they were all the same to Hei Wuchang. He didn't want to fight against the ancient sea anymore. The underground blood city battle made Hei Wuchang see the horror of the ancient sea.

Because when Jiu Ding's divine curse brought him in, the ancient sea was destitute. All the powers of the past were all gone. What heavenly eyes, what knives, what invincible flesh, all are missing, only the weak God. But, this 'God', in the end, can defeat defeat?

I have everything on my side, but fail.

This caused Hei Mouchang to have a strong fear deep in his heart. Thinking back to those who died of the ancient seas in the past, the Dragon Warring States, the old man watching chess, Ji Dihong? At this moment, Hei Wuchang felt the terribleness of the ancient sea deeply.

What's more, the ancient sea has returned to the body and will have boundless power. How to fight again?

Black impermanence even has the idea of ​​never fighting the ancient sea.

Black impermanence is gone.

Two Suzaku Supremes were left, with the scorpion and demon, and looked coldly at the four people opposite.

Skeleton ancient sea, Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Dragon God. And that is getting smaller, and now only a third of the heart city is left.

"The underground blood city in the vein of the blood witch? Oh, was it even killed?" Zhu Wuwu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw a plaque falling from the castle not far away.

"No, this is the heart? So big?" Zhu Sisi suddenly changed his face.

"Heart? Impossible!" Zhu Wuwu said in shock.

"It's the heart, such a big heart, could it be the heart of the candle dragon? No wonder, no wonder the curse of the blood witch's veins is so powerful, it is because of the heart of the candle dragon!" Zhu Sisi stared.


The Nine Kings also flew out of the ruins.

"Mr. Gu! Would you like me to wait for help?" King Yun looked worriedly at the strong men across from him.

"Nine kings, just wait while you wait! No shot!" Skeleton Guhai said.

"Yes!" Nine Kings answered.

In the ruins, there is also the ancient sea itself absorbing the rolling cursing gas. Chang Ming is closing his eyes and fighting the elder 'Blood' of the Blood Witch in the eyebrows!

"The heart of the candle dragon has been destroyed by two-thirds, and even if it is one-third, it is not something you can take! And, Gu Hai, you killed seven or seven. Here you ca n’t mobilize your luck. Come on! Zhu Wuwu stared, and stepped forward instantly.

Between steps, the endless fire seemed to be summoned, rushing towards everyone.


Skull Gu Hai stepped forward.


Endless bone spurs suddenly appeared in all directions, as if out of the ground, and all the fires were stopped in an instant.

Swallowed a lot of Canthosaurus hearts and bones, the ancient sea momentum at this moment has also increased a lot, although not much strength, but the use of strength is stronger.

Especially this nothingness.

Zhu Wuwu did n’t have a small ancient sea, but he used all his strength when he came up, and grabbed it with one claw. A crimson giant claw suddenly appeared in the void, and it instantly broke through the void. Ground.

"Ten Sundays!"

The killing knife was pulled out, and the scarlet light filled Zhu Wuwu's pupils instantly. Zhu Wuwu suddenly saw a killing illusion, his eyes diffused. The killing knife took advantage of Zhu Wuwu's burst, and it was about to cut Zhu Wuwu.

"Old five!" Zhu Sisi's eyes narrowed and he yanked sharply.


Zhu Wuwu was pulled out of the sword pointed by the sword.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The killing sword only hit Suzaku's claws, canceling each other out.

Zhu Wuyi trembled: "I just hit the fantasy?"

"There's a problem with that knife! Hehe, Guhai? Really extraordinary!" Zhu Sisi looked coldly.

"Huh, I did care about it just now, but it doesn't matter. This killing illusion can only be used once for me, and it won't succeed, Gu Hai, this time you have no chance!" .

It is indeed the first time that I have encountered a killing knife. For Suzaku Supreme, once I know enough, I will never win again.

Zhu Wuwu is about to step forward again.


But at this moment, behind the ancient sea of ​​the skull, there was a loud noise in the ancient sea's body. It seemed that the thick sound of countless copper mountains collided, and everyone was shocked.

But he saw that Gu Hai's body took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly opened.


Two Shenguangs emerged directly from the ancient sea's body. Once the Shenguang came out, the two thorny sparrows who were thorny were both eyes narrowed. They did not dare to look directly into the light.

But it was under the full absorption of the great tragedy of heaven and earth. In a short time, all the cursing qi was completely absorbed, and the eighth Qidan, cursing Qidan was condensed in the heavenly soul's eyebrows!

The appearance of a **** red cursing gas Dan indicates that Gu Haixiu stepped up to a new height again, cursing gas Dan Cheng, a huge aftershock of power washed out his body, and a loud noise of a mountain collision was issued. A huge breath emerged from the body.

"Shangtian Temple, the ninth!" Gu Hai's eyes lightened.

Slowly, Gu Hai itself stood up. At this moment, the whole body seems to have an inexhaustible power, and he wants to let go.

"Holy?" Kong Xuan said in surprise.

"Mr. Gu, you broke through?" Nine Kings also surprised.

Gu Hai looked at the empty candle lantern in his hand, and folded it carefully.

"What else to watch? Kill!" Gu Hai shouted coldly.

"Yes!" The three of Kong Xuan suddenly rushed to the Scorpio Demon again.

"What? Two ancient seas, the ancient sea consciousness returned?"

The ancient sea itself replaced the ancient sea of ​​the skull, stepped forward and looked at the two Suzaku Supreme.

"Zhu Sisi, Zhu Wuwu? Oh, it feels so good to be used as a sword!" Gu Hai said in a cold voice.

"Before you came, Bai Zizui said that there is only one Guhai avatar? But now, it seems that there is more than one avatar, but what about two? Here, the same is your grave!" Zhu Wuwu snorted again Come over.

This time, Zhu Wuwu carefully killed the illusion and punched him with a punch, and the void suddenly shattered countlessly.

The eyes of the ancient sea were cold, and there was no fear at all. At this moment, they did not even take a health knife, but protruded a finger again.

When the finger came out, it seemed to have a sense of groundbreaking, a wave of invincibility, a wave of invincible momentum toward the Wuwu Wu.

"Lao Liu was defeated in the Yuanshidian? Not good, so imposing, Lao Wu, be careful!" Zhu Sisi suddenly rushed up.

At the same time, with his hands on the back of Zhu Wuwu, a surge of force poured into Zhu Wuwu's body.

In the cold of Gu Hai's eyes, the power of Pangu axe sprang up again.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, Zhu Sisi and Zhu Wusi flew out of nowhere, and all of his robes burst instantly.

"Oh!" "Oh!"

At about the same time, the two took a spit of blood and flew out.

"No, that's impossible!" The Scorpion and the Demon screamed and stared.

Hit it hard, is it hit hard? The two Suzaku Supremes are not Gu Hai's opponents? How could this be done?

The finger of the ancient sea is stronger than that of the Yuanshidian, because Gu Haixiu made another breakthrough. This time, the use of the Pangu axe was further enhanced, and the power was stronger.

One move defeated the two Suzakus, and immediately made them look terrified.

"Using this power is really comfortable, come again!" Gu Hai itself said coldly.

The two big Suzakus look different, come again? Do you think I'm stupid?

"Go!" Zhu Sisi roared.

"Whew!" "Whew!"

Suddenly, the two big Suzakus turned into two streamers, fled away instantly, rushed across the magma area and disappeared.

Ancient Sea Ontology: "...............!"

Skeleton ancient sea: "...............!"

Scorpio Demon: "..............."

At this moment, the most stupid eye is the Scorpio Demon, Suzaku Supreme? Ran? What are you two doing here? Do n’t you want revenge? What about revenge? Is this gone?

You run away, take me, what is it to leave me here alone? What about the basic trust between demon and demon?

The Scorpio Heavenly Demon wants to cry without tears.

I thought I had found two big patrons, but now I find that it seems to be paperless?

Black impermanence lets itself go, why don't you go. I can't walk away now.

In front of him were Kong Xuan, the mosquito trooper, the dragon god, who had beaten themselves, as well as the ancient skeleton of the skeleton that he could not provoke, and even the two ancient Suzaku masters that he could not provoke. This, how is this good?

The two ancient seas suddenly looked at the scorpion and demon together.

"On the ancient saint, I surrendered, I surrendered, you let me go, I was wrong!" The Scorpio Heavenly Demon suddenly showed his sadness.

The faces of the two ancient seas were gloomy.

Three Kong Xuan: "………………!"

"On the ancient saint, I, I was stunned by hatred, the ancient saint gave up his life, forgive me!"

At this moment, you can't resist if you want to resist. Obviously, now that you are seriously injured, the three of Kong Xuan can take their own lives. If Gu Hai shots, he would definitely die.

Revenge for the other lords of the Demon Holy Land? Go fuck, love who avenges, who avenges. I don't care, otherwise, I will die with the peak masters myself.

The scorpion and the demon looked at Guhai in horror. I do not know how Gu Hai decided.

After being silent for a while, Gu Hai himself said, "Kong Xuan, seal him!"

"Okay, okay, I'll cooperate with you!" The scorpion and demon overjoyed with joy.

Kong Xuan flew forward with a stern face, with a reluctant expression: "It's a coward, before surrendering, he surrendered, what an ancient monster, shit!"

Kong Xuan was ridiculous and ironic, but he hoped that the Scorpion and the Demon could not stand it, and then rebelled.

But Kong Xuan's plan has been seen through by the Scorpion and Heavenly Demon.

"Mr. Kong said that the current servant is Junjie, I'm just running a leg!" The scorpion and the demon laughed accompanying him.

Kong Xuan: "……………………!"

Is this still the old fierce Scorpio Demon? This nodding and humbling appearance made Kong Xuan depressed. Kong Xuan also hoped that it would hit the end, and he could have a full meal. Even if he shared the food with the mosquitoes, it was a complete success in the Heavenly Palace. Already.

"Huh!" Kong Xuan waved his hand and sealed all the Scorpio and Demon.

The Scorpio Demon also cooperates, because the Scorpio Demon also has a certain understanding of Gu Hai. As long as the ancient sea accepts the surrender, it will never die again.

"Nine Kings, go with me first, we will return to the North immediately!" Said Gu Hai ontology.

"Okay!" Nine kings answered.

"Kong Xuan held the **** scorpion and demon, and went back to the dynasty first, Mosquito Taoist, Dragon God 嬴, you leave the accompany with the 朕!" Gu Hai himself ordered.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.


The ancient sea body, the nine kings, Kong Xuan, and the **** scorpion Heavenly Demon rushed out of the magma layer, out of the South China Sea underworld, and headed towards the ancient capital of Yin.

Dragon gods and mosquitoes accompanied Gu Gu and Chang Ming.

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