Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 144: Luck, first in the world

Gu Hai's anger is the most terrible!

More managers and troops were transferred directly from Yangjian to go to all parts of the underworld, especially to attack the Zhao'an of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land.

The Dahan Heavenly dynasty immediately sent people to split internally, or sent strong troops to suppress them, and held its capital and ancestral gate in its own hands before surrendering to the Heavenly Demon Holy Land.

At the same time, there is a lot of secrets about the heavenly demon holy land. For each of the demon kings and demon generals in the holy land of the demon, speak out in detail.

For a time, the Heavenly Demon Holy Land could no longer receive a city, and no trace of luck flowed to the Heavenly Demon Holy Land.

At the same time, eloquent officials continued to lobby the Heavenly Demon Holy Land. Suddenly, a large number of cities that were not so loyal to the Heavenly Holy Land were chaotic.

After all, the master of the twelve times has mastered a large area of ​​the city, and now most of them are dead, almost a loose sand.

Suddenly, the Devil Holy Land was nervous for a while. Internal stability has become a problem, not to mention outward expansion?

For a while, Bai Zizao was stunned by news from all over the place.

"Fuck the scorpion, he actually betrayed? Not only exposed the secret of my heavenly holy land, but also cooperated with Dahan to mess with me, miscellaneous accounts, miscellaneous things!" Bai Wuchang exclaimed angrily.

"Lord, the revenge of Gu Hai has begun! His subordinates said," You can't beat the enemy! "Hei Wuchang said bitterly.

Bai Zilai's face was gloomy without saying a word.

At this moment, Bai Zizuo had to admit that the Dahan dynasty of the ancient sea had become a climate, and the strict force formed by this climate, even if he was a sacred place in the heavens, could not compete.

Dahan has too many reserves. Now he is scrambling for his territory, at any cost, but it is extremely hot. It is useless to grab the people from the world, even if they reach Yuanshi Tianzun. As long as the people enter a few major forces, Yuanshi Tianzun does not care who they enter.

As for Gu Hai's stumbling in the Heaven Demon Holy Land, there is no way to say that his subordinates are provoked, it is your incompetence in management. Which force has not spied on the other?

Moreover, this time cursing Gu Hai, he still made up for himself.

At this moment, Bai Zizuo can only eat the evil results by himself, but he can't do anything--


"Old fourth, why hasn't the fifth come back? It's been a month!" Zhu Yi said in a deep voice.

Zhu Sisi looked ugly: "I don't know. I went to the underworld and searched in the South China Sea. The inside was filled with magma again, and there was nothing. The fifth child was going to hunt down Gu Hai's skeleton clone. I ...! "

"Hum, how many times have I told you, don't allow Yan Neng, don't separate, the fifth child ...!" Zhu Yi was angry.

"Brother, maybe it's okay. The skeleton's ancient sea strength is average, only the Heavenly Palace is fully fulfilled. I have seen with my own eyes that the fifth child can definitely deal with him!" Zhu Sisi eagerly said.

"Shit!" Zhu Yi stared.

"The ancient sea itself is only eighth in the heavenly palace, but the sixth child is not as good as them. One month ago, the eighth in the heavenly palace, the two of you only had to escape. Before the ancient sea did not show its strength, you knew that fart, you Do you know what hidden backhand he has? You can see it before you open the axe with a finger? The ancient skull of the ancient sea is full, higher than the body, how do you know he has no backhand? Underground that day, you Speaking of Gu Hai's being forward, how did you know that Gu Hai didn't want to hide the ability of the skeleton to avatar? "Zhu Yi stared.

"Ah, I, I ...!" Zhu was horrified from all sides.

"Brother, you dissipate, maybe there is a good side, don't think about the bad!" Zhu Sansan advised.

"Yeah, the fifth child hasn't returned yet, everything is uncertain ...!" Zhu Sisi whispered.

"Old fourth, look, we have three brothers left. You don't have to reflect on it. Before the master comes back, our three brothers will be killed by your‘ doing death ’sooner or later!” Zhu Yiyi bitterly said.

"Brother, me, I will listen to you all!" Zhu Sisi bitterly said.


In the middle of the sun, the borderless sky and the capital, go to the study.

Gu Hai sat at his desk and listened to the obituary in front of a large number of ministers.

The ancient sea of ​​skeletons has not yet returned from nothingness, and Mo Yike naturally set foot in the sun for the time being.

"Holy, the scorpion and the demon did a good job. During this period, Bai Zongzuo was a scorched head, and no luck had flowed to the demon holy land!" Mo Yike laughed.

"Well, keep it up. At the same time, increase the collection of the underworld. If you guess well, when Yuanshi Tianzun is against the sky, as long as he does not enter into the forces such as me, Yuanshi Tianzun is likely to kill everything!" Shen Road.

"What? No! How many people are there!" Mo Yike's face changed.

One and a half years, after all, it is too short. How can all the territories be won, and the world can master two-thirds? It is good that the rest of the people are going to die, how many people are there.

"Do your best!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes!" Mo Yike nodded solemnly.

"How is Dachao Tianchao doing recently?" Gu Hai looked at Montai aside.

"Holy, I haven't been in the DPRK for a few days, but there are no ministers watching in the DPRK!" Said Meng Tai solemnly.

"Not in the middle?" Gu Hai revealed a hint of doubt.

"Yes, the DPRK has ceased for some time. Although there is not much acceptance of the forces in the East and the South, I have never made an appearance, and Jingwei has disappeared these days!" Montai respectfully said.

Gu Hai frowned in a moment of contemplation——

Above the sun, above the sun.


The billowing flames were tumbling in the sun, and the sun was so hot that no one could come up. The rolling heat waves, even if the heavenly palace is great, cannot stay in the sun for too long.

However, at this moment there is a giant creature bathed in the sea of ​​sun and fire, but it is a huge Suzaku.


Suzaku screamed and circled around the sun. Suzaku is not someone else, it is Jingwei.

"Sister, you have been in for a long time, when will you come out!" Jing Wei worried.

At the edge of the sun, Jingwei absorbed the heat and calcined the whole body.

This is half a year. Just when Jingwei was bored.


There was a loud noise in the sea of ​​fire. Jing Wei's eyes brightened and he looked at the loud noise.

But I saw that from the waves of fire, another small sun slowly emerged. This sun was extremely hot. When the waves of fire emerged, it seemed to form a stream of tearing void and rushed straight to the four sides.

"Ah!" Jing Wei was washed away by the hot airflow.

The air flow was hot. If Jingwei wasn't Suzaku's body, he could melt and open his body at this moment.

Jingwei stabilized her body and called tentatively, "Sister!"


The little No. 1 sun shuddered, suddenly converged, and instantly turned into a robe of gold robes.

At this moment, Ling was sitting cross-legged, his eyes closed slightly, as if adjusting his breath. However, when the nostril was inhaled, the endless flame from the sun was drawn into the nostril, and when he exhaled, the endless fire waves spewed out of his mouth.

Eyes suddenly opened.


Two golden lights burst into the distant starry sky, facing a huge star.


The star seemed to be on fire, and instantly turned into a huge fireball. The next moment, it was burned to ashes.

"Sister, do you have such power in your eyes?" Jing Wei was surprised.

"Woo!" He breathed a long breath and nodded his head.

"Sister, how is it? Has it succeeded?" Jing Wei expected.

"God's cremation of the sun and magical powers seems to be a custom-made method for me. As soon as I cultivate, I immediately fit in. By the power of the sun, I have already become a great body of the sun. After I go back, as long as I use the fire system to polish it, "" Shen Shen said.

"That older sister is getting stronger?" Jing Wei expected.

He nodded and said, "Let's go, we should go back!"

"Huh!" Jing Wei nodded--

In a year and a half, the moment is coming.

The borderless sky is in the study. Gu Hai listened to the rewards of a number of ministers.

"Sacred Qilu, now 90% of the territory between the sun has been unified." Chen Tianshan laughed.

"Nine percent?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Yes, seizing the temple, Jiang Chen did not participate in conquering the world, and still only controlled two thousand cities.

In Wanshou Taoism, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't have the heart to conquer the world, he only controlled a thousand cities. Master Bingji handled the borders of the former Rhubarb dynasty and Jiuli emperor, and received wonderful effects, and almost all of them were included in the territory of the Dahan dynasty.

The north of Shenzhou, the west of Shenzhou, the middle of Shenzhou, and the southwest boundary of Shenzhou are all Dahan territory. "Chen Tianshan laughed.

"Where's Dacheng Tianchao?" Gu Hai Shensheng asked.

"Because the cricket was not in the capital for the most important half of the year, the dynasty's conquest was much less, but the east of Shenzhou belongs to the dynasty, and the southeast of Shenzhou is the territory of the dynasty!" Road.

"There are 50,000 in Shenzhou City!" Gu Hai looked at Chen Tianshan.

"Yes, there are 50,000 cities in the middle of the sun, and I am the Han Dynasty, and I have only 30,000 cities!" Chen Tianshan solemnly said.

Sanwan City? This amount was unthinkable by all officials two years ago. Although these cities have not been completely attached to the people's hearts, the number is already shocking and cannot be calmed.

Take a look at the Qiyun Seas of Wudu Tiandu, the idols are so tall and dazzling, and they are surrounded by Qiyun, and there are a lot of small Qiyun Golden Dragons swimming around, there are thousands of them. Dahan's luck in the dynasty is the highest in the world, unparalleled.

In terms of population, there are more than 100 million people in a city, plus several times the number of scattered residents outside the city, 30,000 cities, and 20 trillion people.

With five thousand cities in the middle of the sun, the Dahan Heavenly Dynasty alone won three thousand cities, twenty trillion people? What a terrifying amount this is?

"Dazhu Tianchao, there are now 12,000 cities. There are 5,000 scattered cities in the world, too late to collect!" Chen Tianshan said.

Gu Hai gently tapped on the desk with his finger. Although he had known it for a long time, it is still very shocking to think about the number of people. As far as the world is concerned, it would be terrifying if the two trillion people would lend themselves to themselves. Ah the power. Maybe he can even compete with the Six Immortals?

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