Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 150: Yuan Shifeng kills the world

The eye of heaven turned to the direction of Yuan Shi Dian, staring at that Yuan Shi Tianzun who was in white in white!

Yuan Shitian Zun looked across the boundless distance and looked up at the eyes of heaven.

Both Lords appeared, and everyone knew that this peerless war was about to begin. However, some deviations from the expectations, Yuanshi Tianzun was caught off guard by hitting the Six Immortals, but nowadays, there are actually whistleblowers who have prepared the Six Immortals in advance.

Soaring to the mouth of the palace.

Gu Hai didn't let go of his alert, staring at the sky sternly.

Because at this moment, the Eye of Heaven hasn't moved Wanshou Taoism, and it's still resting on his head.

The officials and strong men in Wudu Tiandu, although there was countless less pressure, still panicked.

In the ancient dome of immortality, countless people who had been carried by Gu Haiqiang all held their breath at this moment and looked at the sky in surprise.

Not only that, the ancient statue of the sea will be displayed at the mouth of the borderless sky with a light curtain, so that everyone in the borderless sky can see the world, and the Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, do you want to take advantage of this immortal retreat and sneak attacks on this fairy?" The six immortals looked at Yuanshi Tianzun coldly.

"Someone came to tell you? Oh, rest assured, this deity will find out who it is!" Yuan Shitianzun faced Binghan.

"You think now, you still have a chance?" Six immortals sneered.

"Why not, this deity is not the Dragon Warring States, and you and the world are in your heart!" Yuan Shi Tianzun said coldly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, this fairy just hasn't killed you all the time. I want to kill you, such as slaughtering pigs, this fairy masters the source of the fairy, three thousand avenues listen to the order of the fairy, countless beings listen to the call of the fairy! Leng Ao said.

"That was before!" Yuan Shitianzun said lightly.


"It's not like meeting the deity!" Yuan Shi Tianzun said coldly.

"What is it?" The six immortals wondered.


Suddenly, the purple cloud filled the sky above the Yuanshi Hall, and in a blink of an eye, a huge purple cloud was piled up.


The vast sea of ​​purple clouds suddenly opened from the middle, and instantly, a purple heavenly eye bloomed.

The heavenly eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun opened.

Suddenly, all the people in Wanshou Taoism bowed down, except Qiang. Like the eyes of the Six Immortals, they have a huge sky power.

"Eye of heaven?" The six immortals murmured coldly.

"The Six Immortals? I still remember that before you became immortal, you came to Wanshou Taoism as a guest. The third child challenged you and eventually lost to you. Then you were highly admired by you for more than 800,000 years. The eye of the **** of heaven has been repaired to the second order, and the eye of the deity has also been repaired to the second order! "Yuan Shi Tianzun said coldly.

"So what? This fairy doesn't just have the eyes of heaven!" Six immortals said coldly.

"But, look at this world, you need the eye of heaven!" Yuan Shi Tianzun said coldly.

"Huh?" Six immortals shrank their pupils.

But at this moment, Yuan Shi Tianzun's face suddenly became fierce.


The purple heavenly eye went straight to the black heavenly eye.

An extremely horrifying speed, instantly outside the borderless sky. For a time, another massive Tianwei oppressed, and suddenly the hearts of countless powerful people were shocked.

The ancient sea urged the capture knife to protect the borderless sky.


The two heavenly eyes approached at the same time, and shot a god-destroying light at the same time.

The god-destroying light that destroys the earth and pierces the opponent's pupils.


One black and one purple, the two god-destroying lights collided violently in the void. Suddenly, the void burst into countless numbers.

The two heavenly eyes stood on top of each other with the light of the **** of destruction. No one will let, no one will return.

"Eye of heaven, second order?" Gu Hai's face sank.

No wonder it's more fierce than its own heavenly eye.

The two eyes of the heavens hit each other, and the light of the **** of destruction seemed endless. Under the collision of powerful forces, a fierce airflow formed, which rushed into the world in all directions. For a time, the void in the world between the sun was shaking.

"But that's it!" The six immortals sneered.

"Is that so?" Yuan Shitianzun faced Binghan.


But I saw that the purple heavenly eye dropped suddenly, as if suppressed by the black heavenly eye, but then, the purple heavenly eye flew up.

It seems that it has changed from a parallel state to an upper one.

Below is the purple heavenly eye, which releases the light of the **** of destruction, and the black heavenly eye is lifted a little bit higher and higher and further away.

"What is Yuanshi Tianzun going to do?" Jing Wei, who took the mouth of the temple, wondered.

I didn't bother, but stared at it.


Slowly, the two heavenly eyes have reached the depths of the starry sky.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, when did you become so benevolent? Want to drive the fairy's eyes from the heavens to fight in the void, without hurting people?" The six Taoist immortal sneered.

"You think too much!" Yuan Shitianzun said lightly.

Between the words, when I saw Yuan Shizun turning his hands, a palm figure appeared suddenly in the palm of his hand.

Gently urge, on the Taiji picture, the yin and yang fish rotates quickly, turning faster and faster.

In the distance, no one else knows why.

At this time, what did Yuanshi Tianzun do with Taiji?

Sky without borders.

Lin Waner's eyes widened: "Tai Chi is like a fairy, yin and yang are two points? Then, can Yuanshi Tianzun play the ultimate mystery of Tai Chi?"

But I saw that on the Taiji chart, the yin and yang fishes were rotated for a while, and the white yang and black yin fishes were almost separated. One Taiji picture became two Taiji pictures. White, a piece of overcast fish, all black.

"Go!" Yuan Shitianzun shouted.


The Yangyu Taiji picture disappeared in a flash, but the Yinyu Taiji picture suddenly zoomed in hundreds of millions of times, covering the sky and infinity, becoming infinite.

Big, big, big, big, big!

After just a little effort, the whole world was dark.

Covering the sky, endless.

The area above the starry sky was separated from the outside by the shadowfish Taiji diagram.

The two heavenly eyes were also isolated from the outside world.

The whole world of the heavens was wrapped in the shadowy fish Taiji diagram. It's the whole world, everywhere. The land of Shenzhou, including the land of the four seas, was all wrapped.

"The newspaper, the Holy Spirit of Kailuan, the sky of the underworld, is wrapped in a giant picture, the giant picture is like a fish, it is extremely hot!" An official rushed up from the underworld to report to the ancient sea.

"Yangyu map wrapped the world of the underworld, Yinyu map wrapped the world of the world?" Gu Hai eyelid picked.

Taiji is not a powerful magic weapon in the past, but today, its ability to show the world has made people tremble.

This is all over the world!

The people who got the news all held their breath for a while and were all shocked. I also have a terrible cognition of Yuanshi Tianzun's strength.

"No, the purpose of Taiji Tu wrapping the world is to isolate the six immortals?" Gu Hai looked surprised.

Sure enough, the eye of heaven at this moment is shielded?

All sentient beings are now in the package of Tai Chi.

"What is Yuanshi Tianzun doing?" Countless people were surprised.

The eyes of the sky dragged the six immortals. The Taiji picture includes the world, and Wanshou Taoism is doomed to shine today.

Countless people's eyes are staring at the mouth of Yuanshi Dian, and I don't know what Yuanshi Tianzun is going to do.

However, he saw that Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes were calm, and he was not anxious because the six immortals woken up in advance. Instead, he looked at the world carefully.

"For a year and a half, I've done a good job! Just some people, I don't know if I live or die!" Yuan Shitian respected his eyes coldly.

In the distance, Bai Zhuang's face sank in the middle of a mountain forest.

"My deity, I just want to be a **** against the sky, but there are so many people who oppose me, hum, live with me, and die against me!" Yuanshi Tianzun said coldly.

In the cold voice, he reached out his left arm, and a small golden dragon wrapped around it, shaking it gently.


The Qiyun Sea of ​​the Borderless Heavenly Capital trembles, not only the Qiyun City of the Borderless Heaven, but also the Qiyun Cloud Sea over the Temple, the Qiyun Cloud Sea over the Temple, and even the Qiyun Cloud Sea over the eternal capital of the underworld and Yin Temple. Tremble.

"The soul of Qi Yun is connected to the world, but this deity has to look at it. Who else would dare not respect it?" Yuan Shi Tianzun said coldly.


All Dahan people suddenly trembled in their hearts, and seemed to have a strong induction, feeling Dahan's fortune.

This is true not only of the Dahan people, the Dahao people of the Tianchao, the people of the Temple of God, and the people of the Holy Land of the Demons, as long as they are a certain powerful person, at this moment, they feel the luck.

These people are blessed by luck, and they are the people who cooperate with the Yuanshi Tianzun plan.

This heart tremor never stopped.

Of course, there are still people who don't have heart tremor. These people are those who are free from a few forces and do not want to submit to any force.

In the first ten days of the ancient sea, these people were the ones who tried their best to force them, but after all, only 80% of them were forced, and another 20% avoided the goodwill of the ancient sea.

Two adults, that is also an extremely scary number.

They were all screened by Yuanshi Tianzun at this moment. These people are the people who do not accept Yuanshi Tianzun? Those who follow me live against those who die!

In the eyes of Yuan Shitianzun, a chill shot suddenly.

In addition, he flipped his hands again, Yuan Shizhang flew up into the air, and there was endless chaos of chaos.

"What will Yuanshi Tianzun do?" How many people's faces changed.

The people who had been forced by the ancient immortal vault also widened their eyes and showed the color of terror.

"Go!" Yuan Shitianzun shouted.


Hundreds of trillions of sword qi hit the realm of yin and yang in an instant, and shot in all directions to the world.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

It was like a carpet bomber, bombing in all directions. The ancient **** of the sea eyes, some scenes of chaos Jianqi shot out selected some exposed.

"Ah, that's a group of people who did not join the Dahan Heaven!"

"Not good, uncle, it's my uncle. He escaped the arrest of Gu Hai. Why, was he split in half by a sword?"

"Uncle Liu! Killed by Jian Qi?"

"No, no, that's uncle, don't kill him!"




In the ancient celestial vault, there was more than a scream of screaming.

Although they were arrested by Gu Hai, relatives and friends still escaped the arrest of Gu Hai, thinking that those people were lucky. But now it is found that although those people have escaped the arrest of Gu Hai, they have not escaped the massacre of Yuan Shitianzun.

In contrast, being caught by the ancient sea is the happiest thing. Gu Hai was not trying to catch himself in jail, he was really saving himself.

All the rebellious city-owners were paralyzed at the moment. Because before, it was the kindness of Gu Hai that he refused most. If it was not forcibly arrested by Gu Hai, at this moment, as it is seen in the picture, it would be completely killed.

So fierce Yuanshi Tianzun!

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