Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 153: Kendo vs. Kendo

"Heaven? Where is the fairy hiding place?" Hei Wuchang was surprised.

"Yuanshi Tianzun is not aimless. He really knows where the six immortals are!" Bai Zizun's face changed.

Because of the whistleblower, Bai Zizuo was extremely afraid of Yuan Shitianzun. He's going to start fiercely, he will never die. Would it be useful if I informed the fairy in advance?

Yuan Shi Tianzun's sword was unstoppable, and it was enough to chop a large starry sky. Even the outline of the heavens was found, and one sword was broken.

The strong man in the world suddenly held his breath.

Is there the immortal body?

The heavenly eyes of the six immortals have been hit hard. Even if it was not severely damaged, it was impossible to stop Yuan Shi Tianzun at this moment. The strength shown by Yuan Shi Tianzun was too horrible, just like the Dragon Warring States of the year, unstoppable.


At this moment, there was a sudden explosion in the celestial world where the cracks started. However, I saw that in the center of the heavens, hundreds of millions of white lights suddenly appeared, and the white lights were thorny, which illuminated the whole world of the sun, shining brighter than the sun, and many of them could not open their eyes.

However, the ancient **** of the sea can still see clearly, but it is the center of white light, at this moment there is a man wearing a robe, sleeping very peacefully.

Men in robes are not bystanders, they are the six true monks that Gu Hai has seen.

"Six Immortals?" Almost everyone recognized it.

"Oh? Finally coming out?" Yuan Shitianzun sneered.

Is that the immortal body?

The body of the robe did not wake up and could not see much power, but it seemed that there were countless beams of light pouring into its body. Gradually, the robe stood straight up, closed its eyes, and faced Yuanyuan Tianzun far away. .

"Huh? At this time, wouldn't you want to wake up?" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.


Above the sky, the heavenly eye with a sword hole suddenly converged, disappeared, and the clouds suddenly dispersed. The next moment, a crack appeared on the brows of the Six Immortals.


As soon as the crack opened, the third eye opened suddenly.

The fairy opened his eyes.

That one, centered on the six immortals, a huge glow of light instantly filled the yin and yang circles. Suddenly the whole world was colored with light.

With the fairy as the center, a breath of breath emanates, and this breath seems to be connected to the Three Thousand Avenues.

Suddenly, there was a tremor all over the world.

"This breath is so terrifying, bigger than the eyes of the heavens before?" Kong Xuan was surprised.

Gu Haiyan looked at the six immortals.

The fairy's eyes are still closed, but the third eyebrow is open. Is this awake or not?

"Yuanshi Tianzun?" The six immortals who stepped in the heavens mouth suddenly said.

"You are really conceited. At this moment, you don't want to wake up completely?" Yuan Shitian respected his eyes coldly.

"This is enough for you," said the six immortals lightly.

Speaking, the big sleeves fluttered.


The entire shattered heavens suddenly disappeared.


The next moment, as soon as he was in shape, he reached the mouth of the Yuanshi Palace.

Others don't feel anything yet, but Yuan Shi Tianzun at this moment has a look in his eyes.

"Even the Dragon Warring States, did not force me out, Yuanshi Tianzun, but you set a good game!" Six immortals said coldly.

"The Dragon Warring States was too conceited and did not strike the people of the world. You were defeated by the power of sentient beings. If he is like his deity, he has received the power of sentient beings from the beginning, and there will be no defeat of that day. Today, it is not you who is going to beheaded by this deity, but the Dragon Warring States! "Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

"Really? You all think that the winning ticket is in your hands, but in the eyes of the fairy, it is not worth mentioning at all. As long as the fairy is a day of the fairy, you can only be the ants under the feet of the fairy!" .

While talking, he swung his hand.


Among the long sleeves, a glassy long sword suddenly appeared.

"Yuan Shizhen, Chaos Sword Qi, Yuan Shijian? Oh, really powerful, 800,000 years ago, this fairy went to Wanshou Taoism, and you can see that your Kendo is higher than Tongtian, but you know how to hide, but also Never exposed, you don't want to hit your three younger brothers, you really care about being too good and harmonious! "Six immortals said lightly.

Holding the Yuan Shi sword in hand, Yuan Shi Tianzun's eyes were cold, and he did not show a hint of will.

"800,000 years ago, this fairy immortal was the first in the world! 800,000 years later, you were the first in the world to honor Kendo, the first in the world! Since you want to kill the immortal and win the immortal's" xianyuan ", then you take Come on! ”Said the six immortals with a sneer.

The six immortals had strange expressions, eyes closed, and the third eyebrow originally had cracks in the sword hole, but it was slowly recovering.

The body of the fairy has magical effects.

A robe, showing a high attitude.

Fighting sword?

Everyone in the world widened their eyes. As the Six Immortals said, both of them are the first in the world of Kendo. Who can be stronger?

I brought the four disciples, even without blinking, I do n’t know how they shot.

Yuan Shi Tianzun and the Six Immortals looked at each other coldly at a distance.

"Hmm, holy sword? Brother once said that 800,000 years ago, your holy sword was just the beginning, the opening of the kendo you created, 800 thousand years ago, and the deity also wanted to know, your holy sword, To what extent has he grown up! "Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.


At about the same time, the Yuanshi sword and the holy sword moved at the same time, and the sword stroked into the void, forming strange weird sword stabs in all directions. At the same time, the sword came out of the chest and stabbed forward.


The two swords stabbed forward, producing a high-frequency airburst sound, and this airburst sound immediately passed the world.

For a moment, countless people suddenly covered their ears, revealing horror.


Above the borderless sky, those awake strong men suddenly screamed in pain, a lot of blood came out of their ears, and they felt the eardrums burst.

Only Xun and his four great disciples were intoxicated at this moment.

What others heard was only the harsh sword whistle, but the five heard the most beautiful kendo.


The Yuanshi sword, the holy sword, and the tip of the sword collided very accurately.

With the swords of the two as the center, suddenly a big sword gas storm suddenly blasted the Quartet, and the entire southern world was full of endless sword gas.

The ferocity of Ling Ling made everyone shocked.

"Yuan Shizhen? I thought it was its magic weapon. It turned out that the swordsmanship of Yuan Shizun was so scary. No wonder you can kill the world with sword gas instantly!" Long Wanyu shook.

"Looking at ancient times, Kendo, can anyone compare with them?" Gu Hai Shen said.

"I don't know, but, I know, this level of kendo, I've only seen it on my body!" Long Wanyu explained.

"I am also a master of Kendo?" Gu Hai was surprised.

Long Wanyu nodded.


The holy sword and Yuanshi sword collided, and the holy sword extracted endless void force. A storm rolled up behind the six immortals, while Yuanshi Tianzun pulled the rolling ground force, and a sandstorm rolled up flatly.

The two strong men were settled there, motionless. The sun releases a steady stream of light, and the savage sword energy is released around them.

At this moment, even if the two were not moving, no one could approach, because the sword qi of the whole body was too scary.

"No, they are not fixed there, their eyes are colliding!" Kong Xuan's eyes brightened.

Sure enough, the third eye of the Six Immortals had been repaired at this moment, and now they were staring at Yuan Shi Tianzun's eyes, and Yuan Shi Tian Zun's eyes were staring at that third eye. Both eyes were extremely sharp, as if immersed in some kind of illusion.

"This is the duel of sword spirits. Their sword intentions have opened up a world of will. Although we can't see it, in this world of will, they must show the strongest kendo at the moment, fighting each other! Moreover, with their strength, the outside world is dying, and the inside is one year. "Long Wanyu explained.

"One breath is one year? At this meeting, there are ten breaths. Isn't it this short time, in the world of their will, they have fought with Kendo for ten years?" Kong Xuan said blankly.

Long Wanyu nodded. Stop talking, because this confrontation is still going on.

Yuanshi Diankou.

He and the four great disciples, who did not retreat, stared at the eyes of the two at this moment, as if they could see two sky-high swords through the eyes of the two.

In the eyes of outsiders, it was too calm, but in the eyes of the four disciples, it was too fierce. This sword-like struggle was a great gift to the five.

The endless sword energy blasted the Quartet, and for a whole time, it slowly calmed down.


There was a loud noise, and the sword in the hands of the two immediately burst into a collision.

Yuanshi Tianzun and the six Taoist immortals took a step backwards, their bodies were shaking for a while.

"Separated? Who won?" Kong Xuan was surprised.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

But at this moment, a crack appeared on the Yuanshi sword, and the cracks were dense and dense. It was covered with Yuanshi sword. It can be seen that Yuan Shijian has just been hit hard.

Kendo Showdown, Six Immortals Win?

All the strong men in the world are shocked. The six immortal kendos are so terrible?

Only Bai Zizuan showed a surprise, because Bai Zixin was looking forward to winning the Six Immortals.

"What a holy sword!" Yuan Shitianzun saw a cold in his eyes, closed his hands and closed the broken Yuan Shijian.

This is the first time that the avenue of Yuan Shi Tianzun ’s violent slaughter of the people of the world was shattered by six immortals.

"Good Yuanshi sword!" The six immortals also looked coldly.

The Six Immortals also turned their hands and closed the holy sword.

It is strange that the world's strongest men. The six immortal kendos suppressed Yuanshi Tianzun. Why should we collect swords at this time?

It was at this moment that some sharp-eyed strong men discovered that it turned out that there was a trace of blood in the hand of the Six Immortals holding the sword.

A trace of blood slowly slipped down his right hand.

The six immortal kendos destroyed Yuan Shijian. However, the madness of Yuan Shijian hurt the six immortals. Who won this battle? No one knows, but my heart is full of shock.

Only freely, his face froze and his breathing became quicker. At this moment my heart was full of fear.

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