Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 155: you lose

Combatant, one out of the four main roads! The prestige of destroying the earth and the earth suddenly formed a huge wave of power, sweeping the whole world of the world, and the whole world was shaking.

Three thousand roads and four pulse roads are 1,200 roads. Who can resist such a terrifying power?

Even the veins of Yuanshi Tianzun, together with the power of sentient beings, are not their opponents.

Seeing, the palm of the Avenue of the Supreme Master Yuan was pressed down little by little by the palm of the Six Immortals. However, Yuan Shi Tianzun did not worry at all, but became more fierce.

However, he saw that Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly shook his hands to the sky and grabbed it suddenly.


Yuanshi Tianzun ’s palm of the road seems to synchronize with Yuanshi Tianzun ’s right palm, which instantly turns into a claw shape.

"The power of the earth's heart comes with this deity, Kai!" Yuan Shi Tianzun yelled.


With Yuanshi Tianzun as the center, the ground beneath the foot suddenly formed a big wave, which instantly radiated from the Yuanshi Hall to the world. There was a sudden earthquake all over the world.

"Ang, Ang, Ang, Ang ~!"

A sound of dragon chant sounded from the ground, but it was the newly born earth dragon veins everywhere, giving out a painful roar.

At the same time, a gray force rushed from the ground to Yuanshi Tianzun and poured into the palm of the road.


There was a loud noise, but the palms of the six immortals' avenues were suddenly caught out of five caves, and the incessant downward trend stopped abruptly.

"What?" Liudao Fairy's face sank.

At the same time, Gu Hai's face sank as the borderless sky.

Because, under the power of this earth center, Yuan Shi Tianzun mobilized his own earth dragon veins to be extremely uncomfortable, as if the power of earth dragon veins had been mastered, he was violently extracted.


The earth dragon vein uttered a painful howling, of course, just pain, not fatal.

"Geocentric power? What is it?" Gu Hai looked to Long Wanyu.

"I don't know, because it is a kind of power extracted from the depths of the earth. I didn't involve it!" Long Wanyu smiled bitterly.

"So powerful the power of the earth's heart, Yuanshi Tianzun once again tried to turn the tide, and went to the disadvantages, and arrested the six immortals. This battle seemed to hang!" Kong Xuan stared.

At this moment, all the strong eyes widened.

The strength of Yuanshi Tianzun and the Six Immortals has already surpassed everyone's expectations. Now this inexplicable geocentric power has suppressed the power of the Six Immortals.

Seeing now, the palms of the two roads advanced little by little towards the Six Immortals, and the Six Immortals were about to lose.

Liu Dao's face was unwilling, but a crack had appeared on his face, and he was already overloaded.

"All!" The six immortals glared and yelled again.

Under the urging of Xianyuan, once again the Three Hundred Avenue suddenly appeared, the veins of both, the world was trembling. A fierce force poured into the palm of the avenue again.


Finally, once again blocked the power of Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

Suddenly, there were more and more cracks in the face of Liudaoxian, and they became more and more complex. Like a cobweb in bloom.

However, the six immortals held up, and the cheeky brace supported the full power of Yuanshi Tianzun.

The pulse of the column! The power of beings! Geocentric Power!

Finally, he blocked the five major pulses of the ‘Pro Warriors and Fighters’. This is 1,500 Avenue.

Three thousand road, this is half of the road, the power is strong, the sun is almost a mess. How many places have earthquakes and tsunami. This is because the fighting powers of the two greats are getting stronger and stronger.

Everyone held their breath and looked horrified.

Yuanshi Tianzun's puppets were replaced with bloodshot eyes.

"You can still use the same vein?" Yuan Shitianzun said angrily.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, hahaha, you are smarter than the Dragon Warring States, and you early seized the power of sentient beings. You also destroyed the Celestial Celestial Realm at the beginning. When the Dragon Warring States was in the Celestial Realm, you could not dispatch the power of the Earth. Li, really the organs are doing their best! "The six immortals also sulked.

The faces of the Six Immortals were all cracked and looked extremely scary. But Yuan Shitian's face was even more frightening.

"What about all the organs? This fairy has an immortal source and stands in an undefeated position. The world is the only one!" The six immortals said ruthlessly.

In a loud voice, slowly approached Yuanshi Tianzun.

Today, the strength of the two is almost equal, and no one is weaker than others.

The Six Immortals did not dare to exert more power, and Yuanshi Tianzun seemed to have exhausted all his power.

The two can only get closer to each other, so that the palm of the road is constantly condensed, who can't stand it first.


The palms of the two roads are getting smaller and smaller, and gradually shrink to the size of the palms of ordinary people.

At this moment, the two were approaching each other face to face. The palms of the two slowly merged with the palm of the avenue, impacting each other with the power of destroying the heavens and the earth.

Wanshou Taoism Quartet has been razed to the ground by the strength of the two.

At this moment, the seemingly fluttering two palms are close together, but it represents the collision of infinite power.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, Benxian didn't expect that you could push Benxian to this step, but after all, you will be a loser. Benxian can actually mobilize the pulse of the array!" The six immortals said coldly.

"Oh, the pulse of the array? No, I believe you can mobilize all the three thousand roads, but you dare not!" Yuan Shitianzun sneered.

"Huh?" The Six Immortals stared at Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Your face has cracks around, which means it has reached your extreme. If you mobilize the pulse of the array, you will burst and die, and in an instant, it will explode!" Yuanshi Tianzun chuckled.

"Oh, that's because Benxian didn't really wake up. You really picked a good time. After half a year, when this immortal awakens completely, he won't be subject to all these restrictions, and the detective can crush you to death! "Said the six immortals.

"But you can't do it now. You are just a living dead now. When the deity beheads you and kills you, you must find the whistleblower and let his body be broken. It will never be lost!" Yuan Shitianzun faced Lu Sen.

In the distance, Bai Zi shuddered and showed a great thrill.

The fierce battle of Yuan Shi Tianzun has shown no doubt that he wants to take revenge on himself, and he is completely finished.

Except for Bai Zunzai, at this moment, the strong men all over the world are curious for a while who tells them.

If Yuanshi Tianzun was caught off guard by killing six immortals, at this moment, he might have succeeded. After all, the strength shown by Yuanshi Tianzun is too scary.

"You have no chance. Benxian has Xianyuan, Three Thousand Avenues, and endless sources. Even if you don't use the" Big Vein ", you will definitely die, and it is really dangerous, you almost awakened me!" Six immortals martyred.

"Oh, you are wrong, you have tried your best to respect this respect?" Yuan Shitian respect sneered.

"Huh? Isn't it?" The six immortals murmured coldly.

"Of course not, this deity mobilizes the power of the heart, but only half of it. Benxian can mobilize more!" Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly showed a smile of victory.

This smile, falling in the eyes of people all over the world, instantly made everyone thrilled.

The Six Immortals have a spider-like crack on their face, and Yuanshi Tianzun still has power?

I saw that Yuan Shi Tianzun suddenly showed a trace of fierceness and stepped on his feet.

"Boom!" The earth shook again, and Yuanshi Tianzun once again mobilized the endless force of the heart into his body.

"Ang ~!"

The earth and the earth once again screamed in pain.

Yuanshi Tianzun's claw ripped open the palms of the six immortals, and in a flash, he would insert the bodies of the six immortals. This grab would destroy the world. No one can resist. Even the six immortals were furious.

The two posted too close. At this moment, their palms were scratched, and six immortals burst into their eyes.

Bai Zizai had closed his eyes and did not dare to look at it. He never thought that Yuanshi Tianzun still had this backhand, and it was over, and the Six Immortals were over.

"Presumptuous!" The six immortals shouted suddenly.

At the moment where Yuan Shitianzun destroyed a claw and tore to his chest, the eyes of the six immortals suddenly opened.

This opening made many people in the world appear astonished.

"Six fairies can open their eyes?" How many people exclaimed.

As soon as those eyes opened, an extremely fierce light burst out. Under this light, the heavens and the earth suddenly brightened, and all the thorns could not open their eyes.

Even the ancient sea can not be opened by the eyes of the six immortals across the infinite distance.

Gu Hai closed her eyes for the last moment, and faintly saw the astonishment and incredibleness of Yuanshi Tianzun.

"No! This deity is unwilling, die!" Heaven and Earth came from Yuanshi Tianzun, who tore the sky.


The sound of a sword rumour spread to the world.


Immediately, a loud noise came. The earth near Wanshou Taoism is suddenly filled with countless earth and stones. The thorny light disappeared.

Everyone can't wait to open their eyes.

The distant battle is over.

All avenues have disappeared.

The Six Immortals even put away Xianyuan and retreated to a distance.

At the mouth of Yuanshi Dianyuan, Yuanshi Tianzun kept grabbing forward, and the whole body suddenly disappeared.

The battle is over.

The breath of the two great men disappeared, as if they were two ordinary people, standing face to face.

The six immortals held the holy sword in their hands, with countless cracks on their faces, their eyes opened, but blood and tears were flowing. A huge hole above the chest was scratched by Yuan Shi Tianzun, and his heart was exposed and torn into pieces of crickets.

On the other side, Yuan Shi Tianzun's right palm was covered with blood, apparently the blood left by breaking through the hearts of the six immortals. The river figure next to him slumped and died.

Yuan Shi Tianzun's whole body is still intact, but, starting from the eyebrow, a crack, from top to bottom, put Yuan Shi Tianzun in one and a half.

The last sword slamming was that the six immortal swords cut Yuan Shizun into two halves?

Everyone's heart raised.

The crack in Yuanshi Tianzun's body was real, not only in front but also in the back. A crack seemed to prove that the holy sword had just been cut.

However, there was no blood flowing from the crack, and Yuan Shi Tianzun was not dead.

Yuan Shitianzun stared at the six immortals.

The Six Immortals also stared at Yuanshi Tianzun.

At this moment, it can be said that both defeated.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, you lost!" The six immortals said coldly.

Without the slightest joy, the Six Immortals themselves suffered heavy losses.

ps: I ca n’t hide the manuscript from watching the chess. As soon as a chapter is saved, it will be issued. Today, three changes, this is the first change.

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