Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 163: Explain

As soon as 400 avenues came out, the whole world was quiet!

No one expected that the ancient sea was silent, and it had already mastered 400 avenues. In the eyes of everyone, the ancient sea was the ninth most important place in the Heavenly Palace.

Some things are incomprehensible, but they actually appear in front of everyone.

Gu Hai did indeed have the capital of Yuanshi Tianzun in the First World War, but the accumulation of this force was shocking.

"Ancient sea? Oh!" There was a hint of complexity in Jiang Chen's eyes.

He looked at the hundreds of avenues that Gu Hai urged again, and thought: "It's Ji Dihong? That's it!"

These hundred avenues come from Ji Dihong of the past.

The six immortals above the starry sky even snorted: "Hum!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun is about to make a shot, but the upcoming shot is also stopped in mid-air, watching the sudden addition of hundreds of avenues, but he was stunned.

"The deity looked away again, Gu Hai, you actually hide so deep?"

"Yuanshi Tianzun, I hope you listen carefully to what I just said!" Gu Hai once again advised.

Yuanshi Tianzun took a deep breath, his eyes narrowed, his face was angry, unwilling, sad, and sighing.

In the end, his body trembled a little, and the monstrous air suddenly dissipated.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ha, leave the opportunity to you? What about my elder brother and third brother?" Yuan Shitianzun turned to the two coffins at the mouth of Yuan Shi with a sad look.

"Tai Shang, Yuan Shi, Tong Tian, ​​although people die, but the name will last forever! What about the extinction of form and spirit? As long as there is a feeling, there will be a chance to come back, heaven is like this, how about being beheaded by six immortals? Feelings, after all, can live. Buddhism is a lifeless Buddha. In those years, the Buddha fell into nothingness, and hundreds of millions of Buddha chanted the feelings for millions of years. They can also be resurrected. "Gu Hai solemnly said.

"What did you say?" Yuan Shitianzun stared.

Not only the ancient seas, but also the princes, concubines, and the six immortals also showed surprise.

Who is Wuliangshou Buddha? When was it resurrected? Why don't we know?

Gu Hai did not explain, but when looking at Yuan Shi Tian Zun, the firmness in his eyes seemed to infect Yuan Shi Tian Zun.

"Kaka Kaka!"

Yuan Shitian Zun's face, the erected sword slit, suddenly split out numerous small branches from it, making Yuan Shi Tianzun's injury more serious.

"Yuanshi Tianzun previously had too much arousal force, and his body died quickly?" The heavenly eyes of Liudaoxianren suddenly flashed.

Yuanshi Tianzun did not bother with the injuries on his body, but turned around to look at the world, looked at the generals, looked at the uncle, and looked at the people of Yuanshou Taoist disciples. Finally looked at the ancient sea.


Yuan Shi Tianzun suddenly exhaled, as if for a moment, the whole person softened.

This sudden, Yuan Shi Tianzun's whole body's fierce spirit suddenly disappeared. That skyrocketing dissipated all.

Yuan Shi Tianzun's radon was scattered by the ancient sea?

Earlier, Long Wanyu revealed her identity, and she had already leaked most of the vengeance of Shi Tianzun. Then, after showing her mighty strength in the ancient sea, she leaked another part.

Or maybe Yuan Shi Tianzun knows that the limit is approaching, and persistence will not help.

Either confess his fate or be persuaded, at this moment in Yuanshi Tianzun, the obsession was completely gone.

"Thank you Yuanshi Tianzun, and I feel the suffering of all beings! Only stop here!" Gu Hai suddenly solemnly saluted.

Gu Hai understands that if Yuanshi Tianzun was really desperate, even if he could block it, he would certainly cause monstrous damage.

"Yeah!" Yuan Shitianzun suddenly yelled.

"The disciples are here!" Yuan Shidiankou yelled loudly.


Suddenly, Xi came straight, and only a few moments, he was in front of Yuan Shi Tianzun, Ling Xu kneeling on one knee. A sadness flashed across his face.

Looking at the uncle, Yuanshi Tianzun at this moment is very kind.

Perhaps the obsession is put down, Yuanshi Tianzun is no longer so cold.

"You are a disciple of the third child, and you are also inherited by the third child. The deity knows that you practise kendo. The third child took a detour, so you stopped walking. You are on the right path. Stronger, stronger than the deity. As the leader, the deity has not instructed the disciples. Nine days ago, the deity and the six immortals opened up a space of consciousness. The sword fight was 800 years inside. This is the 800 year sword fight. To you! "Yuan Shitian revered Shen.

During the conversation, Yuan Shitianzun poked out his finger, and gently touched his eyebrow.


It seemed as if a ray of light shot from the fingers into the heart of Brow's eyebrows, and the whole body shivered. Thousands of sword gas suddenly burst out around the body.

Suddenly, the long hair of Yuanshi Tianzun floated up, and the black hair was strangely whitening and getting whiter and whiter.

"Ah, leader, your sword? No, I ........." Suddenly his face changed.

"Sword soul? It's useless. It has been cut in half by the Six Immortals. Instead of being wiped out by the ashes, it's better to give you these two sword souls together. From now on, you are the new generation of Taoism Taoist leader! Yuanshi Tianzun said.


Yuan Shi Tianzun's fingers left his eyebrows, but at this moment Yuan Shi Tianzun's long hair became completely pale.

"Leader!" Su suddenly said with red eyes.

The 800-year-old Kendo duel was not fully understood by the club at one-and-a-half, but I understand that Yuanshi Tianzun taught everything to himself. It turned out that only respect for this leader was really touching at this moment.

Yuan Shi Tianzun had white hair, swayed in the breeze, looked at Gu Hai again, and looked at Lin Wan'er who rushed to the mouth of Tiantian Temple.

"Wangshou Taoism, too great?" Yuan Shitianzun said to Lin Waner.

Lin Wan'er said a moment, and respectfully said: "Meet the leader of Yuan Shitian!"

"Three pulses of Taoism in Wanshou. This honour is self-inflicted. There is no predecessor, but the third prince has a concubine, and the first lord has you. Although you are too weak, this deity still gives you a good fortune. I can go and rest "Yuanshi Tianzun said to Lin Waner.

Gu Hai stood aside and said nothing. Understand that Yuanshi Tianzun is explaining the aftermath.

Seeing the arrogant Yuanshi Tianzun, now in a peaceful account of the aftermath, Gu Hai did not know whether to be happy or sad. Ten days ago, Yuanshi Tianzun could not live forever, destroying heaven and earth. Ten days later, desolate dying to explain the aftermath?

Yuanshi Tianzun wants to send Lin Waner a gift.

Lin Waner said with a look: "God, I wonder if I can give you to my husband?"

"Huh?" Yuan Shitianzhuang frowned.

"As the leader said, my cultivation is too weak and my talents are weak. Even if you give me a great fortune, I can't reach the peak. One year later, the Six Immortals will wake up and the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom will definitely meet. Immortal, husband is here, Dahan is here, husband is not, dahannwu, I have good fortune, and finally six cheap immortals. Please give it to my husband, he will keep it for me, and when he calms down, the husband will transfer to me Lin Wan'er solemnly said.

Yuan Shitianzun looked at Lin Wan'er, was slightly silent, and finally nodded: "You're right, this deity doesn't think enough!"

While speaking, Yuan Shi Tianzun looked to Gu Hai.

"Gu Hai, please bother you for your safekeeping!" Yuan Shi Tianzun solemnly said.

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded.

Above the starry sky, the six immortals were depressed for a while: "Lin Waner? Mixed things, but also the ancient seas with strong capital?"

"I'm running out of time, the pulse of the line, Three Hundred Avenues, how long do you need?" Yuan Shi Tianzun said.

"The pulse of the columns?" Above the stars, the heavenly eyes of the six immortals suddenly stared.

This Yuanshi Tianzun is crazy, and all his veins are given to Gu Hai? Do n’t pass it to Wanshou Taoism?

"Do your best, thank you!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded, probed his hand, and there was an extra bubble in the palm, which was a little fairy dome.

"This is the Celestial Dome of the Column, which can control the Three Hundred Avenues. There are several generations of Wanshou Taoism accumulated. The three hundred avenues and the pulse of the columns!" Yuan Shitianzun slowly put it into the hands of the ancient sea.


Once in the hands of the ancient sea, there was a strong resistance for a while, as if the veins of this line, only to deter one person to Yuan Shi Tianzun.

"Don't worry about me, collect it vigorously!" Yuan Shi Tianzun said.

"Thank you!" Gu Hai nodded.

Look for the hand, take a breath with the ancient fairy dome, and **** it into the ancient fairy dome.


The ancient immortal dome trembled for a moment, apparently refining the immortal dome, and the immortal dome was in conflict with the ancient immortal dome. As if struggling to break through the ancient immortal sky.

"Huh!" Gu Hai sank.


The ancient dome of heaven, the four hundred avenues suddenly started to run, and they fully suppressed the ranks of the dome of heaven, and inside, the book of life and death was all unfolded, which is in the comprehensive record. There are not only four hundred avenues of ancient immortal vaults, but also the avenues of chess. For a time, rolling forces crashed into the immortal vaults.

The celestial vault of heaven was bursting open, and the power of Infinite Avenue was raging.

Although outsiders can't see the inside of the ancient immortal dome, the ancient sea constantly thundered like thunder, and naturally understands how much power is needed to refine this immortal dome.

All the avenues around have disappeared, but everyone understands that Guhai can even mobilize 700 avenues soon.

"Ancient immortal dome? It is indeed stronger than the deity's immortal dome!" Yuanshi Tianzun sighed.

"Thank you to Yuanshi Tianzun for the gift, otherwise ..." Gu Hai smiled gratefully.

"No, this is not for you. This is for the Taishang Giants. Gu Hai, the deity hopes. After the next day, when the world is peaceful, you can return the pulse of the column to the Taishang pulse!" Yuanshi Tianzun solemnly said.


"Wangshou Taoism, our three brothers, in fact, were supported by the elder brothers in the beginning. They were too supportive. Wanshou Taoism should be his. Therefore, the lineage of ancient traditions is also mastered by Taishang giants. Lin Waner lent it to you. You must return her to Japan! "Yuan Shi Tianzun solemnly said.

The ancient sea nodded solemnly: "Relief to the leader of the heaven, Yuanshi, rest assured that the day when the world is peaceful is when you return the pulse of the column to the previous pulse!"

"Thank you!" Yuan Shitianzun nodded.

Gu Hai nodded.

"You were right earlier, Taoism of Wanshou, Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtian. There is a lineage of Lin Wan'er, too. There is a lineage of Yuanshi, but there is only one of them, but I am alone!" Yuan Shitian respectfully smiled Road.

Gu Hai looked at Yuan Shizun.

"My last inheritance of" Talent ", as well as my spiritual experience, count as my lineage of Yuanshi, Gu Hai, the deity passed it on to you!" Yuanshi Tianzun solemnly said.

"Your heritage?" Gu Hai froze.

"Yes, I don't have enough time. I don't have time to find a successor. I hope that in the future, you can help me find a successor to inherit this deity in Japan!" Yuan Shi Tianzun asked Gu Hai.

"There are still many disciples of Taoism in Wanshou. Why not pass them on, but me?" Gu Hai unexpectedly looked at Yuan Shizun.

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